Degree Requirements - Organizational Leadership Graduate Program
Degree: Master of Arts
Semester Hours: 35
Program may be completed fully online
This two-year, 35-semester hour, cohort-based MAOL program is designed for adults who have already been working in mid-level management or higher for at least two years and who already possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited school.
Required Courses (35 SH)
OLS 510 Leadership and Management for the Common Good (3 SH)
OLS 515 Introduction to Leadership Studies (3 SH)
OLS 530 Organizational Behavior (3 SH)
OLS 540 Financial Literacy for Managers (3 SH)
OLS 560 Leadership Seminar (3 SH)
MOL 610 Data Analytics for Strategic Decision-Making (3 SH)
OLS 665 Project Management (3 SH)
MOL 541 Mentorship Program I (1 SH)
MOL 600 DEIB: Org Culture, Collaboration, & Community (3 SH)
MOL 620 Transformative Leadership in Dynamic Contexts (3 SH)
MOL 542 Mentorship Program II (1 SH)
MOL 681 Leading in Cross-Cultural Contexts (3 SH) OR MBA 680 Sustainable Organizations and Global Citizenship (Costa Rica trip) (3 SH)
An elective (3 SH)