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2020-21 UG Catalog
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REL 201 Introduction to Religious Studies (3 SH)
REL 223 World Religions (3 SH)
REL 310-315 Topics in Religion (3 SH)
REL 423 Judaism, Christianity, Islam: Comparative Monotheisms (3 SH)
RSM 101 Introduction to Health, Physical Education and Recreation (3 SH)
RSM 211 Sophomore Practicum (1 SH)
RSM 305 Risk Management in Recreation Sport (3 SH)
RSM 309 Recreation and Sport Program and Event Planning (3 SH)
RSM 402 Facility Design and Supervision in Sports and Recreation (2 SH)
RSM 405 Recreation and Sport Administration (3 SH)
RSM 411 Senior Internship (4 SH)
RSM 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology (3 SH)
SOC 201 Sociology of Health (3 SH)
SOC 210 Social Stratification (3 SH)
SOC 225 Theories of Social Change (3 SH)
SOC 245 Environment and Society (3 SH)
SOC 255 Social Movements (3 SH)
SOC 330 Family in Social Context (3 SH)
SOC 334 Cultural Anthropology (3 SH)
SOC 336 Methods of Social Research (3 SH)
SOC 350 Urban Sociology (3 SH)
SOC 351-355 Topics in Sociology (3 SH)
SOC 360 Criminology (3 SH)
SOC 362 Criminal Justice (2 SH)
SOC 375 People, Place and Community (3 SH)
SOC 392 Junior Seminar in Social Research (3 SH)
SOC 409 Field Experience in Sociology (3 SH)
SOC 410 Senior Capstone (1 SH)
SOC 430 Environmental Justice (3 SH)
SOC 442 Teaching of Sociology (1-3 SH)
SOC 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
SOWK 101 Exploring Social Work (3 SH)
SOWK 200 Social Behavior and Diversity (3 SH)
SOWK 210 Social Stratification (3 SH)
SOWK 220 History and Philosophy of Social Welfare (3 SH)
SOWK 310 Social Work Practice I (3 SH)
SOWK 330 Social Policy Analysis (3 SH)
SOWK 360 Race and Gender (3 SH)
SOWK 400 Social Work Practice II (3 SH)
SOWK 410 Social Work Practice III (3 SH)
SOWK 420 Topics in Social Work (3 SH)
SOWK 430 Senior Practicum in Social Work (12 SH)
SOWK 441 Leadership Practicum (1 SH)
SOWK 499 Independent Study (3 SH)
SPAN 110 Elementary Spanish I (3 SH)
SPAN 120 Elementary Spanish II (3 SH)
SPAN 130 Elementary Spanish in Review (3 SH)
SPAN 210 Intermediate Spanish I (3 SH)
SPAN 220 Intermediate Spanish II (3 SH)
SPAN 231 Intermediate Spanish for Healthcare Professionals I (3 SH)
SPAN 232 Intermediate Spanish for Healthcare Professionals II (3 SH)
SPAN 301 The Art of Storytelling (3 SH)
SPAN 302 Flavors of Hispanic Culture (3 SH)
SPAN 303 Dictatorships and Social Movements (3 SH)
SPAN 320 Constructing Identities (3 SH)
SPAN 325 The Latino Experience (3 SH)
SPAN 330 Immigration Issues (3 SH)
SPAN 335 Spanish of the United States (3 SH)
SPAN 340 Introduction to Spanish Translation and Interpretation (3 SH)
SPAN 360 Spanish for Health Care Professionals (3 SH)
SPAN 411 Globalization in Latin American Cinema (3 SH)
SPAN 420 Narratives of Trauma and Resilience (3 SH)
SPAN 425 Indigenous People and Conquest (3 SH)
SPAN 430 Marginalized Voices in Hispanic America (3 SH)
SPAN 470 Spanish Internship (1-3 SH)
SPAN 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
SRSEM 460 Business Ethics (3 SH)
SRSML 450 Issues and Values (3 SH)
SRSML 460 Business Ethics (3 SH)
SSC 490 Social Sciences Capstone (2 SH)
STAT 120 Descriptive Statistics (2 SH)
STAT 130 Nonparametric Statistics (2 SH)
STAT 140 Elementary Statistics (3 SH)
STAT 220 Inferential Statistics (2 SH)
STAT 230 Regression and ANOVA (2 SH)
THEO 201 Introduction to Theology (3 SH)
THEO 312 Topics in Christian Theology (3 SH)
THEO 323 Biblical Theology of Peace and Justice (3 SH)
