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A study of probability, random variables, distribution and density functions, and the theory behind the statistical techniques used in STAT 220. Prerequisites: MATH 170, MATH 284, and STAT 220, and MATH 284. (Spring 2025)

MATH 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)


This course builds upon skills developed in Class Piano I. Students will learn more advanced pieces, continue to refine keyboard skills, and further develop listening ability. This course is open to music majors and non-music majors. For music majors, the final exam of this course will also serve as the piano proficiency exam. Permission of instructor is required for students who have not previously taken MUED 131 Class Piano I.
Core: CA

MUED 212 The Child and Adolescent Voice (2 SH)


Want to get paid to play fun instrumental arrangements of popular songs and feel the excitement of bringing school spirit to athletic and university events? Join the EMU Pep Band! The pep band will play 4-8 games and a number of school events over the course of the EMU Royals basketball season and the academic year. Music will include popular hits by artists such as Beyoncé, Drake, Taylor Swift, original EMU school chants, and more. All instruments are welcome and no audition required.
Core: CA
*Students who take the course for 0 credits SH will be paid $15 per event. Students can opt to take the course for 1 credit SH without pay if they choose.


Crisis theory is applied with clients and their families in the acute stages of a health-related situational crisis and in disaster situations. Clinical experiences occur in the emergency department and critical care units. (Clinical experience: 4 four days). Prerequisites: NURS 322 and NURS 422.


Examines professional issues and the role development of the professional nurse transitioning into practice. In class discussions and in writing a philosophy paper, students identify personal beliefs and ethical issues and challenges that will affect their voice as a nurse. Students present an evidence-based project and advocate for a legislative policy change. Satisfies CORE 402 requirement for Accelerated Second Degree nursing students.
Core: WI


Clinical experiences are in medical surgical settings where the student masters complete care for 2-3 clients. For students on an extended schedule (clinical experience: 5 five days)

PE 101 Introduction to Health, Physical Education and Recreation (3 SH)


This individualized course provides exposure for kinesiology and exercise science minors in professional adult fitness or sports medicine settings. A volunteer position is secured in a related agency for fifty 50 clock-hours of involvement.
Core: CE


This course exposes students to elementary physical education history, theory, and practice and encourages them to develop appropriate teaching and management skills. This course must be taken as part of the elementary physical education professional block and includes a 60-hour practicum (also includes PEM 231 and PE 403). Course prerequisites: ED 101, ED 245, PE 301, and PE 302. Admission prerequisites: First semester of block courses: Admission to Teacher Education recommended, 2.7 cumulative GPA and the entry assessment math score required. Second semester of block courses: Admission to Teacher Education required. (Fall 2024)


This class promotes familiarity and proficiency with methods and instrumentation in administering and assessing individual fitness and establishing a base for developing exercise prescriptions and other lifestyle alternatives to improve health and fitness. This class includes advanced study in administration of prescribing and assessing of the acute and chronic adaptations of the body to the stresses and health benefits of exercise students encounter. An application of theories and practices that will prepare them for an accredited health and fitness certification. Prerequisites: BIOL 112 or BIOL 437, BIOL 122 or BIOL 447, PEM 143, PE 414, PE 415, and PEM 143.

PEG 110 Aerobic Cross-Training (1 SH)


This course is designed to provide opportunity for skills improvement of stroke mechanics, increasing knowledge of swimming, developing individual workouts for fitness improvement, and the enjoyment of participation in swimming as a lifetime sport. Prerequisites: Some prior knowledge of freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke is helpful for the student.  A  A skill pre-assessment is required.  An  An additional fee will be charged.


This course is designed to provide opportunity for exploration of the underwater world, by increasing knowledge of the underwater world as well as the comfort level that is required and the enjoyment of participation. The students will also, upon successful completion of the requirements of the course and the four Open Water training dives, obtain a PADI Open Water Diver Certification. A skill pre-assessment is required.  An  An additional fee will be charged.


