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Resources are available to all EMU students and employees, whether they have filed a Formal Complaint using the EMU RVSM Reporting Form, made a report to the Title IX Coordinator or a Mandated Reporter, or have otherwise sought support directly through various Confidential Employees on campus, including but not limited to the Survivor Advocate.


EMU Counseling Services are available for direct service free of charge to all EMU students at the main campus. Off campus or online program faculty, staff, or students are able to consult with an EMU counselor via email or phone to locate resources or assistance in their own geographic area.

In collaboration with EMU's Health Services, a licensed psychiatrist is available once a month on campus for additional mental health services.  

EMU Counseling Services is able to provide recommendations for off-campus counseling, therapy, and mental health services for EMU staff and for EMU students who do not wish to use on-campus counseling services. Please contact EMU Counseling Services at 540-432-4317 or counselingservices@emu.edu for information.

8.1.2. HEALTH SERVICES EMU Health Services

EMU’s Health Services is available to all current students, faculty and staff.

EMU’s Health Services can provide referrals to local health specialists in the Harrisonburg area, including: Orthopedics, GI, dermatologists, etc.

To contact EMU’s Health Services please call (540) 432-4308, email healthservices@emu.edu, or stop by their office in the University Commons, Room 240 (upstairs) through the Student Life Suite. Sentara RMH Medical Center

Harrisonburg’s main hospital, Sentara RMH Medical Center, is located at 2010 Health Campus Dr. Harrisonburg, VA 22801. In an emergency, please dial 911. To contact the hospital in a non-emergency situation, call 540-689-1000. The Sentara RMH emergency room is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. PERK kits (see Section 2 and Section 7.4) are collected in the Sentara RMH Medical Center. Valley Urgent Care

Valley Urgent Care & Occupational Medicine is committed to providing a safe and

inclusive environment free from sexual violence. If you have experienced sexual assault or violence, VUC offers resources, care, and support. We encourage you to seek help as soon as possible. Seeking care early will also help preserve evidence in case legal action is desired in the future. Our primary concern is caring for the survivors of sexual assault. We recognize that all situations are different, and our care is driven by the survivor, with care decisions being made in consultation and agreement with the survivor. 

Phone- 540-434-5709 

Website https://valleyurgentcareva.com/sexual-assault/ Address- 1921 Medical Avenue Harrisonburg, VA 22801


The Collins Center provides sexual assault and crisis services to the Harrisonburg community. Located at 217 S. Liberty St. Harrisonburg, the Collins Center provides a trained sexual assault crisis advocate who offers support and information at the hospital and assistance when reporting a sexual assault to the police (if reporting to the police is desired).

The Collins Center also provides short-term crisis support sessions, support groups, court advocacy and accompaniment, child advocacy, professional therapists with trauma-specific training, and information and referrals for other support services.

In a non-emergency situation, contact the Collins Center at 540-432-6430. In a crisis situation, contact the Collins Center’s 24-hour sexual assault crisis hotline at 540-434-2272. The crisis hotline is staffed 24/7 by a trained Collins Center employee. First Step

First Step provides domestic and dating violence survivor services to the Harrisonburg community, including a 24/7 crisis hotline, safety planning, emergency shelter, support groups, court accompaniment, legal advocacy, financial empowerment, children’s support and advocacy, and referrals.

Contact First Step at any time at 540-434-0295. If you are in immediate danger, dial 911 and local law enforcement can assist you in accessing First Step services after addressing your immediate safety needs.

8.1.4. SECURITY AND LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES EMU Office of Campus Safety & Security

EMU provides 24-hour security services to the Harrisonburg campus. From 8am-4pm Monday-Friday, EMU Coordinator of Campus Safety and Security, Dave Emswiler, or his designee, responds to safety and security incidents. EMU contracts with Admiral Security to provide non-sworn security officers from 4pm-8am on weekdays and 24 hours a day on Saturdays and Sundays.

In an emergency situation, please dial 911. In a non-emergency situation, EMU safety personnel can be reached 24/7 at 540-432-4911. Harrisonburg Police Department

The Harrisonburg Police Department has jurisdiction for the investigation and enforcement of all state and local criminal laws on EMU’s Harrisonburg campus. The Harrisonburg Police Department can investigate any reported sexual assault or other forcible sexual offense on EMU’s Harrisonburg campus, in or on a non-campus building or property of EMU Harrisonburg, or on public property near EMU Harrisonburg.

Those who experience an incident of sexual violence can choose to:

  • Allow the local police department to investigate the allegation of sexual assault or other violation of this policy;
  • Press civil or criminal charges if an instance of unlawful activity has occurred;
  • Provide details of the incident even in cases where the act being reported is not unlawful under federal or state law;
  • Decline to have the local police department investigate the incident; or
  • Determine at a later date to press charges, if permission for an investigation was granted at the time of the incident.

