Telecommuting and Remote Work Policy

Telecommuting and Remote Work Policy


This policy addresses EMU’s approach to facilitating employees who work away from the university’s main campus or one of its instructional sites. This work falls into two categories, both of which are addressed by this policy: 

  • Telecommuting - Employees whose primary work location is the university’s main campus or one of its instructional sites, but who may be granted permission to work from home for a portion of their working hours. 

  • Remote work - Employees whose working arrangement is flexible and allows an employee to work from a location outside of the university’s main campus or one of its instructional sites (e.g., Lancaster or WCSC). 

These working arrangements may be full or partial, temporary or permanent. Each EMU position description will indicate as to whether or not the position is eligible for telecommuting and/or remote work. 



Telecommuting and remote work allows employees to work at home or a remote location and may result in increased productivity, work-life balance for the employee, and a reduced impact to the environment. EMU considers these working arrangements to be a viable, flexible work option when both the employee and the job are suited to such an arrangement. These working arrangements may be appropriate for some employees and jobs but not for others. Telecommuting and remote work is not an entitlement, it is not a companywide benefit, and it in no way changes the terms and conditions of employment with EMU. 



These working arrangements can be informal, such as working from home for a short- term project or on the road during business travel, or a formal, set schedule of working away from the office as described below. Either an employee or a supervisor can suggest either of these working arrangements as a possible work arrangement, if the position has been designated as approved for telecommuting and/or remote work. Any telecommuting or remote work arrangement made will be on a trial basis for the first three months and may be discontinued at will at any time at the request of either the employee or the university. Every effort will be made to provide 30 days' notice of such change to accommodate commuting and other issues that may arise from the termination of a telecommuting or remote work arrangement. There may be instances, however, when no notice is possible.



For positions determined to be telecommuting or remote work eligible, the employee must submit a Telecommuting or Remote Work Request & Decision Form. The employee and supervisor, with the assistance of the Human Resource Department, will evaluate the suitability of such an arrangement, reviewing the following areas: 

▪ Employee suitability. The employee and supervisor will assess the needs and work habits of the employee, compared to traits customarily recognized as appropriate for successful telecommuters or remote workers. 

▪ Job responsibilities. The employee and supervisor will discuss the job responsibilities and determine if the job is appropriate for a telecommuting or remote work arrangement. 

▪ Equipment needs, workspace design considerations and scheduling issues. The employee and supervisor will review the physical workspace needs and the appropriate location for the telework or remote work. 

▪ Remote employees will need to submit a written request to their immediate supervisor, which will be reviewed and decided in conjunction with Human Resources prior to any change in work location that would involve remote work in another state. 

▪ Tax and legal implications to employee. Remote work and telecommuting arrangements may impose additional federal, state, and local income tax obligations on the employee. Employees who are approved to telework or work remotely are solely responsible for understanding and complying with their individual tax obligations. 

Upon approval by the supervisor, the executive leadership team member, and the human resource department, a telecommuting agreement will be prepared and signed by all parties, and a three-month trial period will commence. 

Regular interaction by phone and e-mail between the employee and the supervisor, and weekly face-to-face meetings, via video conferencing, to discuss work progress and problems is a requirement for telecommuting or remote work arrangements. At the end of the first 90 days, and periodically throughout this arrangement, the employee and supervisor will each evaluate the arrangement and make recommendations for continuance or modifications. Evaluation of the telecommuter or remote worker’s performance beyond the trial period will be consistent with that received by employees working at the office in both content and frequency but will focus on work output and completion of objectives rather than on time-based performance. 

An appropriate level of communication between the telecommuter or remote worker and supervisor will be agreed to as part of the discussion process and will be more formal during the first 90 days. After the conclusion of the first 90 days, the supervisor and telecommuter or remote worker will communicate at a level consistent with employees working at the office or in a manner and frequency that is appropriate for the job and the individuals involved. 



Consistent with the university's expectations of information security for employees working at the office, telecommuting or remote work employees will be expected to ensure the protection of university information, including confidential and protected student educational records and personnel records, accessible from their home office or remote location. Steps include the use of locked file cabinets and desks, regular password maintenance, recommendations from the EMU Department of Information Services and any other measures appropriate for the job and the environment. 



Employees are expected to maintain their home workspace in a safe manner, free from safety hazards. EMU will provide each telecommuter or remote worker with a safety checklist that must be completed at least twice per year. Injuries sustained by the employee in a home office location and in conjunction with his or her regular work duties are normally covered by the university's workers' compensation policy. Telecommuting or remote work employees are responsible for notifying the Human Resources Department of such injuries as soon as practicable. The employee is liable for any injuries sustained by visitors to his or her home worksite. 

Telecommuting or remote work is not designed to be a replacement for appropriate child care. Although an individual employee's schedule may be modified to accommodate child care needs, the focus of the arrangement must remain on job performance and meeting business demands. 

While performing official duties, telecommuters or remote workers are expected to have independent childcare arrangements in place. For telecommuters or remote work employees with in-home dependent care arrangements, it is important to remember that telework and remote work is official work time and a tool for accomplishing work. 


Time Worked 

Telecommuting employees who are in positions that have been designated as non- exempt from the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act will be required to accurately record all hours worked using EMU's time-keeping system. This designation will be indicated on the position description. Hours worked in excess of those scheduled per day and per workweek require the advance approval of the telecommuter's supervisor. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.



EMU will determine, with information supplied by the supervisor, the appropriate equipment needs (including hardware, software, modems, phone and data lines and other office equipment) for each telecommuting arrangement. The Human Resources and Information System departments will serve as resources in this matter. Equipment supplied by the university will be maintained by EMU. Equipment supplied by the employee, if deemed appropriate by EMU, will be maintained by the employee. EMU accepts no responsibility for damage or repairs to employee-owned equipment. EMU reserves the right to make determinations as to appropriate equipment, subject to change at any time. Equipment supplied by the university is to be used for educational and job-related purposes only. The telecommuter must sign an inventory of all EMU property received and agree to take appropriate action to protect the items from damage or theft. Upon termination of employment, all university property will be returned to the university within 7 days, unless other arrangements have been made. EMU will supply the employee with appropriate office supplies (pens, paper, etc.) as deemed necessary. EMU will also reimburse the employee for business-related expenses, such as phone calls and shipping costs, that are reasonably incurred in carrying out the employee's job. 

The employee will establish an appropriate work environment within his or her home for work purposes. EMU will not be responsible for costs associated with the setup of the employee's home office, such as remodeling, furniture or lighting, nor for repairs or modifications to the home office space.





Remote Work Equipment 

EMU will provide: 

  • Laptop (Windows or Mac) 

  • Softphone Client 

  • 1-2 24” Monitors 

  • External wired Keyboard (wireless funded by department) • External wired Mouse (wireless funded by department) • Headset (funded by department) 

  • Surge Protector 

  • Printer (funded by department) 

  • Scanner (funded by department) 

  • WebCam 

  • Speakers 

  • Cables & Cords 

Telecommuting Equipment 

EMU will provide: 

  • Laptop (Windows or Mac) 

  • Softphone Client 

Employee will provide (if needed): 

  • Monitor 

  • External Keyboard 

  • External Mouse or Trackball 

  • Docking Station 

  • Headset 

  • Surge Protector 

  • Printer 

  • Scanner 

  • WebCam 

  • Speakers 

  • Phone 

  • High Speed Internet Connection 

  • Cables & Cords


Approved by Cabinet November 2, 2022

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