Transfer Student's Checklist To Complete EMU'S Teacher Education Program

Transfer Student's Checklist To Complete EMU'S Teacher Education Program

Fall Semester Sophomore or Junior Year:

____     Enroll in ED 101 Exploring Teaching.

____      Maintain a 2.5 GPA and have a C or better in all education and methods courses (courses with an ED/EDS prefix, VACA 397/398; MUED 341/342, PE 401/402) and a 2.7 GPA to be admitted to student teaching.            

____      Declare a major and licensure area in education.

____      Complete a planned course of study with your advisor.

____      Apply for admission to teacher education by November 30 which includes the following requirements:

  • Maintain a 2.5 GPA and have a C or better in all education and methods courses (courses with an ED/EDS prefix, VACA 397/398; MUED 341/342, PE 401/402) and a 2.7 GPA to be admitted to student teaching.
  • Submit a completed teacher education application.
  • Demonstrate dispositions of responsibility, relationships, scholarship and inquiry, and reflective action as evidenced by academic, character, and teacher education recommendations.

____      Make arrangements for access to a vehicle to transport yourself to and from schools for each semester in which you have a field experience. You are responsible to arrange for your own transportation to all field experiences after ED 101.


Spring Semester Sophomore or Junior Year (all transfers):

____      Make arrangements for access to a vehicle to transport yourself to and from schools for each semester in which you have a field experience. You are responsible to arrange for your own transportation to all field experiences after ED 101.

Fall Semester the Year Prior to Student Teaching:

____      Apply for admission to student teaching by November 30 if planning to student teach the following academic year which includes the following requirements:

  • Maintain at least a 2.7 GPA and have a C or better in all education and methods courses (courses with an ED/EDS prefix, VACA 397/398; MUED 341/342, PE 401/402).
  • Submit a completed student teaching application.
  • Meet all the criteria as outlined for admission to Teacher Education.
  • Demonstrate dispositions of responsibility, relationships, scholarship and inquiry, and reflective action as evidenced by academic, character, and teacher education recommendations.
  • Achieve a score of 2 or higher on designated criteria in the lesson plan rubric from designated program courses. Students are given the opportunity within two designated courses to master the criteria at least once. (Designated courses: ED 331, 333, 351, and 385; PE 402; VACA 398; MUED 342)
  • Achieve a score of “Developing Towards Expectations” or higher on each of seven essential criterion in the Profile of Clinical Performance practicum evaluation from designated program courses. Students are given the opportunity within two designated courses to master the criteria at least once.

(Designated courses: ED 252, 331-333, 341-343, & 361; VACA 397-398; LING 460; MUED 341-342; PE 401-402).

____      Transfer students are expected to be in residence one full semester in addition to the above requirements before being admitted to student teaching.

Spring Semester the Year Prior to Student Teaching:

____      Meet individually with the Director of Clinical Partnerships to discuss student teaching placements.

____      Complete the following requirements for admission to student teaching:

  • Write and submit an introductory letter and a resume by March 31. These will be given to each supervising teacher and placed in your permanent file.
  • Complete certification or training in emergency first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) including hands-on practice, and the use of automated external defibrillators (AED). The certification or training program shall be based on the current national evidence-based emergency cardiovascular care guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of an automated external defibrillator such as a program developed by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross.
  • Submit a negative Tuberculosis screening.

Senior Year

____      Participate in Opening School Experience. Spring student teachers participate the August prior to student teaching.

____      Take the Praxis Subject Assessment(s) for Virginia Licensure and/or your EMU program by Dec. 1 prior to spring semester student teaching and May 1 prior to fall semester student teaching. 

____      Have enough credit hours to graduate (120 semester hours) and not exceed 18 hours (6-12 and PreK-12) or 24 hours (PreK-3, PreK-6, and SPED) of professional education hours.

Program Exit Requirements

____      Maintain at least a 2.7 GPA through graduation and have a C or better in all education and methods courses (courses with an ED/EDS prefix, VACA 397/398, MUED 341/342, PE 401/402).

____      Meet the following exit requirements before graduation:

  • Pass the Virginia state requirements for the Praxis Subject Assessment and Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (if required).
  • Successfully complete student teaching as determined by the university consultant in cooperation with the cooperating teacher.
  • Successfully complete ED 411 Reflective Teaching Seminar with a passing score on each assignment.
  • Meet requirements for child abuse and neglect recognition & reporting curriculum guidelines of the Virginia Department of Education in Reflective Teaching Seminar and through: http://www.dss.virginia.gov/family/cps/mandated_reporters/cwse5691/story.html.
  • Complete dyslexia awareness training, provided by the Virginia Department of Education, on the indicators of dyslexia and the evidence-based interventions and accommodations for dyslexia:


  • Complete the behavior intervention and support training provided by the Virginia Department of Education. https://www.odu.edu/eps/programs/ciees/initiatives/restraint-and-seclusion.html.
  • Complete instruction or training in cultural competency as per guidelines from the Virginia Board of Education. 
  • Apply for Virginia state licensure – directions and forms are distributed during the student teaching semester.



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