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ED 301 Creating Inclusive Classrooms (3 SH)

Addresses the design of classroom and instructional practices that attend to the needs of all learners: focuses on justice and equity in educational spaces.


teaching of students with diverse and special needs, including disabilities. Concepts of gender, sexuality, ethnic, racial, linguistic, economic, and religious diversity will also be explored in relation to methods for differentiating instruction. Inclusive settings, family-school communication, and an integrated services approach are examined. In addition to learning about differentiation, and ways to differentiate in order to meet the needs of all learners, much of this course will be about developing a disposition that motivates that type of differentiation.

ED 331, 332, 333 Curriculum Block

Curriculum Block is comprised of ED 331, 332, 333 (4 SH content; 2 SH practicum) which provide foundations of curriculum development and implementation. Coursework is integrated with a 60-hour practicum experience in K-6 classrooms with a focus on local, state, and national curriculum standards. Introduces methods of teaching mathematics in grades K-6 with significant attention to planning, instruction and assessment activities which are responsive to the needs of diverse learners. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards and Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs) provide the content framework. Participants

ED 331 Math in the Elementary School (2 SH)

This course introduces methods of teaching mathematics in grades K-6 with emphasis on planning, instruction, and assessment activities which are responsive to the needs of all students. Teacher candidates will be involved in exploration, development, and practical applications of inquiry, discovery, directed teaching, use of manipulatives, and other activities designed to prepare them for teaching mathematics in elementary schools. Prerequisites. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards and Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs) provide the content framework. Prerequisites: ED 235, ED 245 and a cumulative GPA of 2.5.

ED 332 Science in the Elementary School (2 SH)

Curriculum Block is comprised of ED 331, 332, 333 (4 SH content; 2 SH practicum) which provide foundations of curriculum development and implementation. Coursework is integrated with a 60-hour practicum experience in K-6 classrooms with a focus on local, state, and national curriculum standards. Active sciencing and teacher resourcefulness are emphasized in planning relevant, meaningful experiences for diverse learnersThis course introduces methods of teaching science in grades K-6 which emphasize planning, instruction, and assessment activities that point to an inquiry based approach. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) standards themes and Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs) provide the content framework. Emphasis is given to the importance of preparing children's learning environments so that science concepts can be taught through inquiry and active participation. PrerequisitesTeacher candidates will be involved in exploration, development, and practical applications of inquiry, discovery, directed teaching, and use of hands-on/minds-on activities designed to prepare them for teaching science in elementary schools. Prerequisites: ED 235, ED 245 and a cumulative GPA of 2.5.

ED 333 Social Studies in the Elementary School (2 SH)

Curriculum Block is comprised of ED 331, 332, 333 (4 SH content; 2 SH practicum) which provide foundations of curriculum development and implementation. Coursework is integrated with a 60-hour practicum experience in K-6 classrooms with a focus on local, state, and national curriculum standards. Introduces This course introduces methods of teaching social studies in the elementary school. National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) standards themes and Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs) provide the content framework. Multicultural education is stressed and students Candidates design a culturally responsive curriculum unit incorporating social studies facts, concepts, and generalizations. Prerequisites. Candidates map social studies curriculum, develop units, and create lesson plans. Candidates additionally present lessons to the class and during a 60-hour field experience. Candidates explore why and how to teach social studies that leads to citizens who care deeply and act decisively. Prerequisites: ED 235, ED 245 and a cumulative GPA of 2.5.

ED 341


, 342, 343 Literacy Block

Literacy Block is comprised of ED 341, 342, 343 (5 SH content; 2 SH practicum) which is designed for students who plan to teach in PreK-6. The 7-hour block of courses with a 60-hour practicum explores the development of spoken and written language and traces the development of literacy from birth through pre-adolescence. Understanding the social and cultural contexts for language learning both at home and at school and knowing the cognitive and psychological factors that exist at various stages of development form the basis for planning the curriculum at school. Practica provides opportunities to integrate and apply course content in a classroom setting.

ED 341 Language Arts (2 SH)

This course examines appropriate strategies to assist diverse readers in constructing meaning from text and ways to use technology to improve literacy skills. Strategies are developed for organizing and using space, time and materials to promote the development of a literate
environment. Includes a 20-hour practicum in an elementary classroom. Prerequisite: Admission to teacher educationTeacher Education.

