Versions Compared


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The academic calendar year consists of two 15-week semesters offered August/September through April/May and a May-August summer term. The semester hour (SH) is used to designate credit earned. A full-time load is defined as 12-18 SH per semester. To register for more than 18 SH, a student must obtain written approval from the university registrar. First-year-level courses are numbered 100-199; sophomore, 200-299; junior, 300-399; and senior, 400-499. Courses marked with an asterisk * are normally offered in alternate years. See the schedule of course offerings, available from the university registrar's office, for final information on courses to be offered each semester.

Student Classification

A student's class level is determined by the number of semester hours earned by the beginning of each semester.

Classification is as follows:

23 SH or fewer—First-year
24-55 SH—Sophomore
56-89 SH—Junior
90 SH or more—Senior

Grading System and Quality Points

A Excellent.
A=4.0 quality points
A-=3.7 quality points
B Very good.
B+=3.3 quality points
B=3.0 quality points
B-=2.7 quality points
C Satisfactory.
C+=2.3 quality points
C=2.0 quality points
C-=1.7 quality points
D Unsatisfactory.
D+=1.3 quality points
D=1.0 quality point
F Failure. Zero quality points

I Incomplete. Allowed at the discretion of the instructor only in case of an emergency or an unforeseen problem. The instructor will determine the date by which the student must complete requirements for the course and will submit the final grade within the following time frames:

  • An "I" grade for a fall semester course must be resolved to a final grade not later than March 31 of the following semester.
  • An "I" grade for a spring semester course must be resolved not later than September 30 of the upcoming fall semester.
  • An "I" grade for a summer course must be resolved not later than November 30 of the upcoming fall semester.

An "I" grade not resolved by the dates identified will be changed to an "F" by the university registrar's office.

P Pass. Does not calculate into grade point average. Given in certain courses designated Pass/Fail.
SP Satisfactory Progress. Indicates satisfactory achievement to date in a course which is intended to extend beyond the current grading period. This is not a final grade.
W Withdrawal*. Indicates the student withdrew from the course between the fifth and ninth weeks of the semester. Does not calculate into grade point average.
Pass/Fail Option*. Allowed in elective courses for juniors and seniors with university registrar's office approval by the end of the fourth week of the semester. A grade of C- or above submitted by the instructor will result in a "pass" grade on the student's record. Any grade below a C- is reported on the student's record as received from the instructor.
Repeat Courses. When a course is repeated, both the initial grade and subsequent grade(s) appear on the transcript. Credit is awarded only once and the higher grade is computed into the grade point average.

*Deadlines will be prorated for courses that meet for a period shorter than a semester.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

EMU uses the four-point system (A=4). The grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the number of quality points earned by the number of semester hours graded.

Continuing Enrollment

A continuing student is automatically awarded unconditional readmission for a subsequent year when meeting criteria outlined under Continuance of Admission Status in the admissions section.

Academic Probation

Students with a cumulative GPA below 2.0 at the end of the fall semester are considered to be on academic probation for the spring semester.

Academic Review

At the end of each semester, the university registrar and the assistant dean review the academic record of all students enrolled in six or more semester hours according to the satisfactory academic progress criteria as outlined in the Policy for Review and Readmission of Undergraduate Students. Students may be granted unconditional readmission, placed on academic warning, or denied readmission. Students who are placed on academic warning or denied readmission will receive written notification of their readmission status from the university registrar within 30 days of the end of the semester.

Appeal Process

Any student who is denied readmission may submit a written letter of appeal to the chair of the Academic Review Committee. The appeal letter should include any additional information not previously available, particularly information of an academic nature. The Academic Review Committee will review the appeal, considering extenuating circumstances and the student’s non-academic record, and report its decision to the student within 30 days of receipt of the letter. Any student who chooses to go beyond the first appeal must direct a second appeal in writing to the appropriate dean within ten days of receiving the committee’s decision on the first appeal. 

“Appropriate dean” is defined as the dean of the school housing the student’s major. When a student is listed as undeclared, pre-major or liberal arts major, the Academic Review Committee chair will assign a second appeal to a dean who doesn’t have other potential appeals forthcoming.

Academic Honors

The Dean's List, compiled at the end of each semester, includes degree-seeking students who achieve a semester GPA of at least 3.75 with no W, I or F grades for 12 or more semester hours of standard grades (P grades not included).

Baccalaureate degree candidates for graduation from the traditional undergraduate program who have earned a cumulative grade point average of 3.60 or above with no grade below C- at EMU are considered honor graduates. A student who receives a grade below C- in one course may retain eligibility for honors by repeating the course at EMU and earning a grade of C- or higher. The honor and corresponding grade point average are listed as follows:

cum laude: 3.60-3.79
magna cum laude: 3.80-3.89
summa cum laude: 3.90-4.00

To qualify for graduation honors as previously specified, a student must have completed at least 48 graded semester hours at EMU.

