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SOWK Program Information

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2021UGCatalog:Social Work Major
2021UGCatalog:Social Work Major


The EMU Social Work program collaborates with policy and procedures of EMU in order to collect data on and assess the social work program curriculum, field experiences, and learning outcomes. Policies and procedures regarding program assessment are available from the EMU Institutional Effectiveness and Research office.


  1. To treat college administrators, social work faculty and fellow students with respect and courtesy.
  2. To act according to the NASW Code of Ethics.
  3. To read the program's Student Handbook to be familiar with the requirements, curriculum and policies of the social work program and the NASW Code of Ethics.
  4. To read the Field Education Manual and be familiar with and follow the expectations and requirements for practicum placements.
  5. To fill out course evaluations, service learning, internship, and practicum placement evaluation.
  6. To respect confidentiality both in the classroom and in the practicum placement.
  7. To meet with advisors regularly concerning courses, schedules, and graduation requirements.
  8. To share important information that affects academic and/or field practicum performance with your advisor and the field liaison during field placement.
  9. To maintain professional behaviors as defined by NASW code which includes on-time and regular attendance to class and field practicum, turning in assignments on time, and keeping appointments with faculty and with field instructors as necessary.
  10. To notify advisors of any decision to change majors and/or transfer to another college, preferably discussing these issues with the advisor prior to making the decision.
  11. To work collaboratively with the field coordinator/liaison and social work faculty on finding service learning projects, internships, and practicum placements by filling out the necessary forms, making calls, and setting up appointments with potential organization contacts.
  12. To meet all deadlines and paperwork required for course registration, dropping and adding courses, incomplete grades, academic courses, and fieldwork.
  13. To allow adequate time for requesting letters of reference from social work faculty and provide the faculty with the necessary information on your academic and professional performance experiences.

Conflict & Grievance Policy
Social work students should follow the policies and procedures EMU has outlined in the Undergraduate Student Handbook for the resolution of conflict or grievance that may arise in our life together.

Figure 1. Curriculum wheel of social work major and EMU core requirements. (Replace with current curriculum outline)Current curriculum outline:
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Current curriculum outline

click on the image below to see the current curriculum outline
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nameSocial Work curriculum outline 2020-21.pdf

Typical 4 year Plan

Underlined courses are required for the social work major and account for 61 credits.
EMU's requirement for graduation is 120 earned credits.

Courses by Semester

First year

Fall semester
SOWK 101: Exploring Social Work*3
PSYC 101: General Psychology3
WRIT 130/140: Writing for Transitions3
CORE Natural Science Choice2-4
CORE 101: Transitions1
MATH 140: Elem Statistics2
Total hours:16

Spring semester
SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology3
PSYC 202: Developmental Psych.3
CORE Anabaptist Biblical Perspectives (ABP) choice3
WRIT 150: Speech Communication2
Elective 3
Total hours: 15


Fall semester
SOWK 220: Social Welfare, History, and Philosophy 3
SOWK 210: Social Stratification3
POL 111/112: Comparative Politics/ American Politics 2
CORE 201: Life Wellness2
Total hours: 15

Spring semester
SOWK 200 Social Behavior & Diversity 3
ECON 201/212: Survey of Economics/
Principles of Macroeconomics3
CORE Christian Identity and Witness (CIW) choice 3
Total hours: 15

OR: Cross Cultural Semester15*Junior*Fall


Fall semester
SOWK 360: Race and Gender*3
SOC 336: Methods of Social Research3
PXD 365 Social & Political Economy
as alternate ECON choice3
Total hours: 16


OR: Cross Cultural Semester15


Fall semester
SOWK 400: Social Work Practice II3
SOWK 410: Social Work Practice III3
CORE 401: Senior Seminar2
Electives or minor9
Total hours: 17

Spring semester
SOWK 430: Senior Practicum12
Elective recommend only 13
Total hours: 15

*Can be completed in Fall or Spring.*

Student Involvement


EMU community opportunities

Every year social work students enjoy benefits of participating in the broader EMU community through student organizations. Involvement in student organizations on campus is an important opportunity to build leadership ability and to practice group and interpersonal relationship skills that are relevant to social work practice. The social work program encourages every social work student to find a campus niche for group participation. Through membership, students may express values, commitments, and aspirations for improving our life together, for performing community service in Harrisonburg, and for advocating for social change in the nation and world. Information on opportunities for student involvement can be found at these locations:

Residence Life (info on student leaders)

RDs work with several Community Advisors, or CAs, student staff who have been through a rigorous selection and training process, equipping them to serve as peer leaders and facilitators. Each residence hall is divided into units with student CAs as leaders, so there is always someone to turn to with questions or just to connect in friendship.

Many floors are also served by Ministry Assistants (MAs) or Pastoral Assistants (PAs), leading small group Bible studies and other fellowship activities in residence halls. These student leaders also plan and lead chapel services, organize sharing time in the residence halls, and more. Learn more about Campus Ministries.

Pastoral and Ministry Assistants



Pastoral Assistants (PAs)

Pastoral assistants serve the EMU campus community in a variety of ministry leadership roles. PAs help plan and lead campus worship and facilitate gatherings that nurture spiritual growth and faith formation by encouraging reflection and engagement along with planning Spiritual Renewal Events.

