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Tim Timothy Seidel, advisor

The minor in global studies is ideal for students in the liberal arts, engineer- ingengineering, nursing, business, or any other field where critical thinking and global
competency global competency are valued. The minor offers students the opportunity to study the interrelated processes shaping today's increasingly interdependent world. As with the global studies major, the minor will require that a student's cross-cultural (which should be a minimum of six weeks in the region) and foreign language requirements correspond to their declared regional focus. A minor in global stud- ies studies will entail at least ten semester hours taken from the core (including either the
Introduction to Global Studies or the Social Sciences Capstone in consultation with your advisor), three semester hours from a thematic focus, and six semester hours from a regional focus (fulfilled through the student's cross-cultural).

Core (10-11 SH)

  • GS 101 Introduction to



  • Global Studies - 2  OR SSC 490 Social Sciences


  • Capstone - 2 

Choose three of the following courses:
SOC 334 Cultural Anthropology3

  • ECON 201 Survey of



  • Economics - 3 
  • HIST 122 Global Past


  • II - 2  OR HIST 123-126 Global Past


  • III - 2 
  • PXD 375 Globalization and


  • Justice - 3 
  • REL 223 World


  • Religions - 3 
  • SOC 334 Cultural Anthropology - 3 
  • SOC 336 Methods of Social


  • Research - 

Thematic Focus (3 SH)

In consultation with your an advisor, choose 3 SH of approved coursework in one of the global studies thematicconcentrations of Global Sustainability, Global Justice and Peacebuilding, or Global Societies and Culturesglobal sustainability, global justice and peacebuilding, or global societies and cultures.

Regional Focus (6 SH)

These 6 SH will be fulfilled through the student's cross-cultural experience (which should be a minimum of six weeks in the region) in one of the global studies regionalconcen- trations concentrations of Latin America, Middle East, Asia, or Central/East Africa.