Grade Reporting

Grades will be available to students through myEMU ( within one week after the close of each semester. A written copy of the grade report may be sent by student request to parents, guardians, or other person designated by the student. Cash settlement of accounts may be required for the release of written grade reports.

Grade Appeal Process

Grade appeals are not subject to the normal grievance procedures. A student who wishes to appeal a grade must follow the timeline and steps listed below:

Timeline: An appeal to any grade assigned between September 1 and December 31 must be initiated by February 15 of the following year. An appeal to any grade assigned between January 1 and May 15 must be initiated by July 1. An appeal to any grade assigned between May 16 and August 31 must be initiated by October 15.

  1. The student should confer with the instructor who gave the grade, stating the reason(s) the student feels a change of grade is warranted. At this conference the instructor has the obligation to explain to the student the basis for determining the grade which the student has been awarded.
  2. If the instructor does not feel that a change in grade is warranted, the student may appeal to the chair of the department in which the course is offered.
  3. A final appeal may be made to the respective academic dean if the conference with the department chair does not result in a satisfactory resolution of the appeal. The student is responsible to ask the department chair to provide for the dean a written summary of their conference regarding the grade in question.

At each level of appeal, there is the responsibility to confer with the instructor who may be required to review the basis used in determining the grade which was awarded to the student.
All grade changes must be authorized by the person who agreed to the change and must use the formal grade change process of the university registrar's office.


To assure the confidentiality of academic records, any request for a transcript must be made in writing and must come from the student. Requests should be made to the university registrar's office and should allow one week for processing. Cash settlement of accounts is required for release of transcripts.

Credit Taken by EMU Students at Other Institutions

A student must secure advance written approval from the university registrar before enrolling for work at another institution, if the credit is to be transferred and applied to degree requirements at EMU.

Transfer Credit Grades

In the traditional undergraduate program, credit will be awarded for appropriate transfer courses in which the student has earned a grade of C or better (or higher grade according to departmental requirements). All transfer courses will be recorded with the same titles and grades as they appear on the transcript from the previous school. Transfer credits will not be included in the EMU GPA, except for instances in which the student's enrollment at the other institution was sponsored by EMU.

Credit through Testing

A maximum of 30 credits earned through testing may be applied toward a degree.

This includes credit earned through the programs described below as well as through any other testing program the university chooses to recognize. Individual programs may have more specific criteria. An exception to the maximum will apply for up to 36 nursing credits earned by testing through Excelsior College, Albany, New York.

Students in the traditional undergraduate program may apply CLEP/ DSST credit toward EMU Core requirements only in the area of foreign language. Credit earned through Advanced Placement (AP) testing may be applied toward Core requirements as indicated by the university registrar's office. Students in the LOM and RN to BS programs may use approved testing options to meet EMU Core requirements where appropriate equivalents have been identified.

The registrar's office will grant credit earned through EMU-administered testing only for students pursuing a degree at EMU.


Credit by Examination

Upon recommendation of the appropriate instructor, an EMU student may request to earn credit or demonstrate proficiency in a course for which the student has not previously enrolled. A testing fee is required. The student initiates the request at the university registrar's office. Testing for foreign languages may occur through the CLEP process.

CLEP/DSST Examinations

The university grants credit for general and subject examinations in the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST). Information on the CLEP/ DSST programs may be obtained by contacting the career services office.

Foreign Language Testing Option Students may satisfy the foreign language requirement of the EMU Core curriculum or earn foreign language credit by achieving the requisite score on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language Oral Proficiency Interview. Credit will not be awarded for testing in English language. Contact the career services office for details.

Service-Learning Credit

A maximum of 9 SH may be earned by persons who enter a term of voluntary service under mission and service agencies. Credit requirements are arranged on a contractual basis between the individual and the respective dean's office prior to the term of service. Students are not considered to be enrolled at EMU while earning service-learning credit. For information on service-learning credit, contact the respective dean's office.

Independent Study

Qualified students may undertake independent study as a means of increasing self-reliance and of being able to pursue a topic of special interest. It does not normally substitute for required courses and does not duplicate regular course offerings of the university.

Sophomore status or higher is required to register for independent study. No more than two independent study courses may be taken in one year. Registration will use a 299 or 499 course number.

Before registering for independent study, the student submits a detailed proposal of the project in writing to the supervising faculty member. It must receive the approval of the faculty member, the department chair, and the university registrar.

Academic Advising

Each student is assigned an academic advisor. Academic advisors assist students in planning a program of study reflecting their interests, abilities, and educational life goals. While the advisor assists the student in monitoring his or her academic progress, it is ultimately the student's responsibility to meet all academic requirements for his or her academic program and bachelor's degree. Furthermore, students are expected to familiarize themselves with the academic policies provided in the undergraduate catalog and the student handbook.


Course registration information is available through myEMU ( and is provided to current students prior to each registration period. Students are responsible to consult an advisor prior to their initial registration for an upcoming semester. Students should also consult an advisor prior to making any schedule changes.