Teacher candidates will focus on skill themes and movement concepts as well as qualitative assessment skills needed to successfully teach pre-school through fifth grade physical education. The process will enable physical educators to successfully structure the development of physically literate students. This course must be taken as part of the elementary physical education professional block and includes a 60-hour practicum (also includes PE 401). Course prerequisites: ED 101, ED 251, PE 301, and PE 302. Admission prerequisites: First semester of block courses: Admission to Teacher Education recommended, 2.7 cumulative GPA and the entry assessment math score required. Second semester of block courses: Admission to Teacher Education required. (Fall 2024)


This interdisciplinary core course will introduce students to public health in the US and globally using a social justice lens and emphasizing the interconnectedness of population and individual health. This course will cover foundational elements of public health, including its history and impact, the importance of health equity and human rights, and how racism manifests and is perpetuated within public health and healthcare systems. This is a foundational course for the public health programmajor.
Core: NS

PH 231 Foundations of Public Health Immunology (3 SH)


Epidemiology is the field of public health that describes the who, what, where, why, and when of disease occurrence in human populations. Epidemiology is the study of all health phenomena, such as infectious diseases, heart disease, addiction, and maternal and child health. Topics in this course include measures of disease frequency and association, design and analysis of observational studies, disease screening, and applications to public health policy.   Prerequisites: PH 175 and STAT 120. (BMS 556) Offered alternate years


This course is offered as instructors with special expertise in an area are available to offer unique or trial content. Possible topics include POL 340 Political Philosophy, and POL 342 Peace/Security in East Asia.


Introduces the essentials of designing, conducting, and evaluating research in psychology. Topics include: formulating research questions, understanding variables, research designs, control, conducting a literature review, sampling, measurement, collecting data, validity, reliability, and ethics. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are considered. Prerequisites: two semesters of successful coursework in psychology at EMU, STAT 120, PSYC 311 312 and PSYC 341 or PSYC 342, and STAT 120. (Fall only)
Core: WI

PSYC 473 Research in Psychology-Applied (2 SH)


This course guides advanced undergraduates in discovering their authentic theological vision for ministry with children and adolescents. Learnings from cultural studies, sociology, psychology, neurology and human development will contribute to understanding the developmental needs of children, youth and emerging adults. We will explore the complex dynamics of faith formation for diverse identities that emerge from ability, class, ethnicity, gender, nationality, race and sexuality. This course addresses ministry contexts with young people in congregations, community-based ministries and beyond. Prerequisite: REL 212 Faith, Meaning, and Adolescence or permission of instructor. (SMCL512)
Core: TR


This course examines the construction of “disability” as a historical concept with real live consequences. We will learn about the different theoretical approaches to disability (“models of disability”), and explore issues regarding sexuality, relationships, rights, representation, and advocacy. We will also keep in mind the intersections with other bodily and social markers, such as gender, race, sexuality, class, and nationality. We will focus on the role culture and religion, particularly Christianity (its doctrines and practices), has played in how we understand disability as a concept, and persons with disability as members (or not) of our communities. We will analyze historical and contemporary sources like art, literature, religious and medical discourses to explore how images of the “normal,” “healthy,” and “beautiful” are generated and contested by embodied differences.   For the purposes of this course, “disability” will include various ways in which bodies/minds can be seen as “abnormal,” including physical and cognitive disabilities as well as chronic illness and emotional/mental difference.
Core: TR


A survey of the Anabaptist movement and Mennonites throughout the world from the sixteenth to twenty-first centuries. Issues include pacifism, wealth, political participation, community and tensions between faith and the dominant culture. Particular attention is given to the Anabaptist vision and its relevance for 21st-century American life. (HIST 365) (Spring 2025)
Core: HI


This course is a basic introduction to the language of the Greek New Testament. The course focuses on the basic grammar necessary for reading/translating the Greek New Testament as well as for doing more advanced Greek studies. Through classroom study, written exercises, quizzes and readings in the Gospel of John, students develop ability in discovering the form and function of words/phrases, build a basic vocabulary and discover the value of language study for biblical interpretation. (BIBL 531) (Does not satisfy EMU Core Language Learning Requirement.) Prerequisite: senior status, or permission of instructor.


The significance and meaning of health, physical education, recreation, leisure, play, and sport in modern society are examined. Includes the theories of play, models of sport, and the recreational and sport movement in the U.SUnited States. Role and scope of health, physical education, recreation and sport programs in the community, schools, commercial, and industrial settings are examined along with an introduction to professional and career issues in the field. (PE 101)
