EMU Board of Trustees

Prospective Trustee Nomination Policy/Procedure

Prospective trustees will be nominated by an existing Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) Board of Trustee member, EMU’s President, administration or faculty, or Mennonite Education Agency’s (MEA) Executive Director (ex-officio member of EMU’s Board).

EMU’s Bylaws and Board of Trustees Statement of Responsibilities and Commitmentsoutline selection criteria for prospective Board members. The nominating member will complete a nomination form, which includes a statement making the case for the recommendation of the prospective trustee.

The nominating member must submit a bio/resume, the nominating form, and the recommendation to the EMU Board of Trustee’s Executive/Governance Committee for consideration. 

The Board Executive/Governance Committee will interview candidates, complete due diligence, and discern their fit with EMU’s mission and the Board’s needs.

The Executive/Governance Committee will bring the nomination to EMU’s Board of Trustees for approval, if an EMU Trustee appointment. Voting may be done either at a board meeting or via conference call/email.  If approved, EMU’s Board Chair will extend an invitation (written letter) to the prospective Board member.  

The Executive/Governance Committee will bring the nomination to EMU’s Board for affirmation, if a MEA-designated Board appointment. If affirmed, the Board Chair will forward the recommendation to Mennonite Education Agency’s Executive Director for MEA Board approval.  If approved, the MEA Executive Director extends an invitation (written letter) to the prospective Board member with copies to EMU’s Board Chair, EMU’s President and MEA’s Board Chair.

Approved: EMU Board of Trustees June 2017