Students changing from full-time to part-time status who are receiving financial aid are required to notify the financial assistance office.

Students enrolled with an F-1 visa must maintain full-time enrollment and should see the international student advisor with any related questions.

Semester-long courses* may be added through the fifth day of classes, and courses may be dropped with no grade through the end of the fourth week. Courses dropped during the fifth through ninth weeks will be recorded with a W (withdrawal) grade. No course may be dropped after the ninth week of the semester.

If a student does not receive a passing grade in a course which has not been dropped, an F grade will be assigned.

*Add, drop, and withdrawal deadlines will be prorated for courses that meet for a period shorter than a semester. Specific dates are provided by the registrar's office.

Registration for Graduate Courses

In selected cases a junior or senior student may be permitted to enroll in a graduate course to satisfy an undergraduate degree requirement or to apply toward a graduate program following completion of the bachelor's degree. Policy and procedure details are available from the registrar's office.

Part-Time Enrollment

Part-time status is defined as a course load of 11 SH or fewer per semester. Admission to the university is required in order to enroll for six or more semester hours. Students may register for fewer than six hours by completing the necessary registration form available from the university registrar's office.


Matriculated as well as non-matriculated students may audit lecture classes, provided they register and pay fees. Classes with a laboratory component (e.g. art, computer, physical activity, music performance, and lab science courses) may be audited only with written approval of the instructor. Regular attendance, preparation, and examination are not required, and the student receives no credit. The audited course appears on the student's transcript with an "AU" grade. If a student chooses to test out of a course previously audited, full tuition will be charged. Audit-to-credit changes must be made by the last day to add classes. Credit-to-audit changes must be made by the last day to drop a class without record.

Senior Citizen Participation

The university welcomes senior citizens 62 years of age or older to attend classes by permission of instructor without registration. Individuals who would like to participate in lab or other activity components, or who would like access to course materials through the learning management system must register to audit the class.

Leaving the University Between Semesters

Students who do not plan to return to the university after the end of a semester should notify the institution of their intention by completing a form available from the registrar's office. A student who is not enrolled at EMU for one semester or more must complete an application for readmission prior to re-enrollment.

Withdrawing from the University During a Semester

Undergraduate students who intend to withdraw from Eastern Mennonite University shall schedule a meeting with the director of retention (Campus Center, 321) who determines the official withdrawal date. It shall be no later than the date the student meets with the director of retention but may be earlier. The official withdrawal date is based on class attendance dates and other extenuating circumstances. A student who withdraws during the semester must complete an application for readmission prior to re-enrollment.

Medical Leave

Medical leave is available for undergraduate students who, due to a documented serious physical or psychological condition, need to leave Eastern Mennonite University during the semester without completing their coursework or for students who cannot return to EMU due to a serious physical or psychological condition. A student requesting medical leave must meet with the director of retention (if possible) and complete the required forms, including documentation from a physician, licensed care provider, or other qualified caregiver under licensed supervision.

A decision to approve or not approve the medical leave request will be made by the director of retention in consultation with the Medical Leave Committee, including but not limited to the directors of health services and/or counseling services. Full details of the medical leave policy may be obtained in the Student Life office or from the director of retention.

Students on medical leave may need to apply for readmission through the admissions office, which will contact the director of retention for approval of fitness to return to campus. There is no fee for the readmission application. It does not require a student to re-send any admissions documentation, unless they have attended another institution during their time away from EMU.

Medically Excused Status

Students may request a medically excused status if they are medically unable to complete the final forty percent of a semester in one or more, but not all, of their courses. Students may or may not intend to return to the university at the beginning of the following semester. A request is initiated in the same manner as described for a medical leave. A student approved for medically excused status need not request permission to return to the university for the following semester unless conditions for returning were stipulated by the university at the time of departure.

Administrative Withdrawal

If a student has not attended a course(s) on a regular basis (i.e. has multiple absences over a period of at least two weeks) and has not responded to efforts by the instructor or other EMU personnel to address the absences, the university registrar may administratively withdraw the student from the course(s.) The primary designated school official will be consulted regarding the potential withdrawal of an international student.

Any decision to withdraw a student will be referenced with the director of retention and the respective academic dean and made in consultation with the instructor of the course(s) involved. The withdrawal date will reflect the final date the student attended the course(s) according to instructor records. For all types of withdrawals or leaves, refunds (if applicable) will be finalized by the business office according to written protocols in consultation with the financial aid office after the withdrawal or leave form has been completed and submitted to the business office. Students are generally required to check out of the residence hall within 48 hours of completing the withdrawal process or may be required to leave sooner in the case of an administrative withdrawal. At the time of withdrawal or leave, their ID will be deactivated, and they will no longer have card access to residence or dining halls.

Leaving or Withdrawing while Subject to Disciplinary Processes

A student who leaves or withdraws from the university in the midst of a disciplinary process remains subject to disciplinary procedures and outcomes. Outcomes may be determined whether the student is present for a disciplinary hearing or is absent.

