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As the graduate theological division of Eastern Mennonite University and a pastoral training center of Mennonite Church USA, we welcome all students from all Christian traditions who are open to study from an Anabaptist perspectivethe practices and theology of the Christian tradition, especially as rooted in the Anabaptist heritage. As a community of Christian of  disciples we seek to embody what we teach and learn, living out our convictions in the following core practices:


  • locating our personal stories in God’s salvation story, revealed in Scripture and in our world
  • responding to God’s grace salvation as we own our human responsibility to be faithful
  • reading the texts of scripture in light of their original contexts and languages
  • imaginatively preaching and teaching the scriptures as “world creating”winsomely telling the Anabaptist story—its historical and global dimensionswithin diverse contemporary settings
  • thoughtfully telling the stories of Mennonite, Methodist and other Christian faith traditions
  • listening to diverse voices, including those from around the world, for more fully understanding the Word of Godand participating in God's mission
  • honoring and inviting questions as well as answers in theological discourse


  • testifying to a humble awareness of God’s call
  • living in joyful, courageous obedience to Jesus
  • embodying the gifts and fruit of the Spirit in healthy relationships
  • re-vitalizing ancient Christian practices that are personal and communal
  • showing an becoming honest awareness and aware of our own strengths and vulnerabilitiesembodying the gifts and fruit of the Spirit in healthy relationshipsweaknesses
  • participating regularly in worship that is communal and missional
  • living by guiding principles that we can openly name


  • interpreting the meaning of the Gospel for diverse contexts
  • embodying the Gospel’s evangelical invitational spirit, social conscience and public witness
  • evaluating the theological import of current events and popular culture
  • pursuing peace and justice in local, national and global communities
  • expressing the Gospel in a variety of creative forms
  • engaging empathically with persons of other faith traditions and world religions
  • listening actively to local communities in order to promote their well-being


  • loving God with heart, mind and body
  • embodying holy living and Spirit-attuned discernment in community
  • learning to lead and to follow in ways that build up the churchembodying
  • holy living and Spirit-attuned discernment in communitybecoming alert to new forms and models of Christian community and witness
  • working collaboratively for mutual support and accountability
  • equipping others to grow in their capacity for leadership and service
  • caring for the earth as part of God’s healing mission in the world
  • serving the church churches and broader society with wisdom, passion and integrity