Versions Compared


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Writing Standards – Undergraduate Level (Grid Version(revised Fall 2021)


A excellent

B good

C minimal expectations

emerging skills

D to F below expectations;
may be unacceptable




(quality of the information


, ideas and

sources/details used to support them

supporting details)

  • shows strong clarity of purpose
  • offers strong depth of
  • content 
  • applies keen insight and represents original thinking
-demonstrates quality and breadth of resources
  • follows guidelines for content
  • shows clarity of purpose

-shows substantial information and sufficient support
  • offers depth of content 
  • applies insight and some original thinking
-uses quality resources-shows
  • mostly follows guidelines for content
  • shows some clarity of purpose
  • offers some depth of content
and may depend on generalities or the commonplace
  • represents little original thinking
    -uses mostly quality resources

-lacks clear purpose

  • is superficial in content
  • lacks original thinking
    -uses resources of poor quality
  • includes factual or logical errors
    -may not follow the instructions in content or length


  • applies some insight and original thinking
  • somewhat follows guidelines for content
  • shows minimal or no clarity of purpose offers minimal or no depth of content
  • applies minimal or no insight and original thinking
  • does not follow guidelines for content


(logical order or sequence of the writing)

is coherent
  • shows strong coherence and logically developed paragraphs
  • uses
  • highly effective transitions

-is coherent and logically developed
-uses smooth transitions

-is coherent and logically (but not fully) developed
-uses some awkward transitions

-uses inadequate,
irrelevant or illogical development and transitions



  • between ideas and sections
  • constructs highly  appropriate introduction and conclusion
  • shows coherence and some logically developed paragraphs
  • uses effective transitions between ideas and sections
  • shows appropriate introduction and conclusion 
  • shows some coherence and logically developed paragraphs
  • uses some transitions between ideas and sections
  • shows some construction of appropriate introduction and conclusion
  • shows minimal or no coherence and logically developed paragraphs
  • uses minimal or no transitions between ideas and sections
  •  shows minimum or no construction of appropriate introduction and conclusion

Rhetoric and Style

(appropriate attention to audience

: effective word choice, sentence variety, voice; appropriate level of formality for academic writing vs. informal text messages and email)


  • is highly concise, eloquent and rhetorically effective
  • effectively uses correct, varied, and concise sentence structure 
  • is engaging to read
  • writes highly appropriate prose for audience and purpose
  • is concise, eloquent, and rhetorically effective
composes varied
  • generally uses correct, varied, and concise sentence structure

  • displays concern for careful expression
  • composes some varied sentence structure
  • displays some personality but lacks imagination and may be stilted
  • composes little varied sentence structure
  • frequently uses jargon and clichés
  • is simplistic
  • composes ineffective sentence style
  • applies limited vocabulary with jargon and clichés
  • is clearly below expectations for college students



(adherence to grammar rules: usage, mechanics)

  • composes well-constructed sentences
  • makes virtually no errors in grammar and spelling
  • makes accurate word choices
  • almost always composes well-constructed sentences
  • makes minimal errors in grammar and spelling
  • makes accurate word choices
  • usually composes well-constructed sentences
  • makes several errors
  • makes word choices that distract the reader
  • does not compose well-constructed sentences
  • confuses readers with many errors
  • makes frequent inappropriate word choices


  • is somewhat engaging to read
  • writes appropriate prose for audience and purpose
  • is somewhat conciseness, eloquence, and rhetorical effectiveness
  • uses some correct, varied, and concise sentence structure
  • is minimally engaging to read
  • generally writes appropriate prose for audience and purpose
  • shows minimum or no conciseness, eloquence, or rhetorical effectiveness
  • uses little to no correct, varied, and concise sentence structure 
  • is not engaging to read
  • lacks appropriate writing for audience and purpose
  • uses inappropriate jargon and clichés

Information Literacy

(locating, evaluating, and using effectively the needed information as appropriate to the assignment)

  • uses strong academic and other reliable sources
  • chooses sources from many types of resources
  • chooses timely resources for the topic
  • fully integrates references and quotations to support ideas
  • uses academic and other reliable sources
  • chooses sources from a variety of types of resources
  • chooses resources with mostly appropriate dates
  • integrates references and quotations to provide some support for ideas
  • uses mostly academic  and some unreliable sources
  • chooses sources from a moderate variety of resources
  • chooses a few resources with inappropriate dates
  • integrates references or quotations that are loosely linked to the ideas of the paper
  • uses a few or no academic sources and uses unreliable sources
  • chooses  sources that are not varied, mostly  from one type of source
  • chooses many resources with inappropriate dates
  • uses disconnected references and quotations and does not support ideas

Source Integrity

(appropriate acknowledgment of sources used in research)

  • correctly cites sources for all
  • quotations 
  • cites paraphrases
, cited
  • correctly and credibly
  • includes reference page
  • makes virtually no errors in documentation style
  • makes virtually no errors in formatting
  • incorporates feedback given in previous written assignments
  • correctly cites sources for
  • most quotations
  • usually cites paraphrases
, usually cited
  • correctly and credibly
  • includes reference page with some errors
  • makes
  • some errors in documentation style
  • makes some errors in formatting
  • incorporates  most   feedback given in previous written assignments

  • provides sources for all quotations

mostly credible paraphrases, sometimes cited correctly
  • without correctly citing them
  • sometimes cites paraphrases correctly and credibly 
  • includes reference page with many errors
  • makes
  • many errors in documentation style
does not cite
  • makes many  errors in formatting
  • incorporates some  feedback given in previous written assignments
  • lacks sources for all quotations
less than credible paraphrases, often not cited correctly
  • lacks correctly and credibly cited paraphrases
  • shows little to no evidence of source usage
may not include a
  • includes no reference page or
is very weak
  • makes many errors in documentation style


    • an extremely weak one  
    • entirely lacks correct documentation style
    • lacks correct formatting
    • incorporates little to no feedback given in previous written assignments


    (adherence to grammar rules: usage, spelling & mechanics of Standard Edited English or SEE)

    • makes virtually no errors in SEE conventions
    • makes accurate word choices
    • makes some errors in SEE conventions
    • almost always makes accurate word choices
    • makes many errors in SEE conventions
    • makes some inaccurate word choice
    • lacks appropriate SEE conventions 
    • makes many inaccurate word choices

    he weighting of each of the five areas is dependent on the specific written assignment and the


    teacher’s preference. Plagiarism occurs when a person presents as

    one's own "someone else's

    one’s own “someone else’s language, ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge) material without acknowledging its


    source” (adapted from Council of Writing Program Administrators).







