Chemistry, teaching endorsement (6-12)

Chemistry, teaching endorsement (6-12)

Contact: Stephen Cessna
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Semester Hours: teacher education courses + chemistry major
Format: Face-to-face

Admission Requirements: All students seeking licensure to teach shall make application for admission to teacher education and to student teaching. Application for admission to teacher education is made at the end of the fall semester of the sophomore year and application for admission to student teaching is made at the end of the fall semester of the junior year. Transfer students are required to attend a teacher education program transfer orientation meeting their first semester on campus.

Entrance and exit requirements including cut-off test scores for all teacher education programs are found in the Teacher Education Handbook or www.emu.edu/education/test-scores.

An entry assessment in reading and writing is required for admission to the teacher education program. Students with qualifying Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) scores meet the requirement. The Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) is required for teacher licensure.

Admission to teacher education requires a 2.5 cumulative GPA  and a teacher education interview. Admission to student teaching requires a 2.7 cumulative GPA. In addition, students must have a C or better in all education courses (courses with ED prefix and content area methods courses) to be admitted to student teaching. Exit requirements include meeting the Virginia cut off score requirements for the Praxis Subject Assessment (consisting of subject area components); and an earned GPA of 2.7. Additionally, the Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary assessment is required for early/primary education (PreK-3), and elementary education (PreK-6). Students may obtain an additional endorsement without completing an approved licensure program by passing the Praxis Subject Assessment in the content area (Biology, Chemistry, English, History and Social Science, Mathematics, Visual Arts, English as a Second Language, Health and Physical Education, Foreign Language, and Music) with the exception of PreK-3, PreK-6, and Special Education.

This program will prepare students to teach chemistry by instructing them in the standards of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). The courses listed in the chemistry major and Secondary Education (6-12) make up the program for chemistry teacher licensure, grades 6-12.

Additional requirements for teacher endorsement

  • *CHEM 285 Environmental Chemistry (4) 

  • ENVS 135 Earth Science (2) 

  • Choose one course from this list:

    • BIOL 155 Biological Explorations (3) 

    • BIOL 173 Concepts in Biology-Unity and Diversity of Life (4) 

    • BIOL 205 Introduction to Microbiology (3) 

    • ENVS 145 Environmental Science (2) 

* indicates the course is offered in alternate years

Enrollment in upper-level biology, biochemistry, chemistry and environmental science courses (BIOL, BIOCH, CHEM, ENVS 300s and 400s) requires a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in all science and math courses (BIOL, BIOCH, CHEM, ENVS, MATH, PHYS). Students who fail to earn a C- in any coursework required for their major should promptly schedule a meeting with their advisor.

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