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Constitution of the Faculty, Eastern Mennonite University


The governance of Eastern Mennonite University is the responsibility of EMU’s Board of Trustees, administration, faculty, and the Mennonite Education Agency. Governance policy and procedure create a framework for the various entities of the university community to participate in pursuing the mission and goals of the university. The Constitution of the Faculty defines the mission and responsibilities of the Faculty Assembly and the Faculty Senate as participants in the governance of the university, and establishes policies and procedures of their operation in this capacity. These policies and procedures are intended to foster broad participation in university decision-making and community life and accountability among administration, faculty, and stakeholders in a spirit of mutual trust and respect. The faculty acknowledge that the Board of Trustees has the ultimate decision-making responsibility and authority.

Undergraduate Programs

Undergraduate Faculty Meeting

Undergraduate Council

Dean’s Committee


Seminary Faculty Meeting

Academic Committee

Graduate Programs

Graduate Council

Academic Cabinet

Faculty Senate

Faculty Assembly

Article I: University Mission and Values

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Section 1. Faculty Assembly.

The purpose of the Faculty Assembly is to create a forum for faculty to give voice to and to process university decisions that affect quality of life, provide for faculty participation in the decision-making process of the university, and give faculty opportunities to offer expertise and wisdom in the educational and spiritual development of students. The Faculty Assembly is comprised of all Long-Term, Short-Term, and Dual-Contract faculty members, as well as librarians with faculty status, at EMU. The Faculty Assembly will meet at least twice each semester, and the president of the Faculty Senate or a designee will prepare agenda and preside. The Faculty Assembly is empowered to:

A. Elect members and officers to the Faculty Senate.

B. With a quorum of 60% of eligible faculty, and at a duly called meeting, amend the Constitution of the Faculty with a 2/3 vote.

C. With a quorum of 60% of eligible faculty, and at a duly called meeting, conduct a referendum on any action of the Faculty Senate after securing petition of 7 eligible faculty members who are not Faculty Senators. Referendum approval will be by 2/3 vote of the Assembly.

D. Meet and discuss any issue pertaining to the well-being of the university community.

Article II: Jurisdiction and Responsibility of the Faculty Senate

Section 1.

The faculty are an integral component of the university structure and, along with the Board of Trustees and executive administration, are responsible for the well-being of the university community.  The faculty are directly responsible for the academic program provided at EMU, for supporting holistic personal development in students, and for conducting academic inquiry.

Section 2.

The Faculty Senate exercises the delegated authority of the faculty. In representing the faculty and seeking the well-being of the university community, the Faculty Senate is authorized to:

A. Approve recommendations for academic policies that cross academic divisions.

B. Approve recommendations for policies regarding faculty contract, rank, promotion, sabbatical, faculty development, and other policies affecting the life and welfare of the faculty.

C. Convene the Faculty Assembly on a regular basis to present issues, invite broader discussion, or secure broad-based approval.

D. Present recommendations on any issue pertaining to the well-being of the university community.

Article III: Faculty Senate Membership and Duties

Section 1. Membership.

Long-Term, Short-Term, and Dual-Contract faculty and librarians with faculty status will be eligible for election to the Faculty Senate. Exceptions include the president of the university, provosts and deans. Candidates are eligible when they have been in their faculty role for two years or more.

Section 2. Makeup of the Senate.

The Faculty Senate will consist of fifteen senators, with parameters as follows:

A. Faculty Senators will be chosen by election from among eligible university faculty based on faculty nominations to the Election Committee. The Election Committee of the Senate will coordinate the election of senators. The vice and president and secretary will be chosen from among the elected senators.

B. The Faculty Senate shall have proportional representation, i.e., the ratio of undergraduate to graduate faculty is based on the number of full-time faculty assigned to the undergraduate and graduate programs. The electoral slate for which one votes will be representative of one’s primary teaching assignment.

