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BMC 552 Cell Biology (3 SH)
A study of cellular architecture, communication, transport, motility, division, growth and death. Particular emphasis is placed on the study of cancer at the cellular level, and on a quantitative (mathematical) understanding of cellular movements. Students read and report on research articles. (Fall 2022)

BMC 561 Foundational Biochemistry (3 SH)
A survey of structure-function relationships of biological molecules and systems. Emphasis is placed on enzymology, intermediary metabolism, and metabolic control.

BMC 562 Human Physiology (4 SH)
An investigative study of selected body systems including neuro-muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, and endocrine physiology. Extensive laboratory work emphases quantification and experimentation while using live materials and physiologic instrumentation.

BMC 598 Biomedicine Practicum (1-4 3 SH)
This course features experiential community learning in areas related to future vocation. Assigned shadowing or interactive experiences require 30-40 hours per semester credit hour outside of class as well as completing assigned related readings, maintaining a journal of experiences, providing feedback to other students. Typical experiences may involve interactions within hospitals, health care professionals, biomedical organizations, clinics, rescue squads, health departments, or life science education settings. Prerequisites: satisfactory completion of at least two graduate level courses and/or instructor permission. A maximum of 4 3 SH of practicum credit can be applied toward a degree.

BMC 610 Interdisciplinary Seminar I (2 SH)
This course involves a first orientation to the biomedicine program. Major discussion topics include the current status of biomedicine and healthcare in the United States, quality improvement in healthcare, discovering biomedicine in the humanities, secular and religious approaches to bioethics, holistic healing, and integrative medicine.

BMC 611 Interdisciplinary Seminar II (2 SH)
This course challenges students to grow in capacity for leadership in the medical field. Strategies include: reflection on leadership history, aptitudes and style; creating an inventory of current leadership skills while identifying gaps for future growth. Special attention is also given to addressing population management risks as well as public health promotion opportunities. The course concludes with transformative medical leadership applications on the individual and collective levels.


BMS 562 Neurobiology (3 SH)
This course is an advanced survey of nervous system anatomy and physiology with an emphasis on recent advances in the field. There is a wide gamut of subject matter in the field of neuroscience, and this course familiarizes students with the breadth of the field while going into depth for several chosen topics, determined primarily by recent publications. We investigate neuroscience from neurotransmitter receptor structure and function to the philosophical study of consciousness. (Spring 2023)

BMS 563 Molecular Genetics (3 SH)
A study of the mechanisms of gene structure, stability, replication, transmission, and expression in eukaryotes. Themes include molecular evolution, viruses (including HIV), and heritable diseases. Students read and report on research articles. The laboratory involves an introduction to common techniques employed in molecular biology followed by directed research projects of the student’s choosing. (Spring 2024)

BMS 570 Medical Microbiology (3 SH)
A comprehensive study of the field of microbiology, emphasizing the principles of medical microbiology and human symbioses. Included in the discussion will be additional focus on disease, treatment, emerging infectious diseases, biotechnology and global public health. Topics will be discussed using lectures, short lab periods, case studies and problem-based learning. (Spring 2023)

BMS 571 Abnormal Psychology (3 SH)
An interdisciplinary approach to understanding abnormal (maladaptive) behavior emphasizing the crucial roles of learning and life stressors in the development and maintenance of abnormal behaviors. The clinical characteristics, causal factors, and treatments of maladaptive behavior patterns are examined, including the areas of assessment, therapy and prevention. Positive emotions and strengths that promote mental health will be integrated throughout the course.

BMS 572 Cognitive Psychology (3 SH)
The field of cognitive psychology involves studying and thinking about thinking. Questions are asked about how we acquire, store, retrieve, and use knowledge. Students will actively study and apply various theories about human thinking. Topics such as models of memory, imaging, language comprehension, problem-solving, creativity and cognitive development will be covered.

BMS 573 Theories of Personality (3 SH)
PSYC 361 - Empirical strategies that are particularly relevant to the study of personality process, human behavior and human experience provide a systematic study of the person. Major theories and principles of personality adjustment are studied, such as dispositional, genetic, cognitive and biological factors related to the understanding of personality. Prerequisite: PSYC 331.

BMS 574 Neuropsychology (3 SH)
Survey of the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, including loss of function studies. Emphasis is placed on the role of general physiological principles that affect human behavior. (Spring 2024)

BMS 579 Analytical Chemistry I (2 SH)
An overview of the various aspects of analytical chemistry such as sampling, statistical analysis of data sets, quantitative and qualitative analysis, spectroscopy and chromatography, and trouble-shooting/ instrument design and maintenance. Emphasis will be given to Gravimetric and Titrimetric analysis, Ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy, Advanced GCMS and ion-selective electrodes. One lecture, four hours of laboratory. Prerequisite: an annual safety training outside of class. (Fall 2022)

BMS 580 Analytical Chemistry II (2 SH)
An overview of the various aspects of analytical chemistry such as sampling, statistical analysis of data sets, quantitative and qualitative analysis, spectroscopy and chromatography, and trouble-shooting/ instrument design and maintenance. Emphasis will be given to Atomic spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy including multi-dimensional analysis and nuclei beyond C and H, HPLC. One lecture, four hours of laboratory. Prerequisite: an annual safety training outside of class. (Fall 2023)


BMS 595 Bioinformatics (2 SH)
This course teaches the bioinformatics skills used in academic and biotech laboratories for analyzing individual DNA and protein sequences. The focus is extensive hands-on experience using mainstream web-based bioinformatics tools. Laboratory based course that addresses biological questions by analyzing sequences, searching databases, using sophisticated software, and interpreting results. (Spring 2023)

BMX 603 Cross-Cultural Health Care (3 SH)
This summer course is experiential based and requires involvement and study in another cultural setting for a three-week period. Students, under guidance from the instructor, explore values, methods, and outcomes of health care or the practice of biomedicine in a unique cultural setting. Differentiation of resources, social, psychological, and spiritual ideas contrasting the student’s personal culture with the explored culture are examined. Involvements with alternative medicine and healing practices are considered as are examination of traditional health care delivery methods in the studied culture. Cross-cultural settings may vary but frequently include trips to Guatemala, Honduras and/or Peru. A 3.0 GPA is required at the end of the fall semester to be eligible to take BMX 603 the following summer.