Academic Forgiveness Policy

Students who are readmitted to EMU after an absence from enrollment at any college or university for at least four successive semesters may request to have the Academic Forgiveness Policy applied. To qualify, the student must earn a 2.0 GPA for the first 12 SH following re-enrollment and submit a written request to the Academic Review Committee. The following regulations govern this option:

  • The request must be made within 60 days after completing the first 12 SH of credit following readmission.
  • The option will be granted only once to a student.
  • Eligible students will receive degree credit for only those courses in which grades of C or better were earned prior to readmission.
  • Quality points earned for all courses completed prior to readmission will not be included in calculating the new cumulative GPA.
  • All grades will remain on the transcript.

Class Attendance

Students are expected to attend all classes regularly, although attendance policies in specific courses are left to the discretion of the respective professor. Students are responsible for all work missed during absences.

Student Academic Integrity Policy

Eastern Mennonite University fosters a culture where faculty, staff, and students respect themselves and others. In this culture, faculty, staff, and students gain confidence in their desire and ability to discover their ideas, construct new knowledge, and think critically about their own ideas and the ideas of others. In doing so, EMU community members grow as competent thinkers and writers.

EMU faculty and staff care about the integrity of their own work and the work of their students. They create assignments that promote interpretative thinking and work intentionally with students during the learning process. Honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility are characteristics of a community that is active in loving mercy, doing justice, and walking humbly before God.

At EMU, academic integrity means

  • honesty in producing one's own work.
  • use of documented course information and aids.
  • submission of work that is one's own.
  • honesty in representation of research results, one's credentials, and facts or opinions.
  • honesty in use of technology, including cell phones and the Internet.
  • honesty in acknowledging sources used in research and presented in papers and other assignments.
  • honesty in establishing and maintaining the appropriate parameters of collaborative work.

Academic integrity includes

  • using accurate quotations. When used, quotations are exact, word-for-word as they appear in the original document. Every quotation, including a short phrase or a single word if it is unusual, includes the required citation and quotation marks.
  • using appropriate paraphrasing with documentation. Paraphrasing is more than rewording the original material. It must be nearly entirely in the writer's own words, using new phrases and synonyms. The writer may repeat technical terms. Place quotation marks around any exact words that are retained. The sentence structure should not be the same as in the source. In the paraphrase, do not add interpretations, ideas, and assessments that are not in the original source.
  • documenting and citing work that was created for a previous assignment or prior work, whether for the current course or for another one.
  • using appropriate documentation when using words from a class speaker, including the class instructor, in an assignment, i.e. cite professors' lectures.
  • using common knowledge appropriately. Common knowledge is information that is easily observed, commonly reported facts (George Washington was the first president of the United States.), or proverbs. Common knowledge does not need to be cited, but be certain that these words are in the public domain. When in doubt, ask the professor.
  • using a dictionary to produce original work in a second language. When using software, like Google Translate, to translate words, sentences, or paragraphs from one's native language to the second language, the student is copying and not learning the language or applying skills learned in the classroom. Use a translation dictionary (i.e. English-Spanish, English-Bulgarian) to find the precise word or idiom needed to construct a sentence. Entries in a dictionary are more accurate than software that translates phrases and paragraphs. Professors would like to see your original work, not the work of a machine.

EMU defines plagiarism as occurring when a person presents as one's own someone else's language, ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge) material without acknowledging its source.
(Adapted from the Council of Writing Program Administrators, 2005,

Academic integrity violation for students may be evidenced as a

Minimal Violation  A minimal violation of academic integrity codes includes doing the following without appropriate documentation:

  • using a minimal number of distinguishing words from a source.
  • re-arranging the word order of a sentence.
  • producing a similar sentence or style from a source.
  • using an idea or argument from a source.
  • reproducing one's own work from a previous work.

(These items adapted from "Westmont College Plagiarism Policy" (2002) academics/pages/provost/curriculum/plagiarism.)

Substantial Violation  A substantial violation of academic integrity codes includes (but is not limited to):

  • cheating on a quiz, test, or exam.
  • copying or attempting to copy someone else's work, including paraphrasing or quoting a professor's classroom lectures, handouts, and presentations without appropriate documentation.
  • falsifying results and credentials, withholding data, misrepresenting facts.
  • using someone else's work as one's own work.
  • using quotations with no documentation.
  • using an online source by copying and pasting with no documentation. Online sources may appear free. In this case, free means economically free. While a source may not be paid for, it is to be used only for its specified use. A citation must be given if words, graphics, or ideas are used.
  • presenting material as one's own from a site that sells essays. Some of the papers-for-sale sites do have disclaimers that state the work must be cited. Remember, if a source can be found, the professor can also find it.
  • frequently committing minimal violations within a single document or repeatedly over time.
  • assisting another student to cheat or to copy one's own or someone else's work without appropriate documentation.
  • using Google Translate or other software to translate work from one's native language to the language of instruction and submitting the work as one's own work.

