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Non-tenured:  Annual contract non-tenure-track faculty may be awarded successive three-year contracts after five successful years of teaching and service or scholarship. Click here for the Contract Review Process for Faculty in Consecutive 3-year Contracts. 

Schedule for Promotion

Promotion by Rank requires:  a specified length of EMU service attained, as well as specific ratings (Competent, Proficient, or Outstanding) across the domains of Teaching, Scholarship, and Service.


  1. The Provost's Office in collaboration with the deans' offices will identify faculty members eligible for contract review and/or promotion, and the chair of each Colleague Review Committee
  2. Prior to the end of the contract year (in May), the provost conducts a “process overview” workshop for faculty undergoing the process.
  3. In April, prior to the review process, the dean initiates the review process via letter to the faculty member indicating eligibility for contract review, and/or promotion to associate professor. The letter is copied to the respective program director. In the case of promotion to full professor, the faculty member in consultation with their program director initiates a request for promotion to full professor.
  4. By May 15, if needed, the faculty candidate submits a list of names to the dean to be considered for external letters of recommendation from professional colleagues.
  5. Promotion to full professor only: If requesting a promotion to full professor, the faculty candidate submits a letter of request for promotion consideration to the program director and respective dean no later than May 15.


The Colleague Review Committee chair:

  • In the case of a faculty candidate’s At least two of the three are selected from a list of names provided by the candidate. 
  • Faculty candidate up for tenure review and/or request for promotion to Associate Professor or Professor , provides the CRC collects three letters of recommendation from dean and CRC committee chair a list of four or more faculty or professional colleagues external to EMU .  At least two of the three are selected from a list of names provided by the candidate. External who could write letters on their behalf. External peer reviewers should be contacted by the dean in May or June, before the colleague review committee is formed.
  • Submits summary of the committee report, candidate dossiers, student evaluation results, individual colleague response forms, and faith integration paper (for the initial tenured six-year contract only) to dean by November 30.