ED 342 Literacy Assessment and Instruction (3 SH)

Literacy Block is comprised of ED 341, 342, 343 (5 SH content; 2 SH practicum) which is designed for students who plan to teach in PreK-6. The 7-hour block of courses with a 60-hour practicum explores the development of spoken and written language and traces the development of reading from birth through pre-adolescence. Understanding the social and cultural contexts for language learning both at home and at school and knowing the cognitive and psychological factors that exist at various stages of development form the basis for planning the curriculum at school. Practica provides opportunities to integrate and apply course content in a classroom setting.

This course explores the research- and evidence-based elements of This course explores the research- and evidence-based elements of the science of reading. This includes phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, orthography and vocabulary development, comprehension, and writing in literacy instruction. Students utilize various assessment tools to assess literacy development and to design appropriate literacy instruction for diverse learners. Students assess one child’s literacy development to plan and implement appropriate tutoring instruction, including communication with caregivers. Includes development to plan and implement appropriate instruction, including communication with caregivers. Includes a 20-hour practicum in an elementary tutoring setting. Prerequisite: Admission to teacher educationTeacher Education
Core:  CE

ED 343 Content Area Reading and Writing (2 SH)

Literacy Block is comprised of ED 341, 342, 343 (5 SH content; 2 SH practicum) which is designed for students who plan to teach in PreK-6. The 7-hour block of courses with a 60-hour practicum explores the development of spoken and written language and traces the development of reading from birth through pre-adolescence. Understanding the social and cultural contexts for language learning both at home and at school and knowing the cognitive and psychological factors that exist at various stages of development form the basis for planning the curriculum at school. Practica provides opportunities to integrate and apply course content in a classroom setting.

This course focuses on processes of reading and writing with the Virginia English Standards of
Learning as the framework for instruction. Strategies involving reading and writing across all
content areas are demonstrated, explored, and practiced to meet diverse learner needs. Vocabulary development, writing skills and assessment strategies for socially just teaching are
emphasized. Includes a 20-hour practicum in an elementary classroom. Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education.

ED 351 General Curriculum and Methods for Middle and Secondary Teaching (1 SH)

Middle and Secondary Curriculum Block is comprised of ED 351, 361, 385. Focuses on general curriculum and instructional methods, pedagogy, and procedures related to teaching in the 6-12 grade levelsThis course focuses on processes of reading and writing with the Virginia English Standards of
Learning as the framework for instruction. Strategies involving reading and writing across all
content areas are demonstrated, explored, and practiced to meet diverse learner needs. Vocabulary development, writing skills and assessment strategies for socially just teaching are
emphasized. Includes a 20-hour practicum in an elementary classroom. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education.

ED 351 General Curriculum and Methods for Middle and Secondary Teaching (1 SH)

This course is designed for students preparing to teach in the middle and/or secondary school (grades 6-12) setting, and builds upon skill development and experiences from previously completed education and special methods courses. Students within this course explore lesson design, individualized and collaborative learning methods, the use of a variety of teaching and assessment strategies, classroom organization and motivation, and instructional strategies to meet the needs of a diverse student population. Prerequisites: ED 245 and admission to teacher educationTeacher Education.

ED 361 Secondary Methods Professional Field Experience (1 SH)

Middle and Secondary Curriculum Block The professional block for Secondary Education is comprised of three courses: ED 351 General Curriculum & Methods for Middle and Secondary Teaching, ED 361 Secondary Methods Professional Field Experience (a practicum within a classroom), and ED 385 . A 60-hour professional field experience in an area high school. Consists of assignments arranged to provide for breadth of experience within the scope of the candidate's content area. Grading is on a pass/fail basisContent Area Methods for Middle and Secondary Teaching. The instructional team of ED 361 consists of the PFE instructor, the ED 385 EMU professor(s) with 6-12 content area expertise, and the classroom practicum teacher. The PFE instructor will work with you, your classroom practicum teacher, and the ED 385 professor(s) to ensure that your field experience is a positive one. Prerequisites: ED 245 and admission to teacher educationTeacher Education. Corequisite: ED 351, ED 385.

