Cross-Cultural Policy for Undergraduate Programs and Courses

Cross-Cultural Policy for Undergraduate Programs and Courses


The purpose of the Cross-Cultural Policy for Undergraduate Programs and Courses is to identify appropriate processes and responsible parties for the approval and implementation of all programs and courses which satisfy the undergraduate cross-cultural requirement. This policy strives to ensure the welfare of all students and to reduce exposure to risk for the university by centralizing operations.

Policy Statement

The intercultural office plans and supports a regular schedule of undergraduate cross-cultural programs. The intercultural office and cross-cultural sub-committee seek to maintain a balance of semester and summer programs in different geographic regions to provide student choice in a fiscally and environmentally responsible manner. The cross-cultural office honors established processes and policies by announcing calls for proposals in advance and reviewing proposals in a timely fashion. Ideally the cross-cultural office publishes offerings two to three years out so that students may appropriately plan their four years of study at EMU.

Faculty who build a cross-cultural component into their course should follow the established processes for all cross-cultural programs. Namely, they should submit a proposal well in advance for approval by the committee. Such collaboration ensures that programs are accessible to all students, receive corresponding administrative assistance, and meet budgetary expectations.

Courses with a cross-cultural component that are not approved by the cross-cultural sub-committee are not considered cross-cultural offerings. The responsible party for said programs is the department chair. To protect students from any confusion regarding their cross-cultural requirements for graduation, faculty must explicitly state in a prominent place on the syllabus that participation in the course, including completion of a cross-cultural component, does not apply towards satisfying EMU’s undergraduate cross-cultural requirement.

Responsible Party

The intercultural office makes recommendations for officially sanctioned programs. The provost's office oversees the intercultural office.

Policy Review

This policy is to be reviewed every three years.


This policy is distributed via the Cross-cultural Leaders Manual and the Faculty/Staff Handbook.

Approved by President’s Cabinet, April 25, 2007
Re-approved by Provost's Council, March 15, 2017
Revised and approved by Provost's Council, April 30, 2020

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