Undergraduate academic departments and graduate units are responsible for establishing right-of-use parameters for non-print materials (e.g. presentations).

Procedures (Graduate, Seminary, and Undergraduate)

When a student violates academic integrity values, the student and professor/advisor will work together to restore the student to community.

Procedures for Minimal Violations When a first-time minimal violation is noted, the professor will use this as an opportunity to teach the student/s explicitly about academic integrity. A minimal violation should be reported to the respective dean's office using the Academic Integrity Violation form. When a second minimal violation occurs, either within the same class or in multiple classes with the same instructor, faculty will document this as a substantial offense using the Academic Integrity Violation form.

Procedures for Substantial Violations At EMU, when academic integrity codes are violated to this level, the following procedure will be followed.

  1. The professor will:
    1. notify the student of the violation.
    2. determine whether the student is guilty of the violation.
    3. contact the respective chair or program director's office to check on previous student violations in order to determine first, second, or third offense.
    4. document the finding and the action either taken (First-time offense) or repeated (Second and Third-time offenses) on the Violation of Academic Integrity Record.
    5. meet with the student to obtain the student's signature, either acknowledging her/his violation or acknowledging discussion in which the professor explained the charges to the student. In the event that a student refuses to sign, the professor will document that the violation was discussed with the student, and the student refused to sign. (Under some circumstances, the professor may want to request another professor to be present as witness. Students have the option to include a faculty or staff member (e.g. academic advisor, student life personnel, or coach.)
    6. submit the Violation of Academic Integrity Record to the respective chair or program director. Copies are forwarded to the respective dean.
  2. The respective dean will:
    1. for undergraduate students, inform the Vice President for Student Life of violations and actions taken.
    2. for all students, follow steps described below for Second and Third-time offenses.
  3. The student will either:
    1. accept the decision or
    2. submit an appeal to the respective dean in writing within five (5) working days following notification of the Academic Integrity Violation report. Reasons for the appeal must be clearly stated and based on one of the following:
      • Significant and relevant new evidence,
      • Alleged procedural error that may have affected the decision, or
      • Unduly harsh and arbitrary consequences of the academic integrity violation.

On the basis of these factors, the dean will review the appeal and, in consultation with the course professor, make a decision to uphold or modify the academic integrity violation record. This decision will be communicated to the student in writing within five (5) days after the receipt of the appeal. The decision is final.

Each dean will maintain a database recording all violations of academic integrity reports. Reports of substantial violations will be kept as part of the student's permanent record, unless a report is withdrawn following appeal.

(Adapted from American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (2007) Academic Dishonesty: Developing and Implementing Institutional Policy.)

Consequences for Students


Upon re-enrollment and a subsequent violation, the professor may give the student an F for the course, and the student may be subject to a Letter of Dismissal at the discretion of the university. (See Student Handbook, University Policies,

When a professor gives a student an F for the course, the student will not be allowed to withdraw from the course. The student is prohibited from attending class after the professor assigns the F grade. The course continues to apply towards the number of credits the student is pursuing that semester.

Faculty and staff who violate academic integrity codes are subject to review by the provost's office.

The graduate, seminary, and undergraduate units use this policy for processing academic integrity violations with the exception of student appeal (see above). This policy appears in yearly course catalogs; the Student Handbook; on graduate, seminary, and undergraduate websites; and at z://provost/policies. The Academic Integrity Policy flow chart is also available at z://provost/policies.

Reviewed by Undergraduate Council, Graduate Council, and Faculty Senate
Adopted by Academic Cabinet, March 25, 2009; Revised by Academic Cabinet, February 26, 2013; Revised by Academic Cabinet, November 19, 2014; Revised by Provost's Council, December 16, 2015

Responsible Party
The provost is responsible for this policy.

Policy Review
This policy is to be reviewed annually.The academic calendar year consists of two 15-week semesters offered August/September through April/May and a May-August summer term. The semester hour (SH) is used to designate credit earned. A full-time load is defined as 12-18 SH per semester. To register for more than 18 SH, a student must obtain written approval from the university registrar. First-year-level courses are numbered 100-199; sophomore, 200-299; junior, 300-399; and senior, 400-499. Courses marked with an asterisk * are normally offered in alternate years. See the schedule of course offerings, available from the university registrar's office, for final information on courses to be offered each semester.

Student Classification

A student's class level is determined by the number of semester hours earned by the beginning of each semester.

