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Small ensembles of voices and/or instruments organized according to the interests and abilities of students, and coached by various EMU music faculty.
Core: CA & CE



Small ensemble focused on jazz combo repertoire, combo group playing, and improvisation, coached by EMU music faculty.
Core: CA & CE

MUES 341 EMU Jazz (0-1 SH)

The EMU Jazz Ensemble provides opportunities for students interested in jazz to learn musical skills and techniques associated with jazz music performance including different styles and improvising. Emphasis is placed on performance of jazz in the big band style. The Jazz Ensemble is open by audition. Preferences will be given to students of saxophone, trumpet, trombone, keyboard, drum set, bass, and guitar, but all students are welcome. The ensemble performs on campus and at local venues.
Core: CA


This course is designed to provide opportunities for advanced skills development, knowledge of the activity, fitness improvement and enjoyment of playing intermediate tennis, while also gaining an understanding of higher level of play. Prerequisite: PEG 128 120 or PEG 120 128 or permission of instructor. A skill pre-assessment is required.  


This course is designed as an introduction to key sociological theories, with a focus on how these impact the dynamics of social change. The theories covered range from micro social- psychology perspectives to macro-structural approaches. The course specifically interrogates how ideas about the nature of social relations influence our perceptions of how social systems are constructed, deconstructed and reconstructed. The course opens up the space for students to reflect on their own personal life journeys as well as provides the opportunity for vigorous debate around real-time contemporary issues and engagement with how theoretical frameworks actively shape the macro sphere and our collective lives. Most importantly, students experience how social theories are driving agents of change on the personal, local and global levels. Registration priority is given to students whose programs require this course. Prerequisite: PXD 151, SOC 101 or SOC 201. (SOC 225)
Core: WI

PXD 261 Community and Conflict Analysis Techniques (3 SH)


This course introduces a range of historical and contemporary approaches to the study of religion.
Various theories and methodologies will be examined with special attention given to the functions
of religion within culture and the insights this provides for Christians.
Core: TR

REL 202 Reading the Bible (3 SH)


This course is designed to introduce students to the interdisciplinary field of missiology by examining Christian mission, as well as the issues raised by its critics, from various perspectives. These perspectives include biblical foundations of mission, a historical overview of missions, critical reflections on empire and globalization, current issues in mission, practical applications, and personal considerations for intercultural missionaries.
Core: CE & TR & CE

REL 341 African American Religions (3 SH)


Students will study the video documentary form, from an historic perspective and consider how they are constructed and communicate. Students will use all the production techniques including, research, interview and video production, logging and editing. Particular emphasis will be paid to research, organization, the collaboration required, interviewing, color correction, and creating a cohesive long-form documentary for public viewing. PrereqPrerequisite: VACA 168.
Core: CE

VACA 481 Junior/Senior Thesis and Exhibition (2 SH)


WCSC faculty and staff work with students to place them in community service internships that meet the student's career goals and vocational aspirations. Most WCSC interns are placed in culturally diverse settings with organizations working to address racism, injustice, violence and other social problems. We can place students from any major, including the sciences, the arts, and professional programs. Please refer to our website for recent internship placements: www Offered in the summer

WCSC 385 WCSC Internship (6 SH)

WCSC faculty and staff work with all students, regardless of their major, to place them in community service internships that meet the student's career goals and vocational aspirations. Most WCSC interns are placed in culturally diverse settings with organizations working to address racism, injustice, violence and other social problems. See the WCSC webpage for recent internship placements: www Offered in the fall and spring semesters


This course is an introduction to urban studies, focused in particular on questions of space and place. Through fieldwork, readings, and discussion, we explore the urban landscape of Washington, D.C., seeking to understand the spatial organization of the city, the inequalities it reflects, and the implications for people and communities. What drives racial and economic segregation? How do we make sense of cycles of neighborhood development and disinvestment? This course asks students to consider the breadth of actors and forces that shape the city, and to reflect on what it means to seek justice within this context.
Core: WI . & Fulfills CORE 300 Power, Systems, and Justice.


The Latinx Caribbean influence on Washington, DC is strong and growing. This class takes a multi-disciplinary approach to understanding that aspect of the city—delving into the push/pull factors of immigration, looking at the many contributions the Latinx community has made and understanding the many forms of injustice that they face. Students will get a chance to experience and interpret the cultural, socio-economic, geographic and political impact of the Latinx community on the metro area. They will gain insight into the current national debate on immigration issues and take the opportunity to critically reflect and analyze relevant issues through speakers, class discussions, readings, movies, visits to various community organizations, advocacy work, and a final research project.
Core: WI . & Fulfills CORE 300 Power, Systems, and Justice.
