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Table of Contents

Academic Council


The Academic Council will be the academic legislative body of the faculty and will act on behalf of the faculty in making decisions or approving recommendations that pertain to the curriculum or academic policies.
The faculty are an integral component of the University structure and, along with the Board of Trustees and executive administration, are responsible for the well-being of the University community. The faculty are directly responsible for providing the quality of education provided at EMU, for supporting holistic personal development in students, and for conducting academic inquiry.


The Academic Council exercises the delegated authority of the faculty. In representing the faculty and seeking the well-being of the academic units, the Academic Council is authorized to:
A. Approve academic policies
B. Approve curricular proposals arising from any school, center, or instructional site at EMU

  1. Approve Core curriculum proposals as recommended by the Core Curriculum Committee
  2. Approve Intercultural programs & proposals as recommended by the Intercultural Committee

C. Give counsel to Academic Deans as requested
D. Empower faculty representatives from each school to function as a liaison between this group and the faculty in the school
E. Convene a special Faculty Meeting as needed to present issues, invite broader discussion, or secure broad-based support.


Academic Council will consist of:

  • Academic Deans 
  • 3 Program Director representatives from each school- to reflect the mix of programs in the school
  • Assistant Provost for Student Success
  • EMU Core Curriculum Director
  • Writing Program Director
  • Director of Intercultural Programs
  • CODI representative with faculty status

Academic Council will be co-chaired by one Academic Dean (chosen by the currently serving academic deans)  and a faculty member (selected by the other members of the Academic Council).
ex officio and non-voting members: Registrar, Library, Career Services, SGA president, Director of Academic Success Center
Faculty Senate representative (ex officio)—if no member of the Academic Council is also a senator.

Appointment of Members 

The Academic Deans, Assistant Provost for Student Success, EMU Core Curriculum Director, Writing Program Director, and Director of Intercultural Programs are members of the Committee based upon their positions.
The Program Director Representatives are elected by faculty (as defined above) in their school. The Academic Dean prepares the ballot, and elections are conducted at the final School meeting of each year. All Program Directors are listed on the ballot unless an individual requests to be omitted based on unusual circumstances. Program Director Representatives elected to the Academic Committee shall serve two-year terms and will represent the interests of their respective schools by attending Academic Council meetings and communicating the opinions and perspectives of the faculty in their schools. Program Director Representatives will report to the members of their respective schools on the work and actions of the Academic Council. See Academic Council Election Procedure.


The Academic Council will meet at least once a month during each semester of the regular academic year. All Academic Council meetings will be open unless an executive session is designated. Executive sessions will include only voting Members of the council.
The three finger vote (3-fully support, 2- can live with & support, 1-do not consent) has been adopted for use by Academic Council, to be reviewed every three years. Passage of motions and recommendations requires an affirmation of at least 80% of those voting members in attendance. The Dean's offices will provide notice of formal actions of the Academic Council to all members of the Faculty by the end of the work week in which the action is taken.
The Academic Council must schedule a special meeting at the written request of the University President or Provost, at the request of any five Academic Council members, or at the request of at least seven faculty members.

Academic Review


The Academic Review Committee is responsible for the Policy for Review and Readmission of Undergraduate Students. Members of the Academic Review Committee review: 1) letters of appeal submitted by students who have been denied readmission; 2) readmission applications submitted by students who, when previously enrolled, were not in good academic standing.


The committee will grant each appeal letter and readmission application a fair and thorough review.


dean of students, director of academic success, 4 appointed undergraduate faculty representing each of the three schools


director of academic success



(Share how often meetings are held)

Accelerated Degree Completion Program: Assessment and Admissions


The ADP Admissions Committee suggests policy and admissions guidelines for adult degree programs, and reviews and acts upon applications for admission or readmission to the ADP. The committee is also responsible for regular review and evaluation of the ADP admissions policy.


Applications for admission or readmission are brought to the committee by the program representative(s) or those designated to serve in that function. The committee accepts or rejects applications based on established policy. The committee may also suggest changes to the admission policy and submit these changes to Undergraduate Council for approval.


director of the Adult Degree Program, two undergraduate faculty members (preferably representing the business and nursing departments), an instructor in the LOM program, and ADP program representatives. The program representative is non-voting.