Classification is as follows:

23 SH or fewer—First-year
24-55 SH—Sophomore
56-89 SH—Junior
90 SH or more—Senior

Grading System and Quality Points

A Excellent.
A=4.0 quality points
A-=3.7 quality points
B Very good.
B+=3.3 quality points
B=3.0 quality points
B-=2.7 quality points
C Satisfactory.
C+=2.3 quality points
C=2.0 quality points
C-=1.7 quality points
D Unsatisfactory.
D+=1.3 quality points
D=1.0 quality point
F Failure. Zero quality points

I Incomplete. Allowed at the discretion of the instructor only in case of an emergency or an unforeseen problem. The instructor will determine the date by which the student must complete requirements for the course and will submit the final grade within the following time frames:

  • An "I" grade for a fall semester course must be resolved to a final grade not later than March 31 of the following semester.
  • An "I" grade for a spring semester course must be resolved not later than September 30 of the upcoming fall semester.
  • An "I" grade for a summer course must be resolved not later than November 30 of the upcoming fall semester.

An "I" grade not resolved by the dates identified will be changed to an "F" by the university registrar's office.

P Pass. Does not calculate into grade point average. Given in certain courses designated Pass/Fail.
SP Satisfactory Progress. Indicates satisfactory achievement to date in a course which is intended to extend beyond the current grading period. This is not a final grade.
W Withdrawal*. Indicates the student withdrew from the course between the fifth and ninth weeks of the semester. Does not calculate into grade point average.
Pass/Fail Option*. Allowed in elective courses for juniors and seniors with university registrar's office approval by the end of the fourth week of the semester. A grade of C- or above submitted by the instructor will result in a "pass" grade on the student's record. Any grade below a C- is reported on the student's record as received from the instructor.
Repeat Courses. When a course is repeated, both the initial grade and subsequent grade(s) appear on the transcript. Credit is awarded only once and the higher grade is computed into the grade point average.

*Deadlines will be prorated for courses that meet for a period shorter than a semester.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

EMU uses the four-point system (A=4). The grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the number of quality points earned by the number of semester hours graded.

Continuing Enrollment

A continuing student is automatically awarded unconditional readmission for a subsequent year when meeting criteria outlined under Continuance of Admission Status in the admissions section.

Academic Probation

Students with a cumulative GPA below 2.0 at the end of the fall semester are considered to be on academic probation for the spring semester.

Academic Review

At the end of each semester, the university registrar and the assistant dean review the academic record of all students enrolled in six or more semester hours according to the satisfactory academic progress criteria as outlined in the Policy for Review and Readmission of Undergraduate Students. Students may be granted unconditional readmission, placed on academic warning, or denied readmission. Students who are placed on academic warning or denied readmission will receive written notification of their readmission status from the university registrar within 30 days of the end of the semester.

Appeal Process

Any student who is denied readmission may submit a written letter of appeal to the chair of the Academic Review Committee. The appeal letter should include any additional information not previously available, particularly information of an academic nature. The Academic Review Committee will review the appeal, considering extenuating circumstances and the student’s non-academic record, and report its decision to the student within 30 days of receipt of the letter. Any student who chooses to go beyond the first appeal must direct a second appeal in writing to the appropriate dean within ten days of receiving the committee’s decision on the first appeal. 

“Appropriate dean” is defined as the dean of the school housing the student’s major. When a student is listed as undeclared, pre-major or liberal arts major, the Academic Review Committee chair will assign a second appeal to a dean who doesn’t have other potential appeals forthcoming.

Academic Honors

The Dean's List, compiled at the end of each semester, includes degree-seeking students who achieve a semester GPA of at least 3.75 with no W, I or F grades for 12 or more semester hours of standard grades (P grades not included).

Baccalaureate degree candidates for graduation from the traditional undergraduate program who have earned a cumulative grade point average of 3.60 or above with no grade below C- at EMU are considered honor graduates. A student who receives a grade below C- in one course may retain eligibility for honors by repeating the course at EMU and earning a grade of C- or higher. The honor and corresponding grade point average are listed as follows:

cum laude: 3.60-3.79
magna cum laude: 3.80-3.89
summa cum laude: 3.90-4.00

To qualify for graduation honors as previously specified, a student must have completed at least 48 graded semester hours at EMU.

Grade Reporting

Grades will be available to students through myEMU ( within one week after the close of each semester. A written copy of the grade report may be sent by student request to parents, guardians, or other person designated by the student. Cash settlement of accounts may be required for the release of written grade reports.

Grade Appeal Process

Grade appeals are not subject to the normal grievance procedures. A student who wishes to appeal a grade must follow the timeline and steps listed below:

Timeline: An appeal to any grade assigned between September 1 and December 31 must be initiated by February 15 of the following year. An appeal to any grade assigned between January 1 and May 15 must be initiated by July 1. An appeal to any grade assigned between May 16 and August 31 must be initiated by October 15.

  1. The student should confer with the instructor who gave the grade, stating the reason(s) the student feels a change of grade is warranted. At this conference the instructor has the obligation to explain to the student the basis for determining the grade which the student has been awarded.
  2. If the instructor does not feel that a change in grade is warranted, the student may appeal to the chair of the department in which the course is offered.
  3. A final appeal may be made to the respective academic dean if the conference with the department chair does not result in a satisfactory resolution of the appeal. The student is responsible to ask the department chair to provide for the dean a written summary of their conference regarding the grade in question.

