Support Annexes - Introduction

Support Annexes - Introduction

Support Annexes - Introduction





This section provides an overview of the Support Annexes to the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP).




The Support Annexes describe the framework through which local departments and agencies, the private sector, volunteer organizations, and nongovernmental organizations coordinate and execute the common functional processes and administrative requirements necessary to ensure efficient incident management. During an incident, numerous procedures and administrative functions are required to support incident management. The actions described in the Support Annexes are not limited to particular types of events, but are overarching in nature and applicable to nearly every type of incident. In addition, they may support several ESFs. Examples include public affairs, infrastructure, resources, and worker safety and health.


The following section includes a series of annexes describing the roles and responsibilities, when appropriate, of local departments and agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector for those common activities that support the majority of incidents. The annexes address the following areas:


  • Animal Care and Control

  • Information and Technology

  • Worker Safety and Health

  • Debris Management

  • Damage Assessment

  • Family Assistance Center

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