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The Center for Justice


The Mission, Vision, and Values of CJP


and Peacebuilding teaches the necessity of continuous cycles of action/reflection/modification for social change processes. Therefore, while this strategic plan is the guidepost for CJP’s work during the next five years, it is a living document and will be reviewed annually and modified if necessary as we move through cycles of action and reflection.

Mission Statement:

CJP educates a global community of peacebuilders through the integration of practice, theory and research.


Vision Statement:

Preparing, transforming and sustaining leaders to create a just and peaceful world.





The Center for Justice and Peacebuilding is a program of excellence, we believe that our values are inextricably woven into our actions. Therefore, consistent with EMU’s grounding Eastern Mennonite University, an institution grounded in Anabaptist theology and life, we believe that our values are made visible when we:


, life, and values.

CJP strives to practice and model holistic and values-based peacebuilding. Our values are visible in our processes and actions as we:

  • embrace nonviolence, right relationships, and just community .
  • give priority to hospitality and building relationships with both individuals and institutions.
  • foster respect in our lives and practice
  • honor human dignity, diversity, interdependence, and equality
  • foster respect, trust, and collaboration across faith traditions, cultures, and worldviews, while challenging
  • ensure accountability, participation, and transparency
  • challenge ourselves and others to continual learning .
  • focus on positive long-term and deep-rooted change that links personal and social transformation.
  • support and growth
  • support the resilience and the sustainability of CJP/EMU and partner organizations , by emphasizing personal, relational, spiritual, environmental, and financial well-being.
  • understand and honor human dignity and interdependence.
  • ensure mutual accountability and transparency between CJP, individuals, organizations, and funding sources.
  • understand peacebuilding as an overarching concept that includes conflict transformation, restorative justice, trauma healing, reconciliation, development, and leadership, undergirded by spirituality and religion.
  • offer hospitality, develop relationships, and build inclusive community with both individuals and institutions
  • focus on positive long-term and deep-rooted change that links personal and social transformation
  • recognize and draw on the capacity for peace in faith-based, spiritual, and secular philosophies
  • work to dismantle systems of oppression, including using our resources to pro-actively counter the drive towards economies of extraction of wealth (in all its forms) from communities
  • cultivate leadership at all levels and in all positions and promote a model of shared leadership when working with communities