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Table of Contents


Outcomes Assessment is the means by which the university’s programs and departments hold themselves accountable to their own aspirations. The SACSCOC principles of accreditation offer helpful guidance with regard to the scope and nature of the university’s assessment efforts.

Academic programs and services maintain student learning objectives that describe the knowledge, skills, and attitudes/responsibilities/dispositions their graduates will demonstrate upon program completion. Academic and student services identify outcomes of their work that support student success. Section 8 of the 2018 SACSCOC principles articulates the following requirements:


Particularly important in the SACSCOC language above is the requirement that programs “[provide] evidence of seeking improvement based on analysis of … results.” The PACE process and the tools of SPOL are designed to scaffold this work and support departments in maintaining relevant data and documenting their efforts.

Administrative departments must likewise articulate the expected outcomes of administrative support services. Section 7 of the 2018 SACSCOC principles articulates the following requirements:


It is worth noting that the SACSCOC principles do not here require that administrative departments provide evidence of seeking improvement. Administrative support services may find success in having articulated articulating standards of performance/service (outcomes) and consistently achieving them. 

See Appendix 1 for lists of EMU’s academic programs and services and its administrative departments as identified for PACE assessment purposes.


 Likewise, administrative departments may demonstrate compliance with SACSCOC expectations for outcomes assessment via well-designed planning objectives with clear outcomes (via PACE planning) and/or performance-focused outcomes (via PACE assessment).

See Appendix 1 for lists of EMU’s academic programs and services and its administrative departments as identified for PACE assessment purposes.

Assessment Timeline and Data Collection Cycles


  • Fall Semester - Collection of data from fall courses/activities as per program/department assessment cycle requirements; survey administration per university survey calendar
  • Spring Semester - Collection of data from fall courses/activities as per program/department assessment cycle requirements; survey administration per university survey calendar
  • April - September - Window for data analysis and outcomes assessment reporting in SPOL
  • Summer - Collection of data from summer courses/activities as needed
  • August - September Develop assessment follow-up planning objectives for upcoming year to seek improvement in student learning on the basis of assessment findings

Special Considerations

It is important to note that academic programs and services and administrative departments need not collect and analyze data for each of its outcomes every year. A program/department may develop a multi-year (ideally 2-4 year) cycle over which it assesses each of its outcomes. Such a cycle allows for data collection over multiple years, and allows programs/departments to provide more focused attention on a subset of their outcomes in any given year. Beginning with the rollout of the updated academic program review cycle in 2020-21, academic programs are expected to have collected and analyzed data for each student learning outcome at least twice between each program review. See below for further details on program review.

Further, in order to ensure the sustainability and validity of assessment, small academic programs may opt to extend assessment data collection over several years in order to achieve adequate sample sizes to support analysis. Programs that opt for this approach should collect data for all outcomes each year, but may still focus on analysis of results for a subset of student learning outcomes each year. 

PACE - Executive Reporting


In addition to the PACE process, all academic programs that do not undergo an external accreditation review are reviewed on a six-year cycle (adapted as-needed to specific program considerations). See Appendix 2 for more details on the review process. See the Program Review Cycle for details on when each program is reviewed. This comprehensive review is conducted by a faculty task force, overseen by the provost council and includes consideration of:


Appendix 1 - EMU Planning Units and Programs for PACE


Applied Social Sciences
BA Global Development
BA Global Studies
BA Peacebuilding
BA Peacebuilding & Development
BA Social Work
BA Sociology
Business & Leadership
AA Business Administration
BA Economics
BA International Business
BA Recreation & Sport Management
BS Accounting
BS Business Administration
BS Leadership and Organizational Management
BS Leadership and Organizational Management Aviation
BS Marketing
BS Organizational Leadership
AA Educ.: Para-Professional
Teaching Endorsements: Early/Primary Education Licensure, Secondary Education Licensure, All-Grade Education, Special Education


Academic Success Center
Career Services
Student Life


EMU at Lancaster operates as a planning unit, but assessment of services is managed via service units on main campus.

