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Criteria for Eligibility

Academic Qualifications

To be eligible for teaching undergraduate courses each faculty member is expected to have completed 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline and hold a masters degree, or hold the minimum of a master’s degree with a major in the teaching discipline. Faculty eligible for graduate level teaching are expected to hold the terminal degree, usually the earned doctorate in the teaching discipline or a related discipline. EMU also considers competence, effectiveness and capacity, including, as  appropriate, undergraduate and graduate degrees, related work experiences in the field, professional licensure and certifications, honors and awards, continuous documented excellence in teaching, or other demonstrated competencies and achievements that contribute to effective teaching and student learning outcomes.

Alignment with University Mission, Vision and Values

EMU will hire and maintain a teaching faculty in which all tenure-track faculty members support the mission, vision and Anabaptist core values of the university, and actively participate in a community of Christian faith.  

All faculty respectfully engage statements of faith and practice adopted by Mennonite Church-USA and the shared convictions of global Anabaptists (Mennonite World Conference). We are committed to interfaith engagement, education and service as a vital part of EMU’s educational mission to promote a more just and peaceful world.

Guiding Documents on Mennonite-Anabaptist Faith

  • Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective (Mennonite Church USA, 1995)
  • Shared Convictions of Global Anabaptists (Mennonite World Conference, 2006) 

Alignment (Faculty Hiring) policy approved by Board of Trustees, November 17, 2018

EMU is committed to gender and racial diversity.

Tenure with Post-Tenure Review

Long-term faculty appointments at EMU are made within a system of tenure with post-tenure review, which provides the context for regular contract renewal and promotion. Tenure with post-tenure review is constituted by a presumption of job security and contract renewal, and an assumption of continued performance to expectations in teaching, scholarship and service. The purpose of tenure with post-tenure review is to develop and maintain a high quality faculty; to promote professional growth of faculty members by supporting the unique gifts of individuals within the standards and expectations of specific disciplines; and to recognize the commitment to service to EMU, the community, and the larger world. The specific goals of tenure with post-tenure review are:

       1. To provide a system of fair remuneration and recognition for services rendered, and periodic opportunities for advancement in professional rank.
       2. To provide regular occasions for formative and summative feedback on performance and consideration of the quality of a faculty member's contribution to university mission and needs.
       3. To facilitate growth as a scholar, educator, and a contributing member of the EMU community.
       4. To safeguard professional autonomy, academic freedom, and the ability to take risks in innovative pedagogy and scholarship.

Faculty Recruitment

The following guidelines are used when recruiting faculty for tenure-track positions:

A.     Together the department chair or program director, in consultation with the respective dean, identify a faculty position and request to initiate recruitment. All tenure-track position requests are sent to the respective dean by May 31 and provost’s council grants recruitment approval by June 30. Recruitment includes advertising in disciplinary venues, the Chronicle and Inside Higher Ed, Mennonite periodicals, and other outlets as appropriate. Applicants are asked to submit a cover letter, vita, and transcripts (unofficial acceptable). 

B.     The dean and the department chair or program director appoint a search committee which identifies potential candidates (considering academic credentials, experience, fit with the institution, etc.).   Inclusion of students and a faculty member from outside the department on the search committee are at the discretion of the department. As applications are submitted, the dean sends a letter acknowledging receipt and indicating the planned timeline.

C.     The department chair or program director identifies a select number of applicants for the respective dean’s office to contact for further information. Documents sent to this select group of applicants include the EMU Mission Statement; a link to the Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective; the Life Together statement; and the Personal Statement of Faith and Life form. At this time, applicants are also asked to submit three letters of reference.  Initial screening of prospective candidates occurs by conducting a phone or Zoom interview between the search committee and the candidate; the dean may choose to participate in these interviews. Prior to the phone or Zoom interview, the candidate is advised to be prepared to converse generally about any of the materials sent.

D.     One or more candidates are invited to campus for an interview when the respective dean and the search chair agree on a short list of finalists. Normally, two to three finalists are invited for campus visits. Written candidate responses to the Personal Statement of Faith and Life should be on file prior to arranging the interview. Candidates are hosted by the department or program. Opportunity is provided for both formal and informal interviews with faculty, students, the respective dean, the provost, and the president. Provision of opportunity for input from faculty outside the department is encouraged. Candidates should do a classroom teaching presentation and a scholarly presentation open to anyone on campus.

Candidates are evaluated not only on potential teaching and academic strength, but also on their commitment to the mission and philosophy of the institution. The materials sent earlier are reviewed with the candidate at the interview.