Committee appoints chair


Minutes of the ADP Admission Committee are maintained in the Adult Degree Program offices


(share how often meetings are held)

Arts Advisory Committee


Oversee EMU's permanent art & museum collection


provost, art faculty, museum curator, library archivist, facilities director, Information Systems director, VACA program director, executive advisor to the president





Meetings are held as needed and called by chair

Augsburger Lectureship Committee


Plan Augsburger Lecture Series


campus pastor, Seminary faculty, bible, religion & theology faculty


Seminary faculty and bible, religion & theology faculty Co-chair



(share how often meetings are held)

Bookstore Committee


Discuss bookstore operations and receive feedback on bookstore process for all customers.


director of auxiliary services, bookstore manager, one undergraduate faculty member, one graduate faculty member, at least one undergraduate student (representative from SGA) and one graduate student (optional)


director of auxiliary services



(Share how often meetings are held)

Campus Ministries Council


The council provides visioning, feedback and accountability for all aspects of campus ministries including campus worship services; suggests resources, themes and issues useful in planning specific programs such as faith mentoring and spiritual renewal initiatives; offers prayer and support for campus pastors, pastoral assistants and other student leaders; and reflects the diversity while addressing the concerns and needs of the EMU community.


campus pastor, dean of students (ex officio), campus pastor of the seminary, campus ministries assistant, three or four appointed faculty and staff, graduate student, two undergraduate students (one from SGA), area pastor or church lay leader


campus pastor



(share how often meetings are held)

Committee on Diversity & Inclusion


The Committee on Diversity and Inclusion works to develop and sustain a diverse and welcoming community of learning. It provides education and training on diversity and inclusion; proposes policies and supports practices that foster respect, equity, restorative justice, and dignity for every person. The committee creates spaces for multiple ideas, frameworks, and perspectives to facilitate innovative solutions to oppression, prejudices, and biases. It encourages the critique of dominant narratives and works to develop a campus culture that listens to and learns from counter-narratives. The committee's work supports pedagogy, policies and practices that build empathy, develop social justice change agents, and strengthen EMU's commitment to prepare students, faculty and staff to think, serve, and lead in a global context.


CODI members is open to anyone committed to anti-oppression, in all its forms.
provost (ex officio), executive administrator, representatives across campus: HR, admissions, athletics, facilities, multicultural student services, library, housing/resident life, CJP, safe space, Title IX, trauma lens, 2 faculty representatives from each of the three schools, student representatives from various affinity groups on campus.


Co-chair with faculty and staff representation



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Committee on Teacher Education


COTE establishes policy and coordinates the total teacher preparation program of the institution while facilitating continuous development and improvement of teacher education. COTE serves as a liaison between the Education Department and the academic departments involved in preparing teachers.


One representative from each of the academic departments offering a teacher licensure program, the education department faculty, three persons from the local public and private school systems, and three students. The core director holds a liaison role.


Co-chaired by the chair of undergraduate teacher education and director of graduate teacher education



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Community Engagement Committee


To facilitate, organize and encourage community engagement of students, faculty and staff in the external local and regional community. To promote greater school spirit among the EMU community, both internally and externally.


VP of Innovation/Student Recruit (ex officio), director of Human Resources, Student Life staff person, Marketing staff member, Athletics representative, President's Office representative, Seminary representative, 2-3 faculty members; 2 undergraduate student reps (one from SGA)


Determined by the committee



(Share how often meetings are held)

Convocation Planning Committee


The committee provides visioning and direction for all aspects of the convocation graduation requirement program including Wednesday morning convocation programs, convocation breakout gatherings, alternative convocation events, and data collection and management related to scanning student IDs documenting their involvement. The committee reflects the diversity of the campus community while addressing the concerns and needs of the EMU community.


campus pastor, dean of students, student life office coordinator, three or four appointed faculty or staff (representing the EMU Core, Committee on Diversity and Inclusion, Center for Interfaith Engagement, and Athletics), two undergraduate students (at least one from SGA)


Campus pastor



(Share how often meetings are held)

Core Committee


To facilitate the development of a revised general education curriculum. To assure implementation and monitoring of transition to the new general education
curriculum. To review assessment of general education outcomes and oversee the improvement plans. To continue to solicit, facilitate, and process proposals for new courses and designates, changes to general education, etc. To collaborate with accelerated degree programs as they shape general education offerings.