Appendix 2 - Academic Program Review Process Details

Basic Structure:

  1. Review cycle: review each program approximately every six years (program review cycle). The cycle is adapted to address specific program considerations as needed. This review is intended only for programs that don’t go through review by an external accrediting body.
  2. Cost: $500 + reimbursement of expenses to two (or more, if a program cluster has several disparate programs that require experts from different discipline areas) external reviewers. 
  3. Loading: The program director will receive 1+ load hour release to complete the self-study report, host the campus visit, and complete the response report. The internal consultant will be offered some measurable reduction in workload during the academic year when the review is conducted (such as release from a committee or release time).
  4. Typical Review Schedule:
    1. March of year preceding review: Deans notify program directors of upcoming review.
    2. May of year preceding review: Programs up for review meet with their respective dean to outline tasks and timeline, review available data, determine the key questions for reviewers to address, and submit names of potential external reviewers. 
    3. July: Deans select and contact consultants (typically two external and one internal per program cluster).
    4. August-December: Program cluster self-study completed and sent to consultants. (Likely, much of the self-study could be compiled from PACE reports.)
    5. February or March: Consultants visit campus and review programs. Review should include feedback solicited from current students and alumni; when appropriate, a focus group of practitioners of the field would be formed to provide additional feedback.
    6. April: Consultants’ report due.
    7. May: Program cluster reads and responds to consultants’ report; the response will likely include an action plan (including budget implications and timeline for any proposed new initiatives) that can be incorporated into the PACE process.
    8. September of year following review: Program cluster meets with their dean to discuss the action plan and other follow-up items.

Evaluation Team: The evaluation team will typically consist of two external consultants within the discipline(s) of the program cluster to be reviewed, and one internal consultant. Ideally, one external reviewer will be from an institution that is comparable to EMU and a second reviewer will be from an “aspirational” institution. The internal consultant will typically be a tenured faculty member from a different program cluster; the internal consultant will be offered some measurable reduction in workload during the academic year when the review is conducted (such as release from a committee or a dean’s hour). The program cluster should contact nominees for the evaluation team prior to submitting names to determine interest and availability. The program cluster should submit the names of at least three potential external reviewers, along with vitae, to the dean, with additional comments or a ranking if desired.

Outline of Academic Program Self-study Report

A.  Academic Program


  1. List the majors and minors (if undergraduate) or programs and certificates (if graduate).
  2. Provide the program cluster’s mission statement.
  3. Describe how the program supports the mission of the university.


  1. Note how courses in program cluster majors are interwoven with general education requirements.
  2. Discuss courses offered as “service courses” for the liberal arts curriculum, and note the typical enrollments in these courses. [IR will provide summarized data for recent years regarding service course enrollments.]
  3. Describe how the program interacts with other majors.


For the purposes of institutional effectiveness work, EMU organizes its academic programs, academic and student services, and administrative support services into planning units and academic programs. The configuration of these programs and units largely aligns with the university's Organizational Chart. However, in some cases--due to uniqueness in focus or scope of impact--organizational units are excluded from PACE processes. For example, PACE processes exclude academic and public service centers that (a) do not have associated academic programs, and (b) have a small scope of influence within the university as evaluated by considerations such as direct impact on student-facing educational activities, external focus, fiscal footprint, and/or governance.

The tables below outline the organizational units (i.e., academic programs, academic and student services, and administrative services) that are incorporated into the PACE processes.

Undergraduate Planning Units and Academic Programs

Biology & Chemistry
AS Health Science
BS Biochemistry
BS Biology
BS Chemistry
BS Clinical Lab Science
BS Environmental Science
BS Nursing
BS RN to BS Nursing
Mathematical Sciences
BS Computer Science
BS Engineering
BS Mathematics
BS Psychology
Visual and Communication Arts

BA Art
BA Digital Media and Communication
BA Photography

Bible, Religion & Theology
AA Bible

BA Bible, Religion, and Theology
History & Political Science
BA History

BA History & Social Science
BA Political Science

Language & Literature
BA English
BA Spanish Language & Hispanic Studies
BA Writing Studies
Liberal Arts
AA General Studies
AA Interdisciplinary Studies
BA Liberal Arts