PAs are undergraduate students who exhibit maturity of Christian faith, have experience in peer ministry, might have interest in ministry as a vocation or are discerning a call to ministry. PAs meet regularly with the campus pastor for mentoring and planning.


Ministry Assistants (MAs)

Ministry assistants are students who volunteer to help with various ministries on campus. They might lead or join weekly Bible studies, assist with ministry clubs like Celebration, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Gospel Choir or develop their own ministries such as prayer, service, and relationship building wherever they are living.
Ministry leadership training will be provided in monthly Ministry Hub gatherings, a Ministry Leadership Retreat, and the spring semester "MA" class.


Y-Serve (Young People's Christian Association) is the longest-running student organization at EMU! We are students eager to offer service to our community and beyond. Our goal is to serve others as the hands and feet of Jesus.

Clubs and Organizations

Social work students are regularly involved in clubs and organizations on campus including:

    • Black Student Association
    • Take Back the Night Committee
    • EMSWA
    • Peace Fellowship
    • Peace Essay Contest

Campus Activities Council (CAC)


Social Work Program Opportunities

Social Work is People (SWIP) - SWIP Constitution
The Social Work Is People organization, composed of social work majors, is a student-run organization which seeks to provide and make students aware of current service needs and social issues via:


The organization may sponsor social activities, organize service projects, and participate in social change advocacy as decided by the leadership team in consultation with a faculty sponsor.

Social Work Program Student Representative
During the school year, the faculty meets twice each month. An upper-level student representative may be asked to attend department meetings to participate in program decisions impacting social work students. Depending on semester, this student may be an officer SWIP, or often may be a department work study student, when another student has not been designated. Students are excused from any portions of business meetings dealing with confidential departmental or student-related information.

Membership and professional opportunities
As students progress through the program, the program also encourages membership in professional social work organizations, as well as volunteering for leadership development opportunities in these organizations. Affiliation with professional social work organizations provides opportunity to influence policy and network with others in the profession. A list of recommended organizations is included below.
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State and National Social Work Organizations

The organizations and associations listed below are merely a sample of the many social work organizations focused on supporting and advocating for different client and practitioner groups.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
Membership in this organization offers a subscription to both NASW News and the Social Work Journal, discounts on national and state conferences, lower rates on liability insurance and other benefits. Reduced fees are available for students. NASW in Virginia co-sponsors the annual Social Work Student Rally in the Valley in October. The local Harrisonburg Chapter meets about 4-5 times a year around interesting professional topics. Advocacy opportunities (the journal Social Work and monthly state and national newsletters), and special insurance make this a good investment for social work students and professionals. Social work majors are required to be members of NASW before they are eligible to plan for the senior practicum.

North American Association of Christians in Social Work (NACSW)
This organization offers a platform for Christian social workers to collaborate on how a Christian faith identity impacts practice as a professional social worker. The organization publishes a semi-annual journal, Social Work and Christianity, and hosts an annual national conference. Reduced fees are available for students.

Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
This national organization is specifically involved in social work education and serves as the accrediting body for all undergraduate and graduate programs in social work in the United States. EMU belongs to this organization and has been accredited at the undergraduate level since 1976. Social work faculty members belong to this organization and often attend the Annual Program Meeting.

Virginia Council on Social Welfare (VCSW)
This state organization dates back to 1900 in Virginia and is an organization composed primarily of human service workers and lay persons. It continues to draw heavily from social workers for membership and provides an annual State Conference and other regionally based workshops that are usually very informative and reasonably priced. This organization is also very involved in advocacy at the state level. They have student membership rates.

Virginia Social Work Education Consortium (VSWEC)
This group is a consortium of the accredited social work education programs or schools in Virginia. EMU and JMU social work programs founded this organization in the 1980's, it now has membership of twelve Virginia schools with accredited undergraduate social work programs. Eastern Mennonite University is an active member of this organization. This group holds a conference for student social workers called Rally in the Valley annually during the first week of October. There is also a Spring meeting of member schools' faculty, to which students are invited. This group exchanges information and works together to promote social work practice and education in Virginia.

Rally in the Valley Planning Committee
Every four years, member schools take turns for the planning responsibility for the student conference Rally. Students may volunteer to join the planning committee for Rally after they have attended at least one Rally. The planning committee is an opportunity to collaborate with students and faculty of other social work programs in planning an educational conference.

National Association of Black Social Workers (NABSW)
This organization, whose membership exceeds 10,000, assists with adoption referrals, makes educational awards, maintains a library of pertinent black literature, publishes a scholarly journal, Black Caucus, and holds an annual conference.

The National Association of Puerto Rican & Hispanic Social Workers (NAPRHSW)
This is a non-profit organization founded in 1983 for social workers, other human service professionals, and students who are dedicated to the enhancement and general welfare of Puerto Rican and other Hispanic families.

Association of Oncology Social Work (AOSW)
This is a non-profit international organization dedicated to the enhancement of psychosocial services to people with cancer and their families. Created in 1984 by social workers interested in oncology and by existing national cancer organizations, it has over 1000 current members.

Clinical Social Work Association (CSWA)
CSWA membership consists of clinical social workers, new professionals (clinical social workers who have graduated within the last four years), emeritus members, and students.

International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW)
The International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) is a global organization striving for social justice, human rights and social development through the promotion of social work, best practice models and the facilitation of international cooperation.