Versions Compared


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This course provides an exploration of the theory and practice of counseling supervision and consultation, including models, techniques, process, case conceptualization, ethical issues, multicultural competency, and legal considerations. The format of this course will combine lecture, class discussion, and experiential activities. The course will only be offered to advanced students, those students who have completed a counseling practicum and are currently enrolled in counseling internship, and will be paired with COUN 508 Counseling Techniques, which is offered to beginning students, to facilitate and experiential learning process between the two classes. Students will also use their internship placement site as an opportunity to experience supervision and consultation.

COUN 510 Clinical Mental Health: History


and Philosophy (2 SH)

This course will outline and examine the historical roots of the formation of the field of clinical mental health counseling, the various philosophical foundations and trends that have influenced this formation, and how this has informed clinical practice. This course will also focus specifically on the role of trauma as both a causal event leading to the formation of this field, and to the symptomatology it has hoped to address in the clinic. The course will utilize specific historical, philosophical, and clinical texts to make this argument.


This course will offer an overview of the research methods used in counseling and program evaluation. Students will gain experience with literature databases, research ethics, research methodologies, basic statistics and statistical software such as SPSS, and communicating research findings, and proposing research to an Institutional Review Board.

COUN 537 Counseling Research and Program Evaluation (


2 SH)

A review of the research methods used in counseling. Included are experiences in searching research literature databases, understanding basic statistics and using statistical software, planning research, and communicating research findings. Includes a community action project, implementing and assessing a prevention project, an advocacy project, or a counseling outreach project. A written paper and presentation of the community action project is presented to faculty and peers in a spring semester conference.


This course is designed to meet your specific needs regarding advanced counseling skills. Skill development also provides a space for students on 3 and 4 year tracks to continue to practice skills between their practicum and internship experiences.



This seminar style course entails an exploration of religious/spiritual/faith experience from the perspective of psychological realities and insights. Both classical and contemporary material in the field of the psychology of religion will be utilized in this exploration. Students will have an opportunity to reflect on their own religious/ faith/spiritual experience as well as that of others. Both individual and corporate dimensions of religious/ spiritual/faith experience will be analyzed.

COUN 547 Counseling Theories (3 SH)


The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the theory and practice of group counseling. The course will provide information about and training in establishing, leading, and evaluating counseling groups of various types. Within this course students will explore different theoretical approaches to counseling groups, basic principles of group dynamics which include leadership tasks, group developmental stages, and member roles. Consideration will be given to ethical, legal, and professional issues as well as special needs such as multiculturalism, life-span development concerns, and the therapist’s personal leadership style.

COUN 577 Spirituality & Religion in Counseling (1 SH)

This course is focused on an exploration of spirituality and religion in counseling. The spiritual dimensions of counseling involve ethical practice in a context of multicultural and pluralistic trends that support diversity of religious beliefs. We work at the integration of the ethical vision of the counseling profession and the Anabaptist vision of offering healing and hope in our diverse world, actualizing the values of Christian discipleship, community, service, and peacebuilding. We will examine how counseling praxis informs our spirituality and our religious commitments. Students will be expected to address these issues of integration from their own experience of spirituality and their own religious tradition.

COUN 587 Crisis Counseling (


2 SH)

This course is designed to introduce students to basic crisis intervention strategies. The course addresses fundamental crisis intervention theory and offers practical applications in various crisis situations. Students will explore various assessment, intervention and crisis treatment issues. Special emphasis will be placed on the impact of trauma on the individual, family and community. Students will engage in crisis intervention role-plays and practice applying specific interventions in crisis scenarios. Each student will engage in researching and compiling a comprehensive community resource guide for the local community.


psychology fields. This course provides an introduction to multicultural knowledge, skills and awareness that will support your work with clients. Through activities, discussion, reading and media, you will be exposed to both the theoretical movements in multiculturalism, develop skills for working with clients who differ from you. You will also explore your own values, beliefs and cultural identity and make connections to how these aspects of your personhood influence your relationship and intervention with clients.

COUN 617 Counseling Children and Adolescents (


2 SH)

This course is designed to give students an overview of theoretical and practical approaches to working with children and adolescents. Special populations and issues identified by course participants will be explored. In addition, students will be required to participate in off- campus collaboration with an agency devoted to meeting the mental health needs of children and adolescents.


This refers to studies of specific issues or areas not covered by any of the standard offerings. These studies may be requested by the student or suggested by an instructor. Approval by the instructor and the director is required. Methodology may involve assigned readings, written reports or any other methods the supervising instructor chooses. A student should have credit for three courses, and must qualify academically for independent study in the judgment of the director before approval is granted. A limited number of hours in independent study will be applied toward a degree.

COUN 687 Expressive Therapies (


1 SH)

This course is an experiential introduction to the creative process in counseling. Participants will be invited to explore the literal and figurative context in which creativity emerges, will identify through the use of metaphor, imagery, and poetry the power of creative expression, and will find ample opportunity to discuss, reflect, and process with peers. Instructor will be drawing on a range of literature and clinical practice


This course will provide a comprehensive survey of mindfulness and meditation and their applications in a wide range of counseling modalities and populations, including children, adolescents, and adults. The course will be built on three primary pillars: personal practice of mindfulness and meditation, an understanding of the applications and populations with which one can use mindfulness and meditation in therapy, and application through enactments and role play. Students participating in this course can expect to gain a breadth of mindfulness and meditation practices for use in therapy as well as exposure to the theory and research that supports these practices.

COUN 699 Topics


(1 SH)

After years of clinical work, and upon the publication of the Studies on Hysteria in 1895, Freud had formulated the very bedrock of his new “psycho-analysis:” The constitutive role of sexuality in the formation of the subject, as well as the symptoms from which they suffer. It was this inescapable conclusion that separated, and continues to separate psychoanalysis from any other discourse. In 1905, nearly six years after The Interpretation of Dreams, Freud brought sexuality squarely into view and drafted, Three Essays on a Theory of Sexuality. The publication was his treatise on the uniquely psychoanalytic theory of human sexuality, and he would return to it repeatedly – as so often happens in sexual life – throughout the rest of his career. In the maelstrom that was the psychoanalytic field at the time of his work, Lacan continued to emphasize sexuality – among other fundamentals – as he contributed to the elaboration of the Freudian field. For Lacan, as it was for Freud, psychoanalysis is all about human sexuality, its particularities, and its effects. In this class, we will explore the importance of sexuality in psychoanalysis, and we will discuss the role this has on the direction of the treatment. We will engage in a close reading of some of Freud’s texts, as well as Lacan’s.

PAX 533 Analysis: Understanding Conflict 3 (program elective)

This course will provide a broad introduction to the field of conflict transformation. We will be reviewing skills and concepts for responding to conflict in a variety of settings. Through readings, lecture, class discussion, and papers the course will develop awareness of individual styles of responding to conflict and increase personal skills for responding effectively to others in situations of interpersonal conflict. The student will become familiar with the basic literature available in the field and the particular understanding of conflict transformation found at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (CJP). In today’s world the skills developed are instrumental for peacebuilding venues of many types.