C. Faculty who teach in the graduate or undergraduate programs are eligible to run for the Senate; their primary teaching load assignment determines if they will represent the graduate or undergraduate program.

Section 3. Election.

Senators will be elected for a term of two years and serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. Senators will serve staggered terms, with roughly half the Senate being up for election in any given year. Elections shall employ approval voting. In the event of an unexpired term, the Senate shall have the prerogative to determine the appropriate action for the circumstances.

Section 4. Administrator Attendance.

The president or provost is invited to regular attendance of the Faculty Senate. In addition, the Senate may on occasion ask/invite additional members of the administration and/or program directors to attend the Senate or Senate Committee meetings to discuss or address issues.

Section 5. Duties.

A. The Faculty Senate will be the legislative body of the faculty and will act on behalf of the faculty and/or faculty assembly in making decisions or approving recommendations that pertain to university well-being. Faculty senators will represent the interests of their respective constituencies by regularly attending Senate meetings and communicating the opinions and perspectives of those in their division.  The senators will report to the members of their respective constituent groups on the work and actions of the Senate.  See Appendix A on Senate Constituent Groups.

B. Senators may also serve as liaison to designated university committees, university departments or groups of EMU stakeholders.

C. The Faculty Senate will select one undergraduate senator to sit on Dean’s Committee and one graduate senator to sit on Graduate Council.

D. The Faculty Senate president and vice president will represent Faculty Senate on President’s Cabinet and to the EMU Board of Trustees (or substitutes, if necessary to ensure graduate and undergraduate representation).

E. The Faculty Senate will regularly schedule meetings with faculty to process proposed changes in academic policy or quality-of-life initiatives, from faculty to administration or from administration to faculty (for example, changes in faculty standards, faculty concerns, curriculum, teaching loads, benefits and budget priorities). The Faculty Senate will facilitate faculty participation in response to such proposals and make changes to such proposals that reflect faculty voice and act on faculty assembly action in which the established voting requirements have been achieved. The Faculty Senate will facilitate the meeting of the Faculty Assembly and the Assembly voting process.

Section 6. Meetings.

The Faculty Senate will meet at least once a month during each semester of the regular academic year and at least once during the summer months. Senate meetings shall be open to all members of the faculty, although only elected senators have voting privileges unless otherwise indicated.  The Senate reserves the prerogative to call for executive session. A quorum of the Faculty Senate shall consist of ten of its voting members. Passage of motions and recommendations requires an affirmation of at least two-thirds of those Senators in attendance.

A. Special Meetings.

The Faculty Senate must schedule a special meeting at the written request of the university president, at the request of any five faculty senators, or at the request of seven faculty members.

Article IV: Faculty Officers and Duties

Section 1. Officers.

The officers of the Faculty Senate will consist of a president, vice president, and a secretary. The Election Committee will coordinate the election of the president among the faculty at large. Beginning 2012, the president will serve a two year term. The president is required to have served a prior term of two years as a senator.

A. Faculty President

The presiding officer of the Faculty Senate will be the faculty president. If the faculty president is unable to preside over a meeting, the vice president will preside. Together with the vice president, the president will represent the Faculty Senate to the Board of Trustees but will not have voting privileges on this body.

B. Vice President

In the absence of the faculty president, the vice president will assume the functions and duties of the president. The vice president will help oversee and coordinate the activities of the Senate committees and assist the Faculty Senate president as requested. Together with the faculty president, the vice president will represent the Faculty Senate to the Board of Trustees, without voting privileges.

C. Secretary

The secretary will take minutes of decisions of the Faculty Senate and serve as custodian of the records and papers of the Senate. The secretary will maintain a record of the following: a list of membership of the Faculty Senate and its officers and the terms for which they were elected, minutes and resolutions of the Senate, correspondence of the Senate, and the past agendas of the Faculty Senate. The secretary will conduct such correspondence of the Faculty Senate as the Senate designates and will take minutes at Faculty Assembly meetings.

