The Bridge Program

The Bridge Program

Bridge is a program of full-time study that helps students from various language backgrounds adjust to American university settings and expectations so that they may become responsible and successful students.

There are two ways of entering the Bridge Program. International students who have earned a paper-based TOEFL score of 500-550, a computer-based TOEFL score of 173-213, an Internet-based TOEFL score of 61-79, or an IELTS score of 5-6 may apply directly for admission to the university. IEP students may also apply to the Bridge program upon the recommendation of IEP without taking the TOEFL. All applicants to the Bridge program must submit a completed admission application and provide official transcripts verifying completion of high school or equivalent, and post-secondary education if applicable. IEP students must also submit transcripts from IEP with an IEP recommendation letter and a student life recommendation form if residing on campus while an IEP student.

Applicants to the Bridge program may be granted admission to the undergraduate program with enrollment in the Bridge program for one or two semesters. All students regardless of admission status must meet the academic review criteria for continued enrollment at EMU.   When enrolled in the Bridge program, students will work with an assigned advisor to develop a manageable course load. During their first semester of enrollment, students will take WRIT 110 Preparation for College Writing.

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