ED 385 Content Area Methods for Middle and Secondary Teaching (2 SH)

Middle and Secondary Curriculum Block is comprised of ED 351, 361, and 385. Focuses on curriculum and instructional methods for middle/secondary endorsements specific to the content areas of This course focuses on curriculum and instruction of discipline-specific methodology relevant to the candidate’s licensure area in middle and high schools: 6-12 endorsement in biology, chemistry, computer science, English, history and social science, and mathematics, and PreK-12 endorsement in English as a second language, and health and physical education. Candidates examine the selection, development, and use of research-based, age-appropriate, and culturally relevant curricula and methodologies. Key themes include skill development and application to content-specific lesson planning, assessment, instruction, differentiation, and instructional technology that support and enhance student learning, as well as methods of improving communication and family engagement between schools and families. An instructional team of content experts facilitates instruction of pedagogy and content specific to the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) and to the Specialized Professional Association standards of the respective licensure area. Prerequisites: ED 245 and admission to teacher educationTeacher Education. Corequisites: ED 351, ED 361.


ED 401 Examining Foundations of Education (2 SH)

Examines This course concentrates on issues facing American education today. Utilizing a contextual framework that reflects on the historical, philosophical, and sociological foundations , students analyze, synthesize and evaluate issues underlying the role, development, and organization of public education in the United States. Topics include the legal status of teachers and students, professionalism and ethical standards, governance of schools, state assessment and accountability systems, including legal and ethical aspects of assessment. Prerequisite: Admission to teacher educationof American education, the student examines, analyzes, synthesizes, and evaluates issues/topics that are currently redefining the American educational system. Focus is on discussion, selections from classical and contemporary educational literature, out-of-class reading, research, and problem-solving strategies. Possibilities for teachers and school systems to foster more just and sustainable communities will be examined. As a capstone to the teacher education program, students will engage with professional materials relating to a number of questions generated through class readings and discussion in order to more deeply explore personal philosophies of education Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education.
Core: WI

ED 411 Reflective Teaching Seminar (1 SH)

Promotes reflective practice on pertinent aspects of the student teaching experienceThis course encourages students to practice the reflective teaching model and provides support for students as they complete their student teaching and prepare for the first years of teaching. Seminar sessions provide opportunities for the creation of the Documentation of Student Learning capstone project during the first student teaching placement, with particular attention given to the impact on student learning. Addresses professional standards of the teaching profession, including the Virginia child abuse and neglect recognition and intervention training. A capstone electronic portfolio is required. Taken concurrently with student teaching.


Designed for prospective early/primary education (PreK-3) and elementary education (PreK-6) teachers. Three integrated components comprise this experience: (1) Orientation and participatory experiences during the opening week of school, to be fulfilled in the setting where the student will later complete the supervised teaching assignment; (2) Two seven-week placements at two different grade levels and daily classroom teaching responsibilities under the supervision of a cooperating teacher, including observation, reflection, planning, implementation, evaluation, and conferencing; (3) ED 411 Reflective Teaching Seminar. Spring semester student teachers are required to take orientation and participational participation experiences during the opening week of school in the fall. Prerequisite: Admission to student teaching.


Designed for prospective early/primary education (PreK-3) and elementary education (PreK-6) teachers. Three integrated components comprise this experience: (1) Orientation and participatory experiences during the opening week of school, to be fulfilled in the setting where the student will later complete the supervised teaching assignment; (2) Two seven-week placements at two different grade levels and daily classroom teaching responsibilities under the supervision of a cooperating teacher, including observation, reflection, planning, implementation, evaluation, and conferencing; (3) ED 411 Reflective Teaching Seminar. Spring semester student teachers are required to take orientation and participational participation experiences during the opening week of school in the fall. Prerequisite: Admission to student teaching.