Core director, intercultural program director (or deputized committee member), Writing program director (or deputized committee member), Faculty representatives, (aim for alignment with curriculum as the curriculum develops, may need additional reps), faculty representation from each of the three schools, representative for accelerated degree programs, member of the Dean team, CODI representative (may overlap with another rep role, but we should be attentive as folks shift on and off the committee), administrative support, *Registrar, *Career Services director, *Student Life representative (particularly in connection with Convo programming), *Institutional Research (as we embed assessment), *Admissions/Marketing, *Student representative, *Membership requested during the Gen Ed revision phase, may continue if both bodies deem it important.


Core curriculum director


Communication flows to the campus community from the CCRT chair via email.


Monthly meetings; more for subcommittees during Core revision

Creation Care Council


The council coordinates with other groups to develop concrete steps and long-term plans for creation care on EMU's campus. The Council also serves as a visionary body directly involved in long-term sustainability planning for the University.


Any member of the campus community is invited to participate and submit ideas. Decisions are made by consensus.


The EMU President will appoint a Vice President from President's Cabinet and SGA will appoint a student senator to serve as representative. The remaining members should consist of one staff person each from Physical Plant and Marketing and Communications, a student chosen by Earthkeepers who ideally is also involved with Sustainable Foods Initiative (SFI), three additional faculty appointed by the Provost's office representing a wide variety of academic departments, two additional staff members-at-large, and the EMU sustainability coordinator. An additional at-large member from among graduate students is optional.


Determined by the committee



Meetings are held approximately monthly, as needed and called by chair



The committee coordinates the general education cross-cultural program and risk management for the graduate cross-cultural programs, including soliciting and reviewing cross-cultural proposals, monitoring and recommending changes and making recommendations to the Provost and undergraduate council for approval of cross-cultural proposals and faculty assignments.


director of intercultural programs, assistant to the director, representative from WCSC (ex officio), several faculty members with demonstrated cross-cultural experience, and 2 undergraduate student reps (one from SGA)


director of intercultural programs



(share how often meetings are held)

Faculty Scholarship


The Faculty Scholarship Committee stimulates interest in scholarship through inviting proposals for research projects and publications and supporting and encouraging faculty in obtaining release time and grants for scholarship activities. The committee reviews release-time and mini-grant proposals and makes awards annually.


A call for proposals are announced for faculty to submit to the committee for approval.


provost (ex officio) and five elected faculty representing each of the three schools


To be determined by committee at the first meeting


Actions are reported to the faculty candidates when grant award letters are released. Minutes are stored in the office of the provost


Twice a semester

Elected Committee

Faculty Senate


The Faculty Senate deals with academic policy and issues of the faculty. See Section 1 Constitution of the Faculty for further information.


provost (ex officio), 3-4 graduate faculty and 8-9 undergraduate faculty
tenure and non-tenure track faculty, including part-time faculty, educator professionals, and librarians with faculty status will be eligible for election to the Faculty Senate. Candidates are eligible when they have been in their position for two years or more


president is elected for two-year terms, following at least one year as president-elect
The secretary is chosen annually and the vice president is chosen bi-annually


president or co-presidents elected by the faculty


The secretary will maintain minutes at Faculty Senate meetings as well as at Faculty Assembly meetings.


Meet at least once a month during each semester of the regular academic year and at least once during the summer months. Special meetings can be scheduled.

Elected Committee

Faculty Status


Faculty Status Committee evaluates the effectiveness, contribution and commitment of faculty members when considering proposals for tenure, promotions, sabbaticals and contract renewals.


Proposals are initiated by the faculty member or dean, affirmed by a majority of department/program members in the case of promotions, and submitted to the committee by the deans. Tenure and promotion proposals must be approved by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation of the committee.


provost (ex officio), academic deans, three undergraduate faculty, one graduate faculty and one seminary faculty. Faculty must hold the rank of professor. All have voting privileges.




Actions by the Board of Trustees are reported to the faculty member and program by the chair of the committee.


Once a semester during the regular academic year

Elected Committee

Fall Faculty-Staff Conference Planning Committee


The faculty staff conference planning committee plans determines the theme and plans all elements of the fall conference. The fall conference seeks to cultivate community among faculty and staff, welcome new employees and provide space to reconnect with colleagues across the University. It provides opportunities for faculty and staff to re-energize for a new academic year through worship, storytelling, breakout sessions, conversation and fellowship.


provost, executive advisor to the president, administrative assistant & receptionist in president's office, Lancaster representative, director of development, three faculty and three staff





(share how often meetings are held)

Honors Committee


The Honors Committee provides overall direction and ongoing management for the Honors Program, appoints an annual selection sub-committee to recruit and select qualified students for the program, and reviews curriculum proposals for colloquia including determining courses to be offered and faculty assignments.


