Problem Solving Process for Concerns Related to the Performance of the Student Teacher
Step 1 – develop an action plan
The cooperating teacher, university consultant, and student teacher should meet to develop a plan of action that includes:
- the identification of the specific concerns of all participants
- the development of appropriate strategies and evaluation criteria to address those concerns
- the setting of a realistic time line for review of the action plan
The cooperating teacher and university consultant should keep the building principal, university program coordinator, and Coordinator of Field Placements appraised of these actions as appropriate.
Step 2 – develop a second action plan
If the specific concerns of all parties are not addressed satisfactorily during the designated time period, the university consultant should set up a conference with the student teacher, cooperating/practicum teacher, and university program coordinator to determine the advisability of:
- developing a second action plan, using the guidelines outlined in the previous section
- recommending termination of the placement
- recommending withdrawal from the teacher education program
The building principal and Coordinator of Field Placements should be kept informed of this meeting; the building principal should be included as a participant if termination of the placement is being considered as a possible option. The school division placement coordinator and the Coordinator of Field Placements may be included in this meeting if appropriate.
Step 3 - Withdrawal from current Student Teaching/Practicum placement
If the recommendation is to terminate the student teaching placement, the university program coordinator, university consultant, and the university Coordinator of Field Placements will meet to finalize the recommendation and determine the candidate's next steps. The Coordinator of Field Placements will notify all persons involved in the original placement in writing and send a letter of appreciation to the appropriate school division personnel.
If the recommendation is to withdraw the student teacher from the teacher education program, the university program coordinator will notify the candidate and other appropriate personnel in writing. This notification will provide information on available supporting campus resources and the procedures for appeal.
Occasionally there are placement situations that require immediate action because the safety of one or more participants is in question or because the interests of one or more participants are in jeopardy. In this instance, any of the involved parties may request that the student teacher not participate in classroom activities until the steps listed above have been accomplished. The outlined procedures should then be scheduled as expeditiously as possible so that there will be minimal disruption of the student teaching experience.