THEO 412 Liberation Theologies (3 SH)
THEO 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
THR 100 Acting for the Stage and Screen (2 SH)
THR 200 Survey of World Theater History (2 SH)
THR 210 Technical Theater (2 SH)
THR 230-235 Topics in Theater (2 SH)
THR 231 Topic: Musical Theater (2 SH)
THR 232 Topic: Yoga and Movement (2 SH)
THR 281 Acting Practicum (1-3 SH)
THR 300 Directing for the Theater (2 SH)
THR 350 Technical Theater Practicum (1-3 SH)
THR 351 Stage Management Practicum (1-3 SH)
THR 352 Assistant Directing (1-3 SH)
THR 353 Dramaturgy (1-3 SH)
THR 360 Playwriting (2 SH)
THR 361 Screenwriting (2 SH)
THR 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
VACA 112 Digital Photography (3 SH)
VACA 121 Drawing (4 SH)
VACA 131 Three Dimensional Design (4 SH)
VACA 141 Foundations of Design (4 SH)
VACA 142 Graphic Design I (2 SH)
VACA 151 Photography I (2 SH)
VACA 221 Watercolor Painting (3 SH)
VACA 222 Painting (4 SH)
VACA 232 Ceramics (4 SH)
VACA 242 Graphic Design II: Digital Layout (2 SH)
VACA 243 Graphic Design III: Illustration and Drawing (2 SH)
VACA 252 Photography II (4 SH)
VACA 262 Video Production (4 SH)
VACA 263 Audio Production (2 SH)
VACA 283 Art History: Western (4 SH)
VACA 323 Printmaking and Watercolor (4 SH)
VACA 332 Intermediate Ceramics (2 SH)
VACA 335 Installation and Experimental Media (4 SH)
VACA 344 Web Design and Social Media (4 SH)
VACA 345 Advanced Photoshop (4 SH)
VACA 353 Alternative Photo Processes (4 SH)
VACA 354 Conservation Photography (4 SH)
VACA 364 Motion Graphics/After Effects (2 SH)
VACA 367 Hybrid Storytelling (4 SH)
VACA 381 Cinema and Visual Theory (2 SH)
VACA 382 Contemporary Art (2 SH)
VACA 384 Art History: World (2 SH)
VACA 397 Elementary School Art Methods (2-3 SH)
VACA 398 Secondary School Art Methods (3 SH)
VACA 432 Advanced Ceramics I (2 SH)
VACA 434 Advanced Drawing (2 SH)
VACA 435 Advanced Painting (2 SH)
VACA 442 Advanced Ceramics II (2 SH)
VACA 455 Portfolio and Vocation (4 SH)
VACA 465 Visual Storytelling: Nonfiction (4 SH)
VACA 466 Visual Storytelling: Fiction (4 SH)
VACA 481 Senior Thesis (2 SH)
VACA 491 Internship (1-4 SH)
VACA 499 Independent Study (1-4 SH)
WCSC 285 Internship Theory and Practice (1 SH)
WCSC 325 Career and Vocation (2 SH)
WCSC 380 WCSC Internship (5 SH)
WCSC 385 WCSC Internship (6 SH)
WCSC 485 Servant Leadership (2 SH)
WRIT 110 Preparation for College Writing (3 SH)
WRIT 120 Introductory College Writing (3 SH)
WRIT 130 College Writing (3 SH)
WRIT 140 Advanced College Writing (3 SH)
WRIT 150 Speech: Exploring Voice in Vocation (2 SH)
WRIT 160 Public Communication (3 SH)
WRIT 200 Introduction to Creative Writing (3 SH)
WRIT 210 News and Feature Writing (3 SH)
WRIT 340 Student Kairos Place (1 SH)
WRIT 351 Fiction Writing Workshop (3 SH)
WRIT 352 Creative Nonfiction Workshop (3 SH)
WRIT 370 Poetry Workshop (3 SH)
WRIT 380 Expository Writing (1 SH)
WRIT 381 Argumentative Writing (1 SH)
WRIT 383 Professional Writing (1 SH)
WRIT 390 Literary Arts Journal: Phoenix (1 SH)
WRIT 391 Editing and Publishing: Weather Vane (1-3 SH)
WRIT 400 Senior Thesis (3 SH)
WRIT 421 Advanced Fiction Workshop (3 SH)
WRIT 422 Advanced Creative Nonfiction Workshop (3 SH)
WRIT 423 Advanced Poetry Workshop (3 SH)
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2020-21 UG Catalog
THEO 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
THEO 499 Independent Study (1-3 SH)
Laura Lehman (Deactivated)
Owned by
Laura Lehman (Deactivated)
Jun 01, 2020
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