September, 2024
Message from the President
To Whom It May Concern:
Eastern Mennonite University is committed to maintaining a safe, environmentally responsible, and physically attractive environment for our students, faculty, staff, and visitors. To that end, I am pleased to present the EMU Campus Safety and Fire Report.
Although EMU is committed to creating a safe, caring, and cooperative campus culture, we cannot lose sight of the fact that no community is immune to, or completely safe from, a crisis or catastrophic event.
Use this report to become aware and to help make the EMU community an environment of mutual care and respect.
Susan Schultz Huxman, PhD President
Message from the Campus Safety and Security Coordinator
Eastern Mennonite University is committed to providing a safe place where individuals can grow and learn.
The Office of Safety and Security oversees campus safety, fire safety, and security. Safety and security services on campus are provided by contract security officers trained according to Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services standards.
The university has a standing group of administrators and support staff who comprise the Incident Command Team (ICT). This team meets as necessary during the academic year explore and remediate concerns and issues relating to safety, security, and emergency preparedness. The university also works closely with our local emergency service partners in preparation and preparedness planning and training.
To proactively protect the campus community, EMU has undertaken numerous endeavors in the past few years to address safety and security. A few recent accomplishments have been working with the Department of Justice (DOJ) to extend a grant through the Office of Violence Against Women (OVW) focused on a trauma-informed approach to sexual assault investigations.
The Incident Command Team continues to update and optimize emergency operations, crisis management, and continuity of operations plans. The university works closely with the Harrisonburg City, Rockingham County, and James Madison University emergency management coordinators.
All community members are encouraged to participate within the community by stepping up and being an advocate for campus safety. Campus safety takes a group effort and is an individual responsibility. Additional safety, security, and reporting information can be found at http://www.emu.edu/safety-and-security/
Wayne Martin