BA Music

Applied Social Sciences
BA Global Development
BA Global Studies
BA Peacebuilding
BA Peacebuilding & Development
BA Social Work
BA Sociology
Business & Leadership
AA Business Administration
BA Economics
BA International Business
BA Recreation & Sport Management
BS Accounting
BS Business Administration
BS Leadership and Organizational Management
BS Leadership and Organizational Management Aviation
BS Marketing
BS Organizational Leadership
AA Educ.: Para-Professional
Teaching Endorsements: Early/Primary Education Licensure, Secondary Education Licensure, All-Grade Education, Special Education

Graduate Planning Units and Academic Programs
Doctor of Nursing Practice
MS Biomedicine
MS Nursing
Eastern Mennonite Seminary
MA Church Leadership

MA Religion
Master of Divinity
Center for Justice & Peacebuilding
MA Conflict Transformation

MA Restorative Justice
MA Transformational Leadership
MA Counseling

MA Education
Organizational & Leadership Studies
MA Org. Leadership
Master of Bus. Admin.

Academic and Student Support UnitsAdministrative Support Units

Academic Success Center
Career Services
Honors Program
Student Life

Admissions - Undergraduate
Auxiliary Services
Business Office
EMU at Lancaster
Facilities Management
Financial Assistance
Graduate & Professional Recruitment
Human Resources
Information Systems
Institutional Research
Marketing and Communications
Registrar's Office
Safety and Security
Title IX
Washington Community Scholars' Center


Appendix 2 - Academic Program Review Process Details

Basic Structure:

  1. Review cycle: review each program approximately every six years (program review cycle). The cycle is adapted to address specific program considerations as needed. This review is intended only for programs that don’t go through review by an external accrediting body.
  2. Cost: $500 + reimbursement of expenses to two (or more, if a program cluster has several disparate programs that require experts from different discipline areas) external reviewers. 
  3. Loading: The program director will receive 1+ load hour release to complete the self-study report, host the campus visit, and complete the response report. The internal peer reviewer will be offered some measurable reduction in workload during the academic year when the review is conducted (such as release from a committee or release time).
  4. Typical Review Schedule:
    1. March of year preceding review: Deans notify program directors of upcoming review. At this point the deans and program director identify a list of benchmark/aspirational programs for which data and curricula will be gathered.
    2. April-May: IR team and library prepare a packet of data and information based on the benchmark program list.
    3. May: Programs up for review meet with their respective dean to outline tasks and timeline, review available data, determine the key questions for reviewers to address, and submit names of potential external reviewers.. 
    4. July: Deans select and contact peer reviewers (typically two external and one internal per program cluster).
    5. August-December: Program cluster self-study completed and sent to peer reviewers. (Likely, much of the self-study could be compiled from PACE reports.)
    6. February or March: Peer reviewers visit campus and review programs. Review should include feedback solicited from current students and alumni; when appropriate, a focus group of practitioners of the field would be formed to provide additional feedback.
    7. April: Peer reviewer report due.
    8. May: Program cluster reads and responds to peer review report; the response will likely include an action plan (including budget implications and timeline for any proposed new initiatives) that can be incorporated into the PACE process.
    9. September of year following review: Program cluster meets with their dean to discuss the action plan and other follow-up items.

Evaluation Team:

The evaluation team will typically consist of two external peer reviewers within the discipline(s) of the program cluster to be reviewed, and one internal peer review. Ideally, one external reviewer will be from an institution that is comparable to EMU and a second reviewer will be from an “aspirational” institution. The internal peer review will typically be a tenured faculty member from a different program cluster; the internal peer reviewer will be offered some measurable reduction in workload during the academic year when the review is conducted (such as release from a committee or a dean’s hour). The program cluster should contact nominees for the evaluation team prior to submitting names to determine interest and availability. The program cluster should submit the names of at least three potential external reviewers, along with vitae, to the dean, with additional comments or a ranking if desired.

