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Undergraduate Writing Rubric

Downloadable/Printable PDF Version

Writing Standards – Undergraduate Level (Grid Version) (revised Fall 2021)


A excellent

B good

emerging skills

D to F below expectations;
may be unacceptable



(quality of the information, ideas and supporting details)

  • shows strong clarity of purpose
  • offers strong depth of content 
  • applies keen insight and represents original thinking
  • follows guidelines for content
  • shows clarity of purpose
  • offers depth of content 
  • applies insight and some original thinking
  • mostly follows guidelines for content
  • shows some clarity of purpose
  • offers some depth of content
  • applies some insight and original thinking
  • somewhat follows guidelines for content
  • shows minimal or no clarity of purpose offers minimal or no depth of content
  • applies minimal or no insight and original thinking
  • does not follow guidelines for content


(logical order or sequence of the writing)

  • shows strong coherence and logically developed paragraphs
  • uses highly effective transitions between ideas and sections
  • constructs highly  appropriate introduction and conclusion
  • shows coherence and some logically developed paragraphs
  • uses effective transitions between ideas and sections
  • shows appropriate introduction and conclusion 
  • shows some coherence and logically developed paragraphs
  • uses some transitions between ideas and sections
  • shows some construction of appropriate introduction and conclusion
  • shows minimal or no coherence and logically developed paragraphs
  • uses minimal or no transitions between ideas and sections
  •  shows minimum or no construction of appropriate introduction and conclusion

Rhetoric and Style

(appropriate attention to audience)

  • is highly concise, eloquent and rhetorically effective
  • effectively uses correct, varied, and concise sentence structure 
  • is engaging to read
  • writes highly appropriate prose for audience and purpose
  • is concise, eloquent, and rhetorically effective
  • generally uses correct, varied, and concise sentence structure
  • is somewhat engaging to read
  • writes appropriate prose for audience and purpose
  • is somewhat conciseness, eloquence, and rhetorical effectiveness
  • uses some correct, varied, and concise sentence structure
  • is minimally engaging to read
  • generally writes appropriate prose for audience and purpose
  • shows minimum or no conciseness, eloquence, or rhetorical effectiveness
  • uses little to no correct, varied, and concise sentence structure 
  • is not engaging to read
  • lacks appropriate writing for audience and purpose
  • uses inappropriate jargon and clichés

Information Literacy

(locating, evaluating, and using effectively the needed information as appropriate to the assignment)

  • uses strong academic and other reliable sources
  • chooses sources from many types of resources
  • chooses timely resources for the topic
  • fully integrates references and quotations to support ideas
  • uses academic and other reliable sources
  • chooses sources from a variety of types of resources
  • chooses resources with mostly appropriate dates
  • integrates references and quotations to provide some support for ideas
  • uses mostly academic  and some unreliable sources
  • chooses sources from a moderate variety of resources
  • chooses a few resources with inappropriate dates
  • integrates references or quotations that are loosely linked to the ideas of the paper
  • uses a few or no academic sources and uses unreliable sources
  • chooses  sources that are not varied, mostly  from one type of source
  • chooses many resources with inappropriate dates
  • uses disconnected references and quotations and does not support ideas

Source Integrity

(appropriate acknowledgment of sources used in research)

  • correctly cites sources for all quotations 
  • cites paraphrases correctly and credibly
  • includes reference page
  • makes virtually no errors in documentation style
  • makes virtually no errors in formatting
  • incorporates feedback given in previous written assignments
  • correctly cites sources for most quotations
  • usually cites paraphrases correctly and credibly
  • includes reference page with some errors
  • makes some errors in documentation style
  • makes some errors in formatting
  • incorporates  most   feedback given in previous written assignments

  • provides sources for all quotations without correctly citing them
  • sometimes cites paraphrases correctly and credibly 
  • includes reference page with many errors
  • makes many errors in documentation style
  • makes many  errors in formatting
  • incorporates some  feedback given in previous written assignments
  • lacks sources for all quotations
  • lacks correctly and credibly cited paraphrases
  • shows little to no evidence of source usage
  • includes no reference page or an extremely weak one  
  • entirely lacks correct documentation style
  • lacks correct formatting
  • incorporates little to no feedback given in previous written assignments