At each level of appeal, there is the responsibility to confer with the instructor who may be required to review the basis used in determining the grade which was awarded to the student.
All grade changes must be authorized by the person who agreed to the change and must use the formal grade change process of the university registrar's office.


To assure the confidentiality of academic records, any request for a transcript must be made in writing and must come from the student. Requests should be made to the university registrar's office and should allow one week for processing. Cash settlement of accounts is required for release of transcripts.

Credit Taken by EMU Students at Other Institutions

A student must secure advance written approval from the university registrar before enrolling for work at another institution, if the credit is to be transferred and applied to degree requirements at EMU.

Transfer Credit Grades

In the traditional undergraduate program, credit will be awarded for appropriate transfer courses in which the student has earned a grade of C or better (or higher grade according to departmental requirements). All transfer courses will be recorded with the same titles and grades as they appear on the transcript from the previous school. Transfer credits will not be included in the EMU GPA, except for instances in which the student's enrollment at the other institution was sponsored by EMU.

Credit through Testing

A maximum of 30 credits earned through testing may be applied toward a degree.

This includes credit earned through the programs described below as well as through any other testing program the university chooses to recognize. Individual programs may have more specific criteria. An exception to the maximum will apply for up to 36 nursing credits earned by testing through Excelsior College, Albany, New York.

Students in the traditional undergraduate program may apply CLEP/ DSST credit toward EMU Core requirements only in the area of foreign language. Credit earned through Advanced Placement (AP) testing may be applied toward Core requirements as indicated by the university registrar's office. Students in the LOM and RN to BS programs may use approved testing options to meet EMU Core requirements where appropriate equivalents have been identified.

The registrar's office will grant credit earned through EMU-administered testing only for students pursuing a degree at EMU.

Advanced Placement (AP) Credit  High school students taking the AP examinations may receive university credit if they achievea satisfactory score. Information onscores required and credit awarded may be obtained by contacting the university registrar's office.

Credit by Examination

Upon recommendation of the appropriate instructor, an EMU student may request to earn credit or demonstrate proficiency in a course for which the student has not previously enrolled. A testing fee is required. The student initiates the request at the university registrar's office. Testing for foreign languages may occur through the CLEP process.

CLEP/DSST Examinations

The university grants credit for general and subject examinations in the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST). Information on the CLEP/ DSST programs may be obtained by contacting the career services office.

Foreign Language Testing Option Students may satisfy the foreign language requirement of the EMU Core curriculum or earn foreign language credit by achieving the requisite score on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language Oral Proficiency Interview. Credit will not be awarded for testing in English language. Contact the career services office for details.

Service-Learning Credit

A maximum of 9 SH may be earned by persons who enter a term of voluntary service under mission and service agencies. Credit requirements are arranged on a contractual basis between the individual and the respective dean's office prior to the term of service. Students are not considered to be enrolled at EMU while earning service-learning credit. For information on service-learning credit, contact the respective dean's office.

Independent Study

Qualified students may undertake independent study as a means of increasing self-reliance and of being able to pursue a topic of special interest. It does not normally substitute for required courses and does not duplicate regular course offerings of the university.

Sophomore status or higher is required to register for independent study. No more than two independent study courses may be taken in one year. Registration will use a 299 or 499 course number.

Before registering for independent study, the student submits a detailed proposal of the project in writing to the supervising faculty member. It must receive the approval of the faculty member, the department chair, and the university registrar.

Academic Advising

Each student is assigned an academic advisor. Academic advisors assist students in planning a program of study reflecting their interests, abilities, and educational life goals. While the advisor assists the student in monitoring his or her academic progress, it is ultimately the student's responsibility to meet all academic requirements for his or her academic program and bachelor's degree. Furthermore, students are expected to familiarize themselves with the academic policies provided in the undergraduate catalog and the student handbook.


Course registration information is available through myEMU ( and is provided to current students prior to each registration period. Students are responsible to consult an advisor prior to their initial registration for an upcoming semester. Students should also consult an advisor prior to making any schedule changes.

Students changing from full-time to part-time status who are receiving financial aid are required to notify the financial assistance office.

Students enrolled with an F-1 visa must maintain full-time enrollment and should see the international student advisor with any related questions.

Semester-long courses* may be added through the fifth day of classes, and courses may be dropped with no grade through the end of the fourth week. Courses dropped during the fifth through ninth weeks will be recorded with a W (withdrawal) grade. No course may be dropped after the ninth week of the semester.

If a student does not receive a passing grade in a course which has not been dropped, an F grade will be assigned.

*Add, drop, and withdrawal deadlines will be prorated for courses that meet for a period shorter than a semester. Specific dates are provided by the registrar's office.

Registration for Graduate Courses

In selected cases a junior or senior student may be permitted to enroll in a graduate course to satisfy an undergraduate degree requirement or to apply toward a graduate program following completion of the bachelor's degree. Policy and procedure details are available from the registrar's office.