In an emergency situation, please dial 911. In a non-emergency situation, contact:

  • Harrisonburg campus: Violent Crimes Against Women Detective Aaron Dove, major crimes unit, 540-437-2646, or the Harrisonburg Police Department switchboard at 540-434-4436.
  • Lancaster campus: East Lampeter Township Police Department, 717-291-4676
  • Washington DC campus: DC Metro Police, 202-727-9099


EMU offers the following Supportive Measures, and others as appropriate, to all student and employee Complainants, regardless of whether a Formal Complaint has been filed. In the event that a Formal Complaint is filed, EMU will also offer the following Supportive Measures, and others as appropriate, to the Respondent.

EMU will take every measure to protect the privacy of those seeking Supportive Measures. Personal information will only be shared with those essential to making decisions about and enacting Supportive Measures. Those who are requesting Supportive Measures will always be notified before personally identifying information is shared for the purpose of arranging requested Supportive Measures.


As part of resolution processes, the Title IX Coordinator will work with (a) representative(s) of the EMU CARE Team and/or individual faculty members to change or make academic accommodations to the Complainant’s or Respondent’s course schedule if the request is made in writing and if the accommodation requests are reasonably available.

Student and staff requests for academic accommodations can be sent to the Title IX Coordinator, titleixcoordinator@emu.edu.


As part of resolution processes, the Title IX Coordinator will work with residence life staff to change or make accommodations to the Complainant’s or Respondent’s living arrangements if the request is made in writing and if the accommodation requests are reasonably available. Requests for living accommodations can be sent to the Title IX Coordinator, titleixcoordinator@emu.edu.


As part of resolution processes, the Title IX Coordinator will work with appropriate authorities to change or make accommodations to the transportation arrangements for the Complainant or Respondent if the request is made in writing and if the accommodation requests are reasonably available.

Student and staff requests for transportation accommodations can be sent to the Title IX Coordinator, titleixcoordinator@emu.edu.


As part of resolution processes, the Title IX Coordinator will work with the Complainant’s or Respondent’s supervisor to change or make accommodations to the Complainant’s or Respondent’s work arrangement if the request is made in writing and if the accommodation requests are reasonably available.

Student and staff requests for working accommodations can be sent to the Title IX Coordinator, titleixcoordinator@emu.edu.

8.2.5. PROTECTIVE ORDERS EMU No Contact Orders

Complainants and Respondents each have the right to request a no contact order that restricts contact between the Complainant and the Respondent on EMU’s campus. Students and staff should initiate the request for a no contact order with the Title IX Coordinator, titleixcoordinator@emu.edu

The Title IX Coordinator will work with the Coordinator of Campus Safety and Security to issue a No Contact Order from EMU's Office of Campus Safety and Security. No Contact Orders will be enforced by Campus Safety and Security. 

Violations of a No Contact Order should be reported immediately to Campus Safety officials, for immediate response, who will then consult the TItle IX Coordinator regarding the reported violation. The Title IX Coordinator will determine appropriate next steps in response to the reported violation.

Violations of a No Contact Order will either be responded to by processes as outlined in this Policy or through the Student Code of Conduct, based on assessment and determination by the Title IX Coordinator and in collaboration with the Dean of Students office. Court Order of Protection

Protective orders may be requested from a local judge or magistrate at the Harrisonburg Court House. (53 Court Square, Harrisonburg). The following protective orders are available:

  • Emergency protective order: Emergency protective orders can be put in place for up to 72 hours
  • Preliminary protective order: Preliminary protective orders are put in place for 15 days
  • Full protective order: Full protective orders extend up to two years

In Virginia, persons who wish to have a court-ordered protective order put in place must go before either the local magistrate or a local judge and make a case that they are fearful of harm, violence, or the threat of violence. More information is available from the Virginia Court System. In Pennsylvania, persons who wish to have a court-ordered protective order put in place should go to the local courthouse. In Washington DC, persons who wish to have a court-ordered protective order put in place should visit a domestic violence intake center.

Court advocates are available through the Collins Center to attend and assist with Protective Orders, including emergency, preliminary, full orders.


Written notification about existing counseling, health, mental health, victim advocacy, legal assistance, and other services that may be available, both within the institution and in the community, are available from the Title IX Coordinator. Written notification of these resources will be provided to all Complainants in response to a report received by the Title IX Coordinator and to all Respondents upon receipt of a Formal Complaint. 

Written notification about available options for, assistance in, and how to request changes to academic, living, transportation, on campus employment situations, and/or protective measures is available to anyone who experiences an incident of Prohibited Conduct whether or not the incident is reported. Written notification of these accommodations will be provided to all Complainants upon receipt of a report by the Title IX Coordinator and to all Respondents upon receipt of a Formal Complaint.

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