Designed for prospective early/primary education (PreK-3) and elementary education (PreK-6) teachers. Three integrated components comprise this experience: (1) Orientation and participatory experiences during the opening week of school, to be fulfilled in the setting where the student will later complete the supervised teaching assignment; (2) Two seven-week placements at two different grade levels and daily classroom teaching responsibilities under the supervision of a cooperating teacher, including observation, reflection, planning, implementation, evaluation, and conferencing; (3) ED 411 Reflective Teaching Seminar. Spring semester student teachers are required to take orientation and participational participation experiences during the opening week of school in the fall. Prerequisite: Admission to student teaching.


Consisting of three integrated components: (1) Orientation and participatory experiences during the opening week of school, to be fulfilled in the setting where the student will later complete the student teaching assignment; (2) Two seven-week blocks of actual classroom experience at both middle and high school levels under the supervision of a cooperating teacher, including observation, reflection, planning, implementation, evaluation, and conferencing; (3) ED 411 Reflective Teaching Seminar. Spring semester student teachers are required to take orientation and participational participation experiences during the opening week of school in the fall. Prerequisite: Admission to student teaching.


Consisting of three integrated components: (1) Orientation and participatory experiences during the opening week of school, to be fulfilled in the setting where the student will later complete the student teaching assignment; (2) Two seven-week blocks of actual classroom experience at both middle and high school levels under the supervision of a cooperating teacher, including observation, reflection, planning, implementation, evaluation, and conferencing; (3) ED 411 Reflective Teaching Seminar. Spring semester student teachers are required to take orientation and participational participation experiences during the opening week of school in the fall. Prerequisite: Admission to student teaching.


A full semester program for art, English as a second language, health and physical education, foreign language, and music majors consisting of integrated components: (1) Orientation and participatory experiences during the opening week of school, to be fulfilled in the setting where the student will later complete the student teaching assignment; (2) Two seven-week blocks of classroom experience at both elementary and middle or high school levels under the supervision of a cooperating teacher, including observation, reflection, planning, implementation, evaluation, and conferencing; (3) ED 411 Reflective Teaching Seminar. Spring semester student teachers are required to take orientation and participational participation experiences during the opening week of school in the fall. Prerequisite: Admission to student teaching.


This course provides students with an understanding of the foundation of assessment and evaluation related to best practice in special education, including types and characteristics of assessment, introduction to formal and informal assessment, and use of assessments and other information to determine special education eligibility, service delivery, curriculum, and instruction of students with disabilities. The course also includes the application of current legal and ethical issues related to assessment selection and use, including comprehensive evaluation requirements, students with disabilities participation in the state and local accountability systems, assessment options, appropriate grading and testing accommodations, and assessment of students from diverse backgrounds. Prerequisites: ED 301. (Spring 2025)

EDS 375 IEP Development and Implementation (3 SH)

This course is designed to provide a working knowledge of the eligibility process, legal, and regulatory requirements of IEP (Individualized Education Program) development including timelines, components, team composition, roles, and responsibilities. The student will develop skills to apply knowledge of assessment and evaluation throughout the K-12 grade levels to construct, use, and interpret a variety of standardized and nonstandardized non-standardized data collection techniques; to make decisions about student progress, instructional, program, goal development, accommodations, placement, and teaching methodology for students with disabilities who are accessing the general education curriculum and the Virginia Standards of Learning. The student will be able to demonstrate the use of assessment, evaluation, and other information to develop and implement individual educational planning and group instruction with students with disabilities who are accessing the general education curriculum across the K-12 grade levels. (Fall 2025)

EDS 381 Special Education Professional Field Experience (2 SH)


EDS 401 Supporting Positive Classroom Behavior (2 SH)

This course focuses on techniques used explores current research-based best practices to support positive behavior change development in children with disabilities. Systematic, peaceable classroom interventions are presented and students will learn strategies to prevent inappropriate behavior from occurring or escalating. Students are required to demonstrate various classroom behavior management strategies in the classroom and/or in simulations. Offered in alternate years, particularly those identified as having specific learning and/or behavioral challenges. The restorative justice approach modeled in this course recognizes the hurt generated by misbehavior, and seeks to restore relationships and motivate positive change through accountability structures developed collaboratively by those affected by the misbehavior. The course focuses on culturally sensitive strategies to prevent harmful behaviors and explores research and best practice interventions for reoccurring behavior.

EDS 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
