Student Teaching in your Own Classroom

Student Teaching in your Own Classroom

A school division may offer a student a teaching contract before a student has begun their student teaching experience, or after the first placement. In these rare situations, it may be possible for a student teacher to student teach "in his/her own classroom." The decision whether or not to support such an experience belongs to the Director of Undergraduate Teacher Education and Director of Clinical Partnerships but must be consistent with the EPP’s (Educator Preparation Provider) out-of-area placement policy. Out-of-state placements are generally not permitted. The following guidelines must be considered and followed in determining whether or not a student may student teach in his/her own classroom.

Student Teacher Qualifications:

  • submit a written request to student teach "in his/her own classroom" to the Director of Clinical Partnerships
  • student teacher must have completed all requirements for graduation and teacher certification except student teaching
  • student teacher must be unconditionally admitted to student teaching
  • student teacher must have met the Praxis Subject Assessment requirements

Classroom Setting:

  • grade level, subject area, and classroom composition must meet appropriate licensure requirements
  • classroom placements need to meet the following criteria: Early Childhood—two different seven-week placements in PreK-3; Elementary Education—one seven-week placement in grades K-3 and one seven-week placement in grades 4-6; PreK-12 (Art, Foreign Language, Health & PE, and Music)—one seven-week placement in K-5 and one seven-week placement in grades 6-8 or 9-12; Secondary Education—one seven-week placement in grades 6-8 and one seven-week placement in grades 9-12
  • student teaching may, in creative and unusual configuration, provide for dual placements and certifications while meeting the needs of the school division
  • student teacher must be designated as the classroom teacher or as an aide or paraprofessional in another teacher's classroom
  • if the student teacher is employed as an aide or paraprofessional, they must be allowed to complete all of the experiences required of student teachers
  • student teacher must register for all appropriate student teaching semester courses
  • length of experience must conform to the appropriate approved program/accreditation guidelines, and may be extended if necessary; details will be outlined in a specific agreement approved by EMU, the school division or designee, and the student teacher
  • student teacher must complete all program requirements for student teaching, including supplemental seminars and any "products" such as lesson/unit plans, journals, etc.
  • remuneration agreements are negotiated between the student teacher and the school division, and do not involve the university.

Onsite Mentor/Cooperating Teacher:

  • mentor must meet all cooperating teacher qualifications; clinical faculty training is strongly recommended
  • mentor must be agreed upon by the school division and EMU education program
  • mentor must complete a minimum of five formal observations
  • mentor must complete all other paperwork expected of cooperating teachers
  • mentor must meet with the university supervisor a minimum of two times

Building/Onsite Administrator:

  • administrator may be the building principal or assistant principal, or the appropriate central office supervisor
  • administrator must observe the student teacher at least twice, once at the midpoint and once at the end of the experience, using either the university's administrator observation form or the school division observation form
  • administrator must submit copies of the completed observation forms to the university consultant

University Consultant:

  • university consultant must visit and/or observe the student teacher at least once every other week
  • university consultant must complete a minimum of five formal observations
  • university consultant must complete all other paperwork required for normal student teaching placements
  • university consultant must meet with the student teacher and mentor a minimum of two times


The Director of Undergraduate Teacher Education and the Director of Clinical Partnerships will evaluate each request on a case-by-case basis. In making this decision, consideration will be given to the location and appropriateness of the new teaching position, the student teacher's progress during his/her student teaching experience, continued supervision by the university supervisor, and the support to be provided by the requesting school.

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