Community input is provided through representation on the committee, which includes students, faculty, and administration. When deemed necessary, committee members seek wider input from faculty serving as mentors to honors students, the broader faculty, and honors students. The director(s) presents an agenda with input from the officers of the Honors Student Council. Decisions regarding the honors program curriculum are processed through the undergraduate decision-making steps, whereas the Honors Committee in consultation with the undergraduate academic dean makes decisions on faculty assignments for specific courses.


provost (ex-officio), director(s) of the honors program, teaching faculty in the program for the academic year, one faculty member from each of the schools, an alumnus of the program, and officers of the Honors Student Council





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Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee


Oversee ethical and technical concerns regarding the use of animals in research


Science faculty who work with vertebrate animals, local veterinarian, local representative


To be appointed by committee




Institutional Effectiveness


The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) sets policy and guidelines for institutional effectiveness, supports activities to create awareness and understanding of the institutional effectiveness process, monitors annual institutional effectiveness reports and evaluates the adequacy of the institutional effectiveness process on campus.


Community input is provided through representation on the committee, which includes faculty and administrators from academic and non-academic divisions. When deemed necessary, committee members seek wider input. Agenda items are channeled through the VP for institutional effectiveness, who chairs the committee. IEC makes policy recommendations to the President's Cabinet.


provost (ex officio), vice president for institutional effectiveness, faculty to represent each of the schools, and accreditation support specialist (from IR office)


vice president for institutional effectiveness


Communication flows to the community from the chair of the committee via e-mail or memos as deemed necessary. Other opportunities for disseminating information include faculty/staff meetings. Policies are included in the Institutional Effectiveness Framework document.


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Institutional Review Board


The committee reviews and approves research on human subjects, except where such research is exempted as described in the Institutional Review Board policy. The committee may also review policy and procedure related to other research issues (e.g., animal care and use and scientific integrity).


At least three faculty members holding the terminal degree. At least one of these faculty members should have primary concerns in scientific areas and at least one should have primary concerns in non-scientific areas. The IRB will also include the director of institutional research and effectiveness, a community member who is not affiliated with the University, and student representatives selected by SGA.


Determined by committee at first meeting



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Intellectual Life Committee


Plan and initiate University-wide and interdisciplinary conversation, i.e. University Colloquiums, Common Read, Academic and Creative Excellence Festival. Coordinate calendar planning with stakeholders for arts and lectures events on campus.


provost (ex officio), ACE coordinator, faculty representation from each school, campus pastor, library representation, executive assistant to the provost, student representative from SGA


ACE coordinator




Library Committee


To provide the Hartzler Library with feedback concerning current and proposed programming, facilities, and services, and to support the Library in the broader University context.


director of libraries, information systems designate, two faculty members (one with primary responsibilities in graduate programs; one with primary responsibilities in undergraduate programs), two librarians, one member at large (preferably a staff member from outside the library), two student representatives (one graduate and one ug student representative from SGA)


director of libraries



(share how often meetings are held)

Oregon Extension Academic Governance Committee


Provides academic oversight for the Oregon Extension program


Serves as a sounding board for the program


provost (ex officio), registrar, three faculty




Reports to the provost


Once during spring semester

Pre-professional Health Sciences


The committee advises in matters of curriculum construction for pre-medical and other pre-professional schools; evaluates student records and furnishes recommendations to professional schools; and is available to students for counsel.


Five appointed faculty from the science programs and one from the psychology program.


Advisor for pre-professional health program. To be appointed by committee.



(share how often meetings are held)

QEP Implementation Team


The QEPIT provides leadership and oversight for the University's Quality Enhancement Plan First Year Advising team. Specifically, the team facilitates coordination between academics, student services, and the assistant provost for student success and first-year advisors and evaluates the effectiveness of the project.


Successful coordination between academics and student services in developing and supporting student-centered advising resources and protocols.
Yearly evaluation reports which will be compiled into the 5-year QEP report for SACS


dean of students, assistant provost for student success, academic dean, director of academic success center, core director, registrar, admissions representative, director of student programs and Title IX coordinator, administrative support, 2 faculty reps (from school that academic dean is not in)


dean of students and assistant provost for student success



(share how often meetings are held)



The committee supports faculty professional learning and self-efficacy related to evidence-based, student-centered, inclusive learning and teaching practices. This committee seeks to promote student learning, success, and excellence by supporting faculty development. Creativity and innovation are encouraged, seek teaching excellence, practice critical reflection, and seek greater empathy and understanding of our students and ourselves. We recognize the important role of self-efficacy and learning to human flourishing and well being.
This group will connect to both the Diversify and Engage goals of the strategic plan. The primary purpose of this committee is to support faculty development related to teaching and learning. This will include raising awareness and "supporting faculty development to implement student-centered pedagogies" (D4). The committee will advocate for more resources for and recognition of faculty professional development in the areas of teaching and learning. We seek to increase access to resources and activities focused on student-centered teaching.


