Chap 6 - Intercollegiate Athletics and Intramurals


Intercollegiate Athletics and Intramurals


Intercollegiate Athletics


Intercollegiate athletics and intramurals are programs within the supervision of the student life division at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU).


Intercollegiate athletics participates within the Division III grouping of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and as a member institution strives to abide by membership requirements and recommendations.


The NCAA athlete health and safety guidelines are issued annually in the publication NCAA Sports Medicine Guidelines.


EMU employs a head athletic trainer and a part-time assistant athletic trainer. Both individuals are certified by the National Athletic Trainers Association’s Board of Certification (ATC) and licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Board of Health Professions (VATL). The National Athletic Trainers Association provides practice standards and mandates continuing education as a requirement of continued certification.


ATCs direct and supervise health care of the athletes on the intercollegiate teams. This care is provided in the athletic training room located in the University Commons. ATCs are present for all activity from 2:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m., and for all home contests. The ATCs direct daily prevention, care and rehabilitation, as well as coordinate referrals to the EMU health services, local physicians and physicians from the athlete’s home areas.


The ATCs maintain pre-participation medical examination forms and medical records on each athlete. They maintain medical eligibility standards and require completion of a medical forms packet prior to the participation in any team practice or competition.


Emergency Action Plans have been developed for each practice and competition site and have been shared with the head coaches of each sports team. Emergency communication is maintained through a hand-held radio system. Each team that practices outside the University Commons is provided a medical supply kit that includes a hand-held radio in order to alert the ATC staff of any medical conditions that may occur. ATCs have at their disposal emergency medical equipment and medications as authorized by the Board of Medicine and appropriate to the level of first aid training held. This includes breathing and airway devices, automated defibrillator, epinephrine auto-injectors, extremity splits and wound care supplies.



ATCs are assisted by students. Students are generally juniors or seniors and have first-aid and bloodborne pathogens education prior to their assignment. ATCs may be assisted by students in an internship with an athletic training education program.


Intramurals Program


The intramurals program provides a wide variety of opportunities for students. The programs are supervised by the director of student programs and orientation. The director is assisted by a trained staff of work study students. Student workers serve as officials and scorekeepers. Many students are certified in adult CPR and have instruction in first aid situations. Additional training is provided for bloodborne pathogens and injury reporting. This instruction is provided by health services and other staff/faculty members. There are first aid supplies present at intramural contests. Injury forms are provided for documenting injuries.