At the time of the campus interview, candidates are required to fill out the “Authorization for Release of Information” form. The department is responsible to return the completed form to the human resources office, which handles the request and will respond back to the department. Candidates must be reviewed in this manner before the offer of employment is made.

E.     After the campus visit, the search committee evaluates the relative strengths and weaknesses of the candidate(s). Information gained by speaking to candidate references by phone should be included in the evaluation. The committee conveys a ranked order of the candidates, with rationale, to the respective dean. If a candidate is recommended for hiring, the respective dean consults with the provost for agreement to hire. The provost may consult with the president if needed. The respective dean extends the invitation in writing to the candidate.

F.     Salary and academic rank are determined by the respective dean in consultation with the provost according to policy published in the Faculty/Staff Handbook and are conveyed by the dean to the candidate. The department chair, program director, or seminary dean defines loads.

G.     Upon acceptance of an offer, the hiring recommendation is taken to the Board of Trustees for final approval, and the candidate is informed in writing of the trustee action. The provost approves non-tenure track employment offers and Board of Trustee action is not necessary.

Approved by Academic Cabinet, January 12, 2005

Updated and approved by Provost Council, February 25, 2019

Faculty Appointment

A.  All new tenure-track faculty members are appointed initially for one year. Pending satisfactory performance, two succeeding one-year contracts are issued prior to the offer of a three-year contract. New tenure-track faculty appointments are made by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation of the president, following review of the prospective faculty member’s vita and faith statement by the Academic Excellence Committee of the Board of Trustees.

B.   When faculty vacancies occur and new positions must be filled between trustee sessions, the president is authorized upon a personal interview and review of vitae and faith statement and upon recommendation of the provost and respective dean, to employ a faculty member for an initial one-year contract.  The initial employment for one year shall not be renewed until the Academic Excellence Committee and the Board of Trustees have affirmed the president’s initial one-year employment contract.

C.   The awarding of tenure is contingent upon completion of the terminal degree (Ph.D. or equivalent, e.g., D.N.P., M.F.A. or J.D.). For professional programs EMU values professional credentials if accompanied by extensive practical experience.  Therefore, EMU accepts the M.S.W., M.B.A. to meet this requirement.  Additional exceptions may be made in individual cases in any program where other qualifications are deemed more important and achievement of university standards are not placed in jeopardy.[1]

D.  The affirmation by the Board of Trustees of the president’s recommendation for faculty appointments shall constitute approval for subsequent appointments beyond the first year with the understanding that all six-year contracts must be approved by the Board of Trustees.

E.   Short-term and Adjunct faculty: The university also employs adjunct and short-term faculty. Appointment of adjunct and short-term faculty is made by the respective dean, with recommendation by the program faculty as appropriate. Short-term and adjunct faculty are a valuable resource and are encouraged to participate as fully as possible in departmental/program activities in addition to their primary teaching responsibility. They are also invited to participate in broader university life, such as chapel and assemblies, monthly faculty meetings and public events, as schedules permit. Short-term and adjunct faculty appointments are made on a year-by-year basis and are not subject to the procedures outlined above. Individuals hired for adjunct or short-term teaching assignment are responsible to furnish the office of the respective dean with an up-to-date curriculum vitae and official transcripts for all graduate work.

EMU offers a variety of short-term faculty titles to provide departments and programs flexibility in meeting their teaching, research and program needs. Alternative titles may be offered as appointments at the discretion of the deans, with authorization by the provost.

F.   Professional Librarians: Professional librarians at Eastern Mennonite University hold faculty status but without an academic rank designation. As such, professional librarians must meet the academic requirements of faculty teaching at the baccalaureate level. Salaries for professional librarians are calculated on the administrative scale for a 12-month contract. The director of libraries, who reports directly to the provost, supervises all library staff. All professional librarians will have an annual performance evaluation conducted by the director of libraries. With faculty status professional librarians are eligible to apply for professional development opportunities and sabbaticals.

Faculty Categories


Trustee Approved

Fringe Benefits

Pay Rate

Prof. Dev. Fund




Tenure-track &
Continuing Non-Tenure





Faculty Salary Scale








Faculty Salary Scale





(on annual contracts)





Faculty Salary Scale








Faculty Salary Scale




Dual Contracts





Faculty & Coach Salary Scales







Faculty & Admin Salary Scales








Adjunct Rate (per SH)




Criteria for Eligibility - Alignment with University Mission, Vision, Values approved by Board of Trustees November 2018

[1] This was approved November 2000 and took effect Fall 2001.

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