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Peter Dula, advisor
The minor in humanitarian action prepares the graduate for entry-level involvement in agencies responding to humanitarian situations, including disas- ters Peter Dula, advisor

The minor in humanitarian action prepares the graduate for entry-level involvement in agencies responding to humanitarian situations, including disasters around the world. Students pursuing
this minor must work carefully with the major advisor and the Humanitarian Action Leadership (HAL) director to coordinate their choice of courses.

Required Courses (9 SH)

  • HAL 350 Crisis, Humanitarian Aid and Disaster


  • Recovery - 3
  • LEAD 300 Leadership Theory and


  • Practice - 3
  • HAL 410 Disaster


  • Response Internship - 3

Electives (12 SH)

A cohesive sequence of elective courses fitting the student's major and interests will be chosen in consultation with the HAL advisor. A maximum of 6 SH applied toward EMU Core or major requirements may apply toward this minor.

  • ACTG 221 Financial


  • Accounting - 3
  • *ACTG 433 Non-profit and Governmental


  • Accounting - 2
  • BIOL 205 Intro to


  • Microbiology - 3
  • BIOL 145 Nutrition


  • Fundamentals - 2
  • BUAD 221 Principles of


  • Management - 3
  • BUAD 331 Organizational


  • Behavior - 3
  • *BUAD 431 Human Resource


  • Management - 3
  • CHST 223 Spiritual


  • Formation - 3
  • *CHST 234 Mission in a Changing


  • World - 3
  • CHST 312


  • Missiology - 3
  • ECON 201 Survey of


  • Economics - 3
  • *ECON 411 International


  • Economics - 3
  • *ENVS 205 Environmental Applications of


  • GIS - 3
  • *ENVS 385 Conservation


  • Biology - 4
  • GEOG 231 Cultural


  • Geography - 3
  • HIST 182 The Global Past II: 1500 to the


  • Present - 3
  • *HIST 251 History of


  • Africa - 3
  • *HIST 432 of the Middle


  • East - 3
  • NURS 426 Family in


  • Community - 3
  • NURS 432 Community


  • Health - 3
  • POL 113 International


  • Relations - 2
  • *POL 230 International Norms and


  • Institutions - 3
  • PSYC 301 Psychology of Interpersonal


  • Relationships - 3
  • PXD 225 Theories of Social


  • Change - 3
  • PXD 341 Mediation and


  • Facilitation - 3
  • *PXD 335 Understanding Violent


  • Conflict - 3
  • PXD 345 Peacebuilding Theory and


  • Action - 3
  • PXD 375 Globalization and


  • Justice - 3
  • *PXD 451 Program


  • Evaluation - 3
  • PXD 485 Global


  • Development - 3
  • REL 223 World


  • Religions - 3
  • THEO 323 Biblical Theology of Peace and


  • Justice - 3