Part-Time Enrollment

Part-time status is defined as a course load of 11 SH or fewer per semester. Admission to the university is required in order to enroll for six or more semester hours. Students may register for fewer than six hours by completing the necessary registration form available from the university registrar's office.


Matriculated as well as non-matriculated students may audit lecture classes, provided they register and pay fees. Classes with a laboratory component (e.g. art, computer, physical activity, music performance, and lab science courses) may be audited only with written approval of the instructor. Regular attendance, preparation, and examination are not required, and the student receives no credit. The audited course appears on the student's transcript with an "AU" grade. If a student chooses to test out of a course previously audited, full tuition will be charged. Audit-to-credit changes must be made by the last day to add classes. Credit-to-audit changes must be made by the last day to drop a class without record.

Senior Citizen Participation

The university welcomes senior citizens 62 years of age or older to attend classes by permission of instructor without registration. Individuals who would like to participate in lab or other activity components, or who would like access to course materials through the learning management system must register to audit the class.

Leaving the University Between Semesters

Students who do not plan to return to the university after the end of a semester should notify the institution of their intention by completing a form available from the registrar's office. A student who is not enrolled at EMU for one semester or more must complete an application for readmission prior to re-enrollment.

Withdrawing from the University During a Semester

Undergraduate students who intend to withdraw from Eastern Mennonite University shall schedule a meeting with the director of retention (Campus Center, 321) who determines the official withdrawal date. It shall be no later than the date the student meets with the director of retention but may be earlier. The official withdrawal date is based on class attendance dates and other extenuating circumstances. A student who withdraws during the semester must complete an application for readmission prior to re-enrollment.

Medical Leave

Medical leave is available for undergraduate students who, due to a documented serious physical or psychological condition, need to leave Eastern Mennonite University during the semester without completing their coursework or for students who cannot return to EMU due to a serious physical or psychological condition. A student requesting medical leave must meet with the director of retention (if possible) and complete the required forms, including documentation from a physician, licensed care provider, or other qualified caregiver under licensed supervision.

A decision to approve or not approve the medical leave request will be made by the director of retention in consultation with the Medical Leave Committee, including but not limited to the directors of health services and/or counseling services. Full details of the medical leave policy may be obtained in the Student Life office or from the director of retention.

Students on medical leave may need to apply for readmission through the admissions office, which will contact the director of retention for approval of fitness to return to campus. There is no fee for the readmission application. It does not require a student to re-send any admissions documentation, unless they have attended another institution during their time away from EMU.

Medically Excused Status

Students may request a medically excused status if they are medically unable to complete the final forty percent of a semester in one or more, but not all, of their courses. Students may or may not intend to return to the university at the beginning of the following semester. A request is initiated in the same manner as described for a medical leave. A student approved for medically excused status need not request permission to return to the university for the following semester unless conditions for returning were stipulated by the university at the time of departure.

Administrative Withdrawal

If a student has not attended a course(s) on a regular basis (i.e. has multiple absences over a period of at least two weeks) and has not responded to efforts by the instructor or other EMU personnel to address the absences, the university registrar may administratively withdraw the student from the course(s.) The primary designated school official will be consulted regarding the potential withdrawal of an international student.

Any decision to withdraw a student will be referenced with the director of retention and the respective academic dean and made in consultation with the instructor of the course(s) involved. The withdrawal date will reflect the final date the student attended the course(s) according to instructor records. For all types of withdrawals or leaves, refunds (if applicable) will be finalized by the business office according to written protocols in consultation with the financial aid office after the withdrawal or leave form has been completed and submitted to the business office. Students are generally required to check out of the residence hall within 48 hours of completing the withdrawal process or may be required to leave sooner in the case of an administrative withdrawal. At the time of withdrawal or leave, their ID will be deactivated, and they will no longer have card access to residence or dining halls.

Leaving or Withdrawing while Subject to Disciplinary Processes

A student who leaves or withdraws from the university in the midst of a disciplinary process remains subject to disciplinary procedures and outcomes. Outcomes may be determined whether the student is present for a disciplinary hearing or is absent.

Academic Forgiveness Policy

Students who are readmitted to EMU after an absence from enrollment at any college or university for at least four successive semesters may request to have the Academic Forgiveness Policy applied. To qualify, the student must earn a 2.0 GPA for the first 12 SH following re-enrollment and submit a written request to the Academic Review Committee. The following regulations govern this option:

  • The request must be made within 60 days after completing the first 12 SH of credit following readmission.
  • The option will be granted only once to a student.
  • Eligible students will receive degree credit for only those courses in which grades of C or better were earned prior to readmission.
  • Quality points earned for all courses completed prior to readmission will not be included in calculating the new cumulative GPA.
  • All grades will remain on the transcript.

Class Attendance

Students are expected to attend all classes regularly, although attendance policies in specific courses are left to the discretion of the respective professor. Students are responsible for all work missed during absences.

Student Academic Integrity Policy

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