To be used for any new proposal that will require investment of resources (money, consultants, loading). See Checklist at bottom as resource. See below for special procedures for non-credit programs.
Develop Investigative Statement
- Upon approval by President’s Cabinet, Proposal Project Manager identifies Program Implementation Team members and initiates Program Implementation Plan.
- Program launch pending Board of Trustee and SACSCOC approvals, if required.
Stage 1
For non-credit programs, STAGE 1 above applies in order to secure appropriate early approvals.
Stage 2
Upon receiving approvals required in the first stage, STAGE 2 consists of a proposal including the following sections:
Non-Credit Program Proposal
- Sponsor name
- General Program Description
- Analysis of Market Demand and Competition
- Audience
- Fit with EMU values and strategic plan
- Training curriculum outline
- Procedures and prerequisites for entry
- Requirements for completion
- Credential(s) earned
- Accreditation considerations
- Resource considerations
- Staff hiring/training
- Administrative oversight needs
- Learning resources
- Anticipated learner support
- Potential partnerships
- 3-year projected budget
- Proposed timeline for launch, including identification of the first semester that students can officially be enrolled in the program
To be approved by:
- Dean and CFO
- Provost’s Council
- President's Cabinet
Stage 3
Upon approval by President’s Cabinet, Proposal Project Manager identifies Program Implementation Team members and initiates Program Implementation Plan.
Approved by Provost Council, October 2019
Revised September 24, 2020