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(44-48 SH)
Deanna Durham and Tim Seidel, advisors
The peacebuilding and development major prepares students for Deanna Durham and Timothy Seidel, advisors

The peacebuilding and development major prepares students for professional practice in the fields of peacebuilding and international and community devel- opmentdevelopment. It focuses on understanding and promoting constructive social change toward peace, justice, and well-being for people in situations affected by conflict, poverty, and inequality.

The major has an emphasis on the development of practical skills through experiential learning grounded inexten- sive extensive in-class simulations, on campus and local practice opportunities, and
and a practicum in the field. The required practicum is typically completed through the Washington Community Scholars' Center in Washington, D.C., through the grant-supported International Peacebuilding and Development Practicum (IPDP), or through a local or student-initiated experience. It provides experience and opportunities for net- working networking and skill development.

This focus on practice is paired with
with rigorous interdisciplinary grounding in theories of violence, peace, and social change as well as investigation of theo- logicaltheological, philosophical, economic, politi-
cal, cultural, and ecological motivations for change.

To graduate with this major, students must be admitted to the program. This normally will occur by application dur- ing during the spring semester of the sopho- more sophomore year. Transfer students beyond the sophomore level will apply for admission after their first semester at EMU. Only students admitted to the program will be permitted to participate in program practica.

Students seeking admission to the
the program must meet the GPA standards of 2.0 overall, earn at least a C in all PXD courses, and complete an applica- tion application process. Students must achieve at least a C in all upper-level PXD courses for graduation with the major.

PXD majors are required to take one have the option of taking Summer Peacebuilding Institute (SPI) course courses that may substitute for any other requirement (as a major requirement when approved by their
the PXD advisor). Exposure to the Summer Peacebuilding Institute of the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding provides stu- dents students with a unique opportunity to con- nect connect with professionals in justice and peacebuilding and related areas of practice. Students are eligible to take SPI courses in the sum- mer of their junior or senior yearof practice.

Graduates are prepared for graduate study or entry-level positions in non- governmentalnongovernmental, government, non-profit, and private organizations whose missions are to address social problems and to create and sustain social change. Areas
Areas of practice could include peacebuilding and community and international devel- opmentdevelopment, mediation and conflict trans- formationtransformation/resolution, peace and justice activism, collaborative problem solving, community organizing, program evalu- ationevaluation, peace education, victim assistance programs, research, restorative justice, law, and social and public policy analysis and advocacy.

The major consists of the following 44-48 SH.

Foundation (12-14 SH)

  • PXD 151 Exploring Conflict and




  • Peace  OR SOC 101 Introto


  • Sociology - 3 
  • PXD 225 Theories of Social


  • Change - 3 
  • PXD 431 PXD Practicum - 1-3 
  • SOC 336 Methods of Social Research


  • - 3 
  • STAT 120DescriptiveStatistics - 2 

Core theory (12 SH)

  • PXD 345 Peacebuilding Theory and Action - 3 
  • PXD 485 Global


  • Development - 3 

Choose two of the following courses:
SOC 255 Social Movements3

  • *PXD 335 Understanding Violent Conflict - 3 
  • PXD 375 Globalization and


  • Justice - 3 
  • *SOC 255 Social Movements - 3 





skills (12 SH)

  • *PXD 261 Community and Conflict Analysis Techniques - 3 
  • PXD 341 Mediation and Facilitation - 3 

Choose two of the following courses:

  • BUAD 465 Project Management and Grantwriting - 3 
  • PXD 331 Restorative Justice and Trauma Awareness


  • - 3 
  • *PXD 451 Program Evaluation


  • - 3 
  • SOWK 330 Social Policy


  • Analysis - 3 



theory (8-10 SH)

Bible, religion and



  • THEO 323 Biblical Theology Peace/Justice - 3 



  • PXD 365 Social and Political Economy


  •   OR *ECON 401


  • Development Economics - 3 


Choose one of the following courses:

  • POL 113 International


  • Relations - 2 
  • *PPX 421 Genocide of the 20th


  • Century - 4 
  • *PPX 431 Political


  • Reconciliation - 4 

Summer Peacebuilding Institute


Students have the option of choosing one course to replace one core course as approved by PXD advisor.