(adherence to grammar rules: usage, spelling & mechanics of Standard Edited English or SEE)

  • makes virtually no errors in SEE conventions
  • makes accurate word choices
  • makes some errors in SEE conventions
  • almost always makes accurate word choices
  • makes many errors in SEE conventions
  • makes some inaccurate word choice
  • lacks appropriate SEE conventions 
  • makes many inaccurate word choices

he weighting of each of the five areas is dependent on the specific written assignment and the teacher’s preference. Plagiarism occurs when a person presents as one’s own “someone else’s language, ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge) material without acknowledging its source” (adapted from Council of Writing Program Administrators). 


Undergraduate Speech Rubric

Downloadable/Printable PDF Version

Speech Rubric: Exploring Voice in Vocation

Exceeds Expectations--3

[6 & 5]

Meets Expectations--2

[4 & 3]

Does not meet Expectations--1

[2 & 1]

1. Voice & Delivery

The speaker employs a vocally expressive conversational (extemporaneous) style presents confidently, makes eye contact, and expertly manages her/his energy.

The speaker maintains a conversational (extemporaneous) style, presents confidently, makes eye contact some of the time, and manages her/his energy efficiently, speaking without undue nervousness.

The speaker demonstrates some ability to present in a conversational (extemporaneous) style, without making much eye contact, but nervousness is distracting to speech effectiveness.

2. Audience Awareness

The speaker exhibits high audience awareness, making the kind of logical, emotional, and persuasive appeals that point to your character, wisdom, and goodwill and are highly convincing for this audience in this setting.

The speaker exhibits audience awareness, making the kind of logical, emotional, and persuasive appeals that point to your character, wisdom, and goodwill and are fairly convincing for this audience in this setting.

The speaker exhibits low audience awareness, making the kind of logical, emotional, and persuasive appeals that point weakly to your character, wisdom, and goodwill and have little power to convince this audience in this setting.

3. Invention: Determining the topic, collecting evidence, incorporating multiple


The speaker has presented a topic, highly appropriate to the speech type, using high quality evidence and multiple perspectives that provide a context for the speaker’s purpose.

The speaker has presented a topic appropriate to the speech type, using adequate quality evidence and a few perspectives that provide a context for the speaker’s purpose.

The speaker has presented a topic that may not be appropriate to the speech type, using less than adequate quality evidence and little perspective appropriate to the speaker’s purpose.

4. Organization (including transitions, internal previews, internal summaries,


The speaker has masterfully organized the material that the audience finds riveting and is highly appropriate to the speech type and assignment.

The speaker has organized the material that the audience finds interesting and is appropriate to the speech type and assignment.

The speaker has little to no organization of the material for the audience’s interest and may not be appropriate to the speech type and assignment.

5. Source Integrity

(See Information Literacy & Source Integrity criteria in the UG writing


The speaker has treated the sources in a responsible way and cited them with integrity both within the speech (including visuals) and within the outline.

The speaker has treated the sources with an average degree of responsibility and mostly cited them with integrity both within the speech (including visuals) and within the outline.

The speaker has treated the sources and citations with little to no responsibility or integrity both within the speech (including visuals) and within the outline.

6.Visual Support

The speaker uses expertly crafted presentation aids in ways that amplify the speech.

The speaker uses appropriate presentation aids to enhance the speech.

The speaker may use presentation aids that somewhat or do not

complement the speech.

7. Exploration of Vocation (life interest)

The speaker demonstrates a sophisticated level of engagement with a specific issue related to a vocation or passion, making it clear why the speaker is committed to this vocation or passion.

The speaker demonstrates a significant level of engagement with a specific issue related to a vocation or passion, making it clear why the speaker is committed to this vocation or passion.

The speaker demonstrates some or little engagement with a specific issue related to a vocation or passion, leaving the audience with an unclear sense of why the speaker is committed to this vocation or passion.

Graduate Writing Rubric

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