To advocate for faculty professional development through various initiatives and venues (Professional Learning Communities, workshops, etc.) to:

  • implement effective student-centered pedagogies and instructional tools.
  • advocate for an anti-racist perspective.
  • increase faculty understanding of and empathy for a diverse student body.
  • disseminate and archive teaching and learning resources for faculty access.
  • connect faculty and administrators with off-campus resources (conferences, workshops, resources) to aid teaching.
  • promote the effective application of instructional technology systems (eg. tools, LMS platforms, etc.) as well as encourage innovation in this area.


  • engage faculty in pedagogical discourse and reflection
  • facilitate and support grass-roots initiatives
  • advocate for the creation of a center for resources and collaboration of learning among EMU faculty
  • collaborate with teaching and learning focused work of the Academic Success Center.
  • communicate committee initiatives to the campus community as appropriate, specifically but not exclusively:
    • executive director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    • director of libraries
    • student life professional educator representative
    • faculty senate


faculty coordinator of Center for Teaching and Learning
academic dean
director of academic success center
one faculty representative teaching in UG/G from each of the three schools
information systems representative


Co-chair, faculty coordinator of Center for Teaching and Learning and academic dean


Minutes are circulated to members and are reported to the archives, president, provost, academic deans, assistant provost for student success, institutional research, faculty senate


(share how often meetings are held)

Title IX Review Board


The Title IX Review Panel conducts hearings for a formal process as part of Title IX proceedings. The total time commitment includes training for several hours each semester (2-4 hours) plus 2-4 days if a process is convened.


The Review Panel consists of the Review Panel chair and two additional EMU employees (one faculty member and one staff member) who have received Title IX training and training specifically related to the Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy and its procedures.


review panel faculty and appeal board staff



This group is convened on average one time a year

WCSC Advisory Council


Advisory Council members counsel WCSC administrators and staff regarding program direction, drawing on Council members' knowledge of the student body and campus environment; are bridges linking the conversations and constituencies at the fall and spring meetings; and are well-informed WCSC advocates on campus, encouraging students and faculty to consider ways they might take advantage of the opportunities EMU provides in DC.


provost, WCSC faculty and staff, director of intercultural programs, representatives from admissions and career services, and a faculty member from each of the three schools


director of intercultural programs



Once a month during each semester of the regular academic year

Wellness Committee


Provides wellness initiatives to the University community


Any faculty or staff member that would like to support wellness initiatives on campus plus a member of the human resources office


Determined by committee at first meeting



Twice each semester of the regular academic year; special meetings can be scheduled

Writing Committee


The Writing Committee establishes and reviews policies and operational guidelines for the Writing Program to the University. The committee also aids the director in providing support and development for writing and speech standards to faculty and students.


Faculty provide input for committee actions as appropriate. When writing initiatives are taken and when writing policies are up for review and confirmation, input is sought from the faculty across the University. Decisions regarding writing policies are made, as appropriate, by the Undergraduate Council, Graduate Council, Faculty Senate, and Provost Council.


Writing program director, CORE curriculum director, undergraduate reference librarian, four faculty (representatives from grad and ug), and student representative selected by SGA.


Writing program director



(share how often meetings are held)


Faculty Representative to Alumni Association


One faculty member elected to serve a three-year term


This person represents the concerns and interests of the teaching faculty by attending the regular meetings of the executive committee of the Alumni Association.

NCAA Faculty Athletic Representative


One faculty member appointed to a serve a three-year term


This person represents the concerns and interests of teaching faculty in relation to athletics.

SGA Representatives


One member appointed from the teaching faculty and one member from the administration. Vice President for Student Life serves as Advisor and ex-officio member.


These persons represent the faculty and administration in the SGA meetings.

Washington Community Scholars Center (WCSC) Faculty Representative


One faculty member appointed to serve a three-year term



For committee descriptions and information click the links below.

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