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Advancement in the tenure track assumes completion of the terminal degree (Ph.D. or equivalent, e.g., D.N.P., M.F.A. or J.D.). For professional programs, EMU values professional credentials if accompanied by extensive practical experience.  Therefore, EMU accepts the M.S.W. and the M.B.A to meet this requirement.

Annual contract non-tenure-track faculty may be awarded successive three-year contracts after five successful years of teaching and service or scholarship. For those in the tenure track, at any time during the review process, a lesser term may be negotiated by mutual agreement of the faculty member and their dean. This agreement must be documented with a copy placed in the faculty member’s official personnel file.  If a faculty member is unavailable when the review would normally be scheduled (e.g. the person is on sabbatical), the contract may be extended for one year. An annual Salary & Benefits Statement shall be issued by EMU to the faculty member and shall indicate salary level and fringe benefits.


Note Regarding Annual Faculty AssessmentAll faculty members complete an annual assessment of performance and set goals for growth. An annual interview with the dean occurs so that the faculty member may gauge their own progress toward the review criteria, as well as toward goals for teaching, scholarship, and professional development.  Annual review documents are maintained in the faculty member’s official file in the provost’s office.

Non-tenured:  Annual contract non-tenure-track faculty may be awarded successive three-year contracts after five successful years of teaching and service or scholarship. Click here for the Review Process for Faculty in Consecutive 3-year Contracts. 

Schedule for Promotion

Promotion by Rank requires:  a specified length of EMU service attained, as well as specific ratings (Competent, Proficient, or Outstanding) across the domains of Teaching, Scholarship, and Service.


  1. By September 15, the faculty candidate invites a minimum of 2 tenure-track colleagues  (at least one colleague must be from within the candidate’s program) to conduct class visits. The colleague observer meets with the faculty candidate to review the results; the observer submits the class-visit evaluation form to the program director and a copy to the faculty candidate.
  2. The dean, in consultation with the candidates, appoints the school’s Colleague Review Committee (CRC) by May 15 with at least one member from each of that year’s candidates’ respective programs.  If a candidate has concerns about the composition of the CRC, they may consult with the dean and seek a mutually agreeable solution. The dean may also make additional appointment/s of CRC members from outside the school in special circumstances; the faculty candidate may also request the addition of a colleague from another EMU school or program who has special insight into their performance in a domain (see Colleague Review Procedures). In extraordinary circumstances (for example, an unusually high number of candidates in a given year) a dean may appoint more than one CRC within a school. After the CRC is finalized, all faculty members in the school are informed of the CRC appointments.
  3. In September, the faculty candidate completes the Self-evaluation Form (SEF).
  4. The faculty candidate compiles the dossier and submits it to the CRC chair by October 1. The dossier is stored in a location that ensures confidentiality.
  5. The Provost's Office solicits evaluation forms from all students in the candidate’s program who have completed at least one course taught by the candidate. The Office of Institutional Research summarizes the data and results are forwarded to the CRC.




Colleagues review the faculty candidate’s performance in the three domains. The CRC consists of at least five tenure-track faculty members and may include up to two EMU tenure-track colleagues from outside of the particular school, as outlined below. The CRC elects its own chair from among its members.


In other special circumstances, the dean may appoint up to 2 two additional colleagues from outside the school after consulting with the faculty candidate and program director.
