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Course descriptions and scheduling are subject to change by administrative decision. See course offerings booklet for current offerings. Some courses will be offered on a two- or three-year rotation.

Congregational Life and Work (SMCL)


SMCL 512 Ministry with Children and Adolescents (3 SH)

Using a framework of practical theological reflection, this course guides participants in articulating their theological vision for youth ministry in conversation with insights from cultural with children and adolescents. Cultural studies, sociology, psychology, neurology and human development . The complex sociocultural setting of formation will be explored, employing critical and constructive approaches to race, gender, sexuality, class and embodied and digital identities. The course addresses ministry contexts with early, middle and late adolescents in congregations and beyond. 

Congregations are too often guilty of reducing Christian education to only head knowledge or viewing it as a limited-time activity mainly for children and youth. In reality, Christian education is a life-long transformative action that is necessary for every member of the body of Christ and encompasses our whole beings. This course will provide a survey of major topics and theories in Christian education and faith formation including definitions, biblical foundations, purposes, and contexts for Christian education; age-related educational theory; and introduction to learning styles and multiple intelligences. Through self-reflection and engagement with course readings and guest speakers, students will work towards integration of practices with relevant theory in order to design and facilitate a Christian education event, workshop, or one-time event for a Christian ministry setting.

Traumatic life experiences come in many forms, touch multiple networks of relationships and systems, and call for a complex set of responses. The church must be equipped to respond. This course examines the physiological, psychological, spiritual and social impact of trauma. It explores how the Christian narrative/community with its transforming practices of truth-telling, forgiveness, reconciliation, restorative justice and peacebuilding can lead to the shalom of God’s present and coming kingdom, both within the church, and through the church, to the larger world. Pastors, church leaders, missionaries, counselors and others who seek to become agents of trauma healing will examine a healing path that integrates theology, spiritual practices and counseling skills.

This course is for both students with a pastoral counseling concentration and other seminary students interested in learning the introductory level of the art and science of pastoral counseling. The course will examine the basics of a counseling relationship and give the student the opportunity to practice a “counseling” relationship and skills in the context of the course. Topics to be covered include: theory overview, skills work, typical cases encountered, issues related to ethics, culture, theology, diagnosis, and treatment planning. Special attention will be given to the dynamics of counseling in the context of the congregation or faith community.


will contribute to understanding the developmental needs of children, youth and emerging adults. Recognizing diversity of ability, class, ethnicity, gender, nationality, race and sexuality, we will explore the complex dynamics of identity and faith formation. This course addresses ministry contexts with young people in congregations, parachurch ministries and beyond. 

SMCL 521 Teaching for Christian Community (3 SH)

What role does pedagogical practice play in cultivating community? Utilizing an experiential learning model, this course combines theory, practice and reflection to explore the possibilities and challenges of teaching for Christian community. A basic foundation in educational theory will be established. Anabaptist theology and practices will guide the consideration of key issues such as learning, authority, mutuality and harm in community. John’s presentation of Jesus’ theology of friendship and pedagogical formation of community will serve as a biblical guide for reflection.

SMCL 564 Theological Reflection on Trauma (3 SH)

This asynchronous online course integrates theological reflection with an awareness of trauma and resilience.  The complexities of sufferings, evil, healing, forgiveness and reconciliation are explored in conversation with theological sources including the Hebrew Bible; New Testament; and black, womanist and mujerista theologies.  Recognizing the embodied and relational impact of trauma, this course imagines how the life-affirming resources of community, spirituality and practices can weave a net of care and empowerment.  This course must be taken in the same academic year as and after completing the synchronous session of, the first module of Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience at EMU's Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (PAX 540, 2 SH).

SMCL 602 Foundations for Christian Preaching (3 SH)

This course is a general introduction to preaching, emphasizing how to move from biblical text to God-centered proclamation of the gospel. While the course will explore a variety of approaches to the biblical text and consider historical, theological, pastoral, and creative aspects of preaching, we will focus primarily on one methodology that can be adapted to a variety of styles and forms.


SMCL 611 Pastoral Care (3 SH)

A critical reflection on what it means to be a caregiver in the ministry of the church. Among the issues examined are the assumptions one brings to caregiving, the relationship between caregiving and counseling, and various models for pastoral care and counseling. Specific pastoral care events such as births, weddings and funerals are also explored. Professional and ethical issues related to caregiving and counseling are introduced. There will be a brief introduction of basic counseling skills.


MOL 620: Transformative Leadership in Dynamic Contexts (3 SH) (Meets seminary leadership requirements)

This course explores the biblical, historical, and theological issues underlying sacramental life in the church. A comparative study of ecumenical experience provides the student with critical tools to examine specific liturgical practices within his/her own faith tradition. Students will gain an appreciation of the underlying issues that help shape Christian worship in its various forms, and practical guidance in leading that shaping. Prerequisites: CTH 501 and 512

This course will focus on managing conflict in churches. Attention will be given to ecclesiology and theology related to conflict, development of skills for dealing with interpersonal conflicts, managing polarities, teaching communication in the congregation, and intervention skills for addressing deeper, more difficult conflicts in the congregation. The course will be taught with primary attention to the role of pastors, congregational leaders, conference ministers and overseers in managing congregational conflict and creating healthy churches. Class sessions will include lectures, videos, case studies, role plays and sharing of personal experience.