Article V: Faculty Senate Committees

Section 1.

The Faculty Senate will have standing committees to which the Senate president will refer matters for study and a report before these matters come to the floor of the Senate for action. A majority of those present and voting may take up matters immediately without referral to committees or may set aside a committee report.

A Senator who is derelict in attending to the business of a standing committee may be removed from that committee by the Executive Committee upon recommendation of the standing committee chair. The Senate president will report this action to the Senate, and the secretary will notify the removed Senator’s constituency.

Section 2. The Executive Committee

A. The Executive Committee will consist of the Senate president, vice president, and secretary. The Senate president shall serve as chair of the Executive Committee.

B. The Executive Committee will set the agenda for Faculty Senate meetings.

C. The Executive Committee will regularly review the actions of all Senate committees and will provide appropriate leadership and direction for their proper functions.

D. Immediately after the annual organizational meeting of the new Faculty Senate, the new Executive Committee will meet and make recommendations for Senate committee assignments. Each senator will be assigned to at least one committee based on preference and/or the needs of the Senate.

Section 3. The Constitution and Election Committee

A. Membership of the Constitution and Election Committee will consist of a minimum of three senators. No undergraduate department or graduate program will have more than one member on the Constitution and Election Committee.

B. The committee will supervise the elections. The outgoing Chair of the Constitution and Election Committee will preside. The Constitution and Election Committee will obtain nominations for Senate seats and Senate president from the faculty, post a slate of candidates for Senate, monitor a secret-ballot elections process and post the results in a timely manner. In the event of a contested election, the committee will conduct a full investigation and make recommendations to the Senate.

C. In the event of resignation or removal of an elected officer or representative to the Senate, the Constitution and Election Committee shall coordinate a special election to fill the vacancy.

Section 4. Academic Committee

The purpose of this committee is to assist the faculty and administration to identify and sustain a “single organizing academic frame of reference” for the university as a whole. Specifically, the committee will address:

A. The academic program and curriculum.

B. Academic policies and their coherence with the EMU Vision and other policies.

C. Professional development/promotion requirements for faculty.

D. The effective and efficient use of finances, time, and faculty energy toward sustaining an Anabaptist university of distinction.

Section 5. Quality of Life Committee

The purpose of the Quality of Life (QOL) Committee is to promote faculty well-being, development, wholeness, and sustainability by monitoring and improving the academic work environment. Quality of life is enhanced when the work environment promotes collegiality, growth opportunities, crossdisciplinary communications, family health, and financial well-being. The ultimate goal of the Quality of Life Committee is to promote faculty effectiveness.

Article VI: Faculty Senate By-Laws and Amendments

Section 1.

Amending the Constitution may occur by the following process:

A. An initial review for congruence of the proposed amendment by the Constitution and Election committee.

B. Recommendation of the Faculty Senate to the Faculty Assembly.

C. With a quorum of 60% of eligible faculty, and at a duly called meeting, a 2/3 vote for faculty approval.

D. Subsequent approval by the university president’s cabinet and the EMU Board of Trustees.

Appendix A: Senate Constituent Groups

All teaching faculty and staff with faculty status will be divided into constituent groups. At least one member of the group shall be a member of the Faculty Senate and will serve as leader of the group.  Senate will use these groups to help discern the voice of the faculty on issues that emerge during Senate’s work. Faculty may use their Senate leader as a liaison to Senate when they have concerns to voice.

Formation of Constituent Groups:

A. New groups will be formed by the Senate Executive Committee every two years (perhaps with a different leader, depending upon Senator term-lengths).

B. The groups will be formed randomly with an approximately equal number of part-time faculty on each.

C. Each Senator will make an effort to form a sense of community in his or her group in order to foster healthy two-way communication.

Approved by EMU Faculty on 3/24/08

Approved by President’s Cabinet on 4/9/08

Approved by the Board of Trustees on 6/28/08

Approved by EMU faculty on 4/18/11

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