Marketing Minor

Marketing Minor

Semester Hours: 18

The field and practice of marketing sits at the intersection of business and design; EMU's marketing minor introduces students to both fields. Students will learn the impact marketing has on larger cultural forces and a contributing factor in social change, advocacy and getting unique and challenging messages into the social dialogue.

Required Courses (18 SH)

  • MKTG 301 Principles of Marketing - 3 
  • VACA 141 Foundations of Design - 4 
  • Choose two of the following courses:
    • MKTG 311 Marketing Research - 3 
    • *MKTG 321 Consumer Behavior - 3 
    • *MKTG 330 Sales/E-Commerce - 3 
    • MKTG 410 Strategic Marketing Management - 3 
  • Choose a minimum of 5 SH from the following courses:
    • VACA 151 Photography I - 2 
    • VACA 142 Graphic Design I - 2 
    • VACA 242 Graphic Design II - 2 
    • VACA 344 Web Design and Social Media -
    • VACA 354 Conservation Photography - 4 
    • VACA 381 Cinema and Visual Theory - 2 
    • WRIT 210 News and Feature Writing -