Teaching Endorsement in ESL
Teaching Endorsement in ESL
Advisor: Cathy Smeltzer Erb
Degree: teaching endorsement only (must be paired with an academic major to get a degree)
Semester Hours: 38-39 education curriculum+ 17 ESL curriculum
To teach in U.S. public schools, a student must combine an academic major with PreK-12 education courses. A teaching endorsement in ESL (Grades PreK-12) is approved by the Virginia Department of Education. Teacher candidates must comply with all teacher education requirements.
Required Courses (38-39 SH)
- ED 101 Exploring Teaching - 2
- ED 245 Learning and Classroom Environments - 3
- ED 252 Learning and Classroom Environments PFE - 1
- ED 275 Instructional Technology and Assessment - 3
- ED 301 Needs of Diverse Learners - 3
- ED 351 General Curriculum and Methods - 1
- ED 361 Secondary Methods PFE - 1
- ED 385 Content Area Methods for Middle and Secondary Teaching - 2
- ED 395 Reading and Writing in the Content Area (6-12) - 3 OR ED 343 Content Area Reading and Writing - 2
- ED 401 Examining Foundations of Education - 2
- ED 411 Reflective Teaching Seminar and Portfolio - 1
- ED 461 Elementary Student Teaching - 7
- ED 462 Middle/High School Student Teaching - 7
Other licensure requirement:
- PSYC 202 Developmental Psychology - 3
ESL Curriculum (17 SH)
- ED 385 Content Area Methods for Middle and Secondary Teaching - 2
- LING 250 Introduction to Linguistics - 3
- LING 260 Grammars of English - 3
- *LING 360 Language Learning, Literacy, and Culture - 3
- LING 460 Practicum in TESOL - 3
- Foreign language (Intermediate II or above) - 3