The Master of Science in Nursing courses are delivered online that includes two virtual residency requirements for orientation to the program (1.5 days), as well as during NURS 503 Conflict course (format TBD). 
The Master of Business Administration courses are delivered online.

Admission Requirements

Course Requirements

Semester Hours: Total of 56 SH (reduction of 17 SH in the dual degree). Students can take all MSN courses or MBA courses together or MSN & MBA courses integrated with each other.

MSN Requirements Course Descriptions - MSN (32 SH)

NOTE: NURS 511 is a prerequisite to NURS 620 which is a prerequisite to NURS 630. In addition, these courses must be taken sequentially in the student’s last year of MSN program requirements. Finally, all work must be completed or being taken concurrently before one is eligible for enrollment in NURS 630.

MBA Requirements (24 SH)