This course engages leadership and administration in both traditional and emerging congregations as well as missional involvement in the broader community. Initial attention will focus on the leadership formation of the student from a wholistic perspective. An exploration of biblical and spiritual perspectives will prepare the way for an examination of transformational leadership through both a contextual and cultural lens. Finally, students will have the opportunity to practice and reflect on leadership and administration via the exploration of a variety of specific topics including planning, budgeting, communication, team building, and conflict transformation.


newest dimensions and challenges of leadership that strengthen and extend leadership skills through practice in rapidly changing and complex, diverse, multi- generational, multi-cultural and multi-dimensional systems, such as health care, government, education, non-governmental organizations and multi-national for-profit organizations. 

SMCL 640 Topics (1-3 SH) 

This course provides theoretical and practical preparation in one or more of the ever more diverse skills called for in contemporary ministry settings.

SMCL 642 Congregational Worship (3 SH)

This course is designed to prepare students for planning both surveys the foundations of Christian worship – biblical, historical, and theological – and prepares students for designing and leading congregational worship and to generate appreciation for the formative and transformative role of worship in the life of the church. Primary attention is given to the practical aspects of creating worship experiences based on biblical texts. Students will practice writing their own worship resources and become acquainted with published worship resources. This course will familiarize students with using the liturgical calendar and the Revised Common Lectionary as resources for worship planning. Prerequisites: CTH 501 and 502

This project is intended to help students integrate their seminary education into their intended ministry setting. As a culmination of their seminary experience, students will develop a resource, with the assistance of a faculty advisor, which will equip them more fully to minister in contexts beyond the seminary.


Missions and Evangelism (SMME)

Mission in Cultural Context (3 SH)

See CM 621.

Cross-Cultural Church Experience (3 SH)

See CM 613.

Mentored Ministry Internship (2-6 SH)

See SMFE 781.

experiences. A comparative study of contemporary ecumenical expression provides the student with critical tools to examine the liturgical practices of their own faith tradition. Students will become familiar with patterns of worship based on the Christian year and various lectionary cycles and will practice specific acts of liturgical leadership through the writing of prayers and other worship resources. Special emphasis will be placed on the practice of hospitality through intercultural awareness.

Field Education (SMFE)

(see See the requirements for Mentored Ministry)

Formation in Ministry I, II (Field Education) (3 SH), (3 SH)

See FS See FS 601 and 602.



SMFE 601 Clinical Pastoral Education (6 SH)

Clinical Pastoral Education is professional education for ministry. The learning process includes group seminars and the practice of ministry in an institutional or congregational setting with the guidance of an ACPEan ACPE Certified Educator. From encounters with persons in need, and the feedback from peers and educators, students develop new awareness of themselves as persons and of the needs of those to whom they minister. From reflection on specific human situations utilizing the resources of theology and the science of human functioning students expand their understanding of ministry. In addition to the practice of ministry program components include the writing of verbatims, lectures, reading, journaling, individual supervision and the interpersonal experience of a group of peers in a common learning experience.


SMFE 701 Advanced Clinical Pastoral Education (6 SH)

This course is a guided learning experience in ministry in an institutional and/or congregational setting under a certified ACPE supervisorcertified ACPE supervisor. Program components include verbatim writing, lectures, individual supervision and the interpersonal experience of a group of peers in a common learning experience. This course is offered during the summer in the format of a ten-week intensive unit and during the school year as an extended unit spanning six months, with three hours of credit each semester.

SMFE 724 Supervisory CPE


SMFE 742 Teaching Mentorship (3 SH)

EMS students EMS students may apply for a Teaching Mentorship in the EMU Bible the EMU Bible and Religion Department. This mentorship includes practice teaching at the undergraduate level under the direct supervision of a faculty member assigned to the course. The faculty member functions as a teaching mentor and provides oversight and evaluative feedback at regular intervals during the mentorship. Participation in this mentorship will follow Formation in Ministry I & II (or equivalent) and the completion of at least 18 hours of seminary coursework. The number of mentorships each semester will be limited to one. Application shall be made to the EMS Mentored the EMS Mentored Ministry office.


SMFE 781 Mentored Ministry Internship (2-6 SH)

An intensive experience in supervised ministry normally in an off-campus setting. Internships may range in length from three to 12 months. They may be arranged in settings such as pastoral ministry, urban ministries, church planting and overseas missions. Credit earned is generally elective credit. In some settings, the intern may take a limited amount of study at a local seminary. Internships operate according to guidelines established by the seminary. Ministry Internships in a specialized setting are approved by the Director of Field EducationMentored Ministry. Prerequisite: Minimum of one year of seminary study; FS 601 and 602.


Independent Studies



Independent Studies (1-3 SH)

Directed Independent studies may be taken in any department subject to the approval of the instructor and the associate dean. More information here.

Research project done in the area of the student’s concentration and under the direction of the faculty supervisor.
 information here.