Campus Name and Legal Name Use Policy

Campus Name and Legal Name Use Policy

EMU recognizes that as a community many of its members use names other than their legal names to identify themselves. As long as the use of this different name is not for the purposes of misrepresentation, the college will make every effort to use a student’s or employee’s preferred or Campus Name (CN).

Please note that some records and business processes may require the use of legal names only, such as federal and medical documentation. Students or Employees who are utilizing the CN should always be prepared to reference their legal name as well as provide their college identification when necessary.

Changing Your Legal Name

In order to change the name on your official college records such as transcripts and employment records, you must legally change your name. A legal name change is recognized by submitting legal documentation to the university. Recognized documents include: a social security card, passport, court documents, and/or government issued visa. If you are a graduate, you can also request an updated diploma with your current legal name. Although your name will be changed on university records and in university systems, your prior name will continue to be listed as a previous identity in the university’s database in order to ensure that any searches of your former name will access the correct files.

Students (and former students) who have had their name legally changed should submit one or more of the recognized documents noted above to the Registrar's Office to update their legal name in EMU records. Your new legal first and last name will appear on college documentation listed in the table below (both campus name use cases and legal name use cases). Your former legal name will be stored in some college records and not redacted.

Employees who have had their name legally changed should submit one or more of the recognized documents noted above to the Human Resources Office.

Former Employees who have had their name legally changed should submit one or more of the recognized documents noted above to the Alumni Office.

Changing Your Campus Name

Instructions below explain how to request a change to your Campus Name using MyEMU. Once the request is fulfilled, your campus name will be displayed in the areas noted in the table below within three business days.

Students are able to request a change to their campus name by completing the Update Student Info form on myEMU. For student requests, the Registrar’s Office has the authority to deny any request or remove a campus name in extreme cases – including but not limited to multiple requests from the same person or a requested name that is inappropriate (profanity, for example). In the rare circumstance when such a denial is made, the student may appeal the decision in writing to the Registrar. The Registrar will convene an appeal committee comprised of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and the Dean of Students to reconsider the request and the denial.

Employees are able to request a change to their campus name by completing the Update Employee Info on myEMU. For employee requests, the Director of Human Resources has the authority to deny any request or remove an CN in extreme cases. In the rare circumstance when such a denial is made, the employee may appeal the decision in writing to the Director of Human Resources. The Director of Human Resources will convene an appeal committee comprised of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and the Vice President for Finance.

Campus Name and Legal Name Usage in University Systems

The table below illustrates the types of systems and locations that campus names and legal names may appear. This is not an exhaustive list of systems, but is designed to provide a general sense of usage patterns.

ID Cards

We understand that it may be important to you for the college identification card to reflect your CN. You can obtain a new ID card with your new name if you have registered your legal name change or CN with the Office of the Registrar or Human Resources. ID cards are produced at the Helpdesk located in the lower level of the Library.

Student Privacy Considerations

Consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), EMU allows for the release of directory information, which includes a student’s campus name. If a student does not want disclosure of the CN to external organizations or persons, they can consult with the Registrar’s Office regarding a FERPA restriction. Choosing a FERPA restriction means the University will not list the student in the directory and cannot confirm student status to anyone inquiring about the student record. However, mail from the university to the student may still be sent using their CN. For this reason, the CN should not be considered a “private” name for use at the College only.

Approved by Provost’s Council, Nov. 1, 2022

Responsible party

The chief information officer is responsible for this policy.

Policy Review

This policy is to be reviewed every three years.


Employee Handbook, Student Handbooks


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