ESF 13 - Pub Safety and Security

ESF 13 - Pub Safety and Security

Emergency Support Function (ESF) #13

Public Safety and Security



Primary Agency


Harrisonburg Police Department

Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office

JMU Police Department

Bridgewater College Police Department

Incorporated Town Police Departments


Secondary/Support Agencies


Commonwealth’s Attorney

Emergency Management

Harrisonburg Department of Public Transportation

Harrisonburg Fire Department

Rockingham County Department of Fire & Rescue

Virginia State Law Enforcement Agencies

Federal Law Enforcement Agencies

Virginia Department of Transportation

National Guard

Harrisonburg Public Works Department






Emergency Support Function #13 (Public Safety and Security) is to maintain law and order, to provide public warning, to provide for the security of critical facilities and supplies, to provide a “safe scene” for the duration of a traffic disruptive incident, to effect the evacuation of threatened areas, to provide access control to evacuated areas or critical facilities, to assist with search and rescue operations, and to assist with identification of the dead.




ESF #13 is designed to respond during a time of emergency using existing procedures. These procedures are in the form of department directives that cover all types of natural disasters, technological hazards, and acts of terrorism; incidents including flooding, hazardous material spills, transportation accidents, search and rescue operations, traffic control, and evacuations.




Law enforcement will retain operational control for security operations.


The Incident Commander will determine the need for security at the scene.


The local law enforcement agency in coordination with the IC and/or Coordinator of Emergency Management will identify areas of potential evacuations.


The concentration of large numbers of people in shelters during an evacuation may necessitate law enforcement presence to maintain orderly conduct; and


Law enforcement agency(s) will be needed in evacuated areas to prevent looting and to protect property.


Concept of Operations




Existing procedures in the form of department directives provide the basis for the law enforcement response in time of emergency. The mission of the Public Safety and Security function is to maintain law and order, protect life and property, provide traffic control and law enforcement support, guard essential facilities/supplies and coordinate mutual aid.


The Emergency Communications Center (ECC) is the point of contact for the receipt of all warning and notification of actual or impending emergencies or disasters.


If the National Guard is called in for a State or Federally declared disaster they may only be used for low-risk duties such as security and traffic control. A hazard or potential hazard situation could justify the need for evacuation for a short period of a few hours to several days or weeks, depending on the hazard and its severity. In order to limit access to the hazard area, various personnel and devices will be required, such as the following:


Personnel to direct traffic and staff control points.


Signs to control or restrict traffic.


Two-way radios to communicate to personnel within and outside the secured area.


Control point(s).


Adjacent highway markers/sign boards indicating closure of area.


Markers on surface roads leading into the secured areas. (above?)


  • Patrols within and outside the secured areas; and

  • Establish pass system for entry and exit of secured areas.


The local law enforcement agency(s) has general responsibility for signing and marking.




Law Enforcement will utilize their normal communications networks during disasters. The Coordinator of Emergency Management, in coordination with the law enforcement agency and the fire department, should delineate areas that may need to be evacuated. The law enforcement agency will set up control points and roadblocks to expedite traffic to reception centers or shelters and prevent reentry of evacuated areas. They will also provide traffic control and security at damaged public property, shelter facilities and donations/distribution centers. Should an evacuation become necessary, warning and evacuation instructions will be put out via radio and television. Also, the law enforcement agency and fire department will use mobile loudspeakers to ensure that all residents in the threatened areas have received the evacuation warning. Door to door calls may be necessary to ensure that the disabled have received the information.




Identify essential facilities and develop procedures to provide for their security and continued operation in the time of an emergency.


Maintain law enforcement intelligence capability to alert government agencies and the public to potential threats.


Develop procedures and provide training for the search and rescue of missing persons.


Develop strategies to effectively address special emergency situations that may require distinct law enforcement procedures, such as civil disorders, hostage taking, weapons of mass destruction, terrorist situations, and bomb threats/detonations.


Test primary communications systems and arrange for alternate systems, if necessary.


Provide traffic and crowd control as required.


Implement existing mutual aid agreements with other jurisdictions, if necessary; and


Document expenses.






Crowd control.


Conducts valuation of operational readiness.


Resolves conflicting demands for public safety and security resources.


Coordinates backup support from other areas.


Initial warning and alerting.


Security of emergency site, evacuated areas, shelter areas, vital facilities and supplies.


Traffic control.


Evacuation and access control of threatened areas; and


Assist the Health Department with identification of the dead.




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