The program should also identify an upper-level student currently enrolled in the program to support the work of the evaluation team. The student will assist in gathering input from current students in the program (likely by assisting with focus groups) and will meet with the evaluation team at least once to synthesize student input into the final review report.

nameSelf-Study Outline

Outline of Academic Program Self-study Report

A.  Academic Program

  1. Describe the program.
    1. List the majors and minors (if undergraduate) or programs and certificates (if graduate).
    2. Provide the program cluster’s mission statement.
    3. Describe how the program supports the mission of the university.
    4. Describe how the program prepares students for career pathways and/or further study.
  2. For undergraduate programs, describe how the majors support the liberal arts within the university.
    1. Note how courses in program cluster majors are interwoven with general education requirements.
    2. Discuss courses offered as “service courses” for the liberal arts curriculum, and note the typical enrollments in these courses. [IR will provide summarized data for recent years regarding service course enrollments.]
    3. Describe how the program interacts with other majors.
  3. Describe any admission-to-program requirements for students.
  4. Provide a list of required courses for the majors/programs and note any recommended electives. 
  5. List the  student learning outcomes, along with the measures and criteria/benchmarks for each major or program and any minors or certificates that are not “miniature majors/programs.” 
  6. Create or review and update the student learning outcomes, curriculum map, and assessment plan for the current curriculum. [IR can provide guidance on creating and revising SLO’s, curriculum maps, and assessment plans.] 
  7. Describe how the program advances the university DEI goals.
    1. List activities and ways the program contributes to making the university a desirable place to learn, work and increase a sense of belonging for all students, faculty, and staff.
    2. Describe how you systematically collect and analyze data about DEI and use it to assess the program’s ability to support the needs of the university’s increasingly diverse student population.
    3. Describe what efforts have been made to support faculty development to implement student-centered pedagogies that aid faculty in teaching to an increasingly diverse student body and developing courses that include the voices of BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ people.
  8. Assess the structure and content of the program in comparison to current practices in the discipline. 
  9. Reflection on the future potential of the program, as determined by external forces such as market demand.
    1. Locate the program’s growth trajectory within the context of other similar/competitor programs using IPEDS completions data [IR will provide this information]
  10. Analyze the instructional and informal environment in the program cluster. 
    1. Assess the amount and quality of contact between students and faculty. [IR will provide the most recent results of the Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) and/or Adult Student Priorities Survey (ASPS) for the program cluster’s majors/programs, including data on satisfaction with advising.]
    2. Describe how support, collaboration, and cooperation among students is encouraged.
    3. Assess how active learning experiences are encouraged.

B.  Faculty 

  1. Present a table listing academic credentials, areas of expertise, courses taught, advisee load, years of service, and academic rank of each faculty member of the program cluster. [IR will provide an Excel file with five years of history of faculty teaching in the program cluster, including rank, degrees, advisee load and years of service.]
  2. List faculty research and performance activities in the last five years.
  3. Discuss any perceived gaps in faculty expertise or limitations on the number of faculty members necessary to fulfill the program cluster’s goals and courses within the majors/programs.
  4. Describe the use of adjunct faculty to teach courses in the major or program. [IR will provide a five year history of course offerings, including whether courses were taught by ongoing or part-time/adjunct faculty.]
  5. Describe the primary faculty


  1. service involvements within the university.
  2. Describe how faculty service meets program needs and contributes to the mission of the university.

C.  Students 

  1. Present a table listing the current number of students within each major and minor in the program cluster. Comment on whether these numbers are increasing, decreasing, or holding steady over the past 10 years (or so). [IR will provide a 5-10 year history of majors and minors within the program cluster.]
  2. Provide the number of degrees awarded in the past five years. [IR will provide a 5+ year history of the number of degrees awarded.]
  3. Describe post-baccalaureate or post-program completion pursuits of graduates of the program cluster. [IR will provide overall survey results from the most recent alumni survey for the program cluster’s graduates. IR will also provided data on graduate outcomes based on the first-destination and career services follow-up surveys.]

D.  Resources

  1. Provide


  1. a 3-5 year history of the program's operating expenses and the cost of the program per student credit hour.


  1.  (IR will provide data, including benchmarks when available.


  1. )
  2. Assess classroom and laboratory equipment and facilities, studio facilities, etc.
  3. Evaluate external resources utilized by the program cluster: grants, contracts, service fees, other.
  4. Evaluate technology available.

E. Summary and Questions

Provide any concluding statements that may be helpful for the review team, along with any specific questions that you would like the team to consider in their evaluation.

Academic Program Review Process revised and approved by Provost's Council June 29, 2021