SPAN 430 Marginalized Voices in Hispanic America (3 SH)

SPAN 430 Marginalized Voices in Hispanic America (3 SH)

This course will enhance students' critical and analytical reading and writing skills through an interdisciplinary study of the indigenista and feminist discourses. The emphasis will be on strategies for articulating the experience of racial and ethnic minorities and women in patriarchal societies and the role of literature as a reflection of and a catalyst for political and social change. Specific topics that may be covered include, but are not limited to: resistance to and (de)construction of racialized, gendered, and ethnic categories/social roles, creation of a narrative space for the alternative worldviews, problematic of speaking for the subaltern, the experiences of indigenous peoples, and problems of representation. Prerequisite: SPAN 320/325 or consent of instructor. (Fall 2022)

Core: CC, LI

Offered in alternate years

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