Degree Requirements - Graduate Teacher Education

Degree Requirements - Graduate Teacher Education

Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum & Instruction

Degree: Master of Arts in Education
Semester Hours: 36

This component of EMU’s graduate teacher education program provides a course of study for elementary, middle, and high school practitioners to enhance existing skills and meet the challenges found in today’s schools. Emphasis is placed upon adapting and designing curriculum for diverse populations, designing integrated interdisciplinary instruction, upgrading professional knowledge in recent research in current issues, teaming with school and community professionals, and enhancing specific professional and concentration area competencies.

Participants may choose one of three routes toward completion of this concentration area:

  1. elementary school emphasis

  2. middle school emphasis

  3. high school emphasis 

Curriculum & Instruction Curriculum and Course Plan

NOTE: Course requirements may change as the program evolves. Candidates are accountable for completing the program of study listed in the catalog for the year in which they entered the program.

Learn more about the core curriculum of EMU’s graduate teacher education at https://emu.edu/maed/curriculum-design.

Program Core (12 SH)
[Early in program]

  • EDCC 501 Creating Cultures of Change (3 SH)

  • EDCC 521 Peacebuilding & Conflict Transformation (3 SH)

  • EDCC 531 Social & Ethical Issues in Education (3 SH)

[Later in program]

  • EDCC 551 Action Research in Educational Settings (Prerequisite: Admission to Candidacy) (3 SH) 

Concentration Area (15 SH required + 6 SH electives = 21 SH)

  • EDCI 501 Curriculum and Instructional Strategies (3 SH)

  • EDCI 511 Teaming and Collaboration (3 SH)

  • EDCI 561 Neuro-Education: Brain Research, Trauma, and Learning (3 SH)

  • EDDA 511 Teaching Diverse Learners (3 SH)

  • A Literacy course: The following courses are recommended:

    • Elementary: EDLA 501 Foundations of Literacy (3 SH)

    • Middle and High: EDLA 521 Integrated Literacy Instruction (3 SH)

  • Electives chosen from other MA in Education concentrations (6 SH)

Reflective Practice (3 SH)

  • EDPC 611 Action Research Project: Elementary, Middle or High School (3 SH)

Master of Arts in Education: Diverse Needs: Teaching English as a Second Language or Trauma & Resilience in Educational Environments

Degree: Master of Arts in Education
Semester Hours: 36-39

Practitioners concentrate on special needs of diverse populations, with further focus in one of three areas of emphasis:

  1. Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) for MA degree and initial teaching license (Virginia only)

  2. Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) for MA degree and/or add-on endorsement

  3. Trauma and Resilience in Educational Environments (TREE)

This component contains a common core of courses that address language/literacy competence with diverse populations, intervention strategies for diverse learners, and developing leadership skills in teaming, collaboration, and consultation with parents, school, and community social agencies. In Virginia, initial teaching licensure is available in ESL with additional coursework, a supervised practicum, and an internship. A foundations course in Curriculum and Instruction is required of candidates without a teaching license as an elective prior to taking EDDA 511 Teaching Diverse Learners and EDCC 501 Creating Cultures of Change. 

Diverse Needs: Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) Curriculum and Course Plan

NOTE: Course requirements may change as the program evolves. Candidates are accountable for completing the program of study listed in the catalog for the year in which they entered the program.

Program Core (12 SH)
[Early in program]

  • EDCC 501 Creating Cultures of Change (3 SH)

  • EDCC 521 Peacebuilding & Conflict Transformation (3 SH)

  • EDCC 531 Social & Ethical Issues in Education (3 SH)

[Later in program]

  • EDCC 551 Action Research in Educational Settings (3 SH) (Prerequisite: Admission to Candidacy)

Concentration Area (24 SH)

  • EDSL 551 Methods of Teaching ESL/FL (3 SH)+

  • EDSL 571 Language Acquisition and Grammar (3 SH)+

  • EDSL 581 Language and Culture (3 SH)+

  • EDSL 591 ESL Assessment and Support (3 SH)+

  • EDDA 511 Teaching Diverse Learners (3 SH)

  • EDLA 501 Foundations of Literacy (3 SH)

  • EDLA 521 Integrated Literacy Instruction (3 SH)+

  • EDPC 601 Practicum: TESL (3 SH) (for initial license only)

Reflective Practice (3 SH)

  • EDPC 611 Action Research Project: TESL (3 SH)

All candidates must take Praxis #5362 English to Speakers of Other Languages.

NOTE: In addition, candidates who have not reached a level of proficiency in a foreign language at Intermediate Level II must take additional hours of foreign language to achieve that level. Candidates who have had equivalent coursework may substitute elective replacements.

*For ESL licensure, students must have an English linguistics course and a specialized practicum to meet licensure requirements. A 14-week student teaching internship (7 semester hours) is required for candidates seeking ESL as an initial license.

+ required as part of the certificate program

Diverse Needs: Trauma and Resilience in Educational Environments Curriculum and Course Plan

Program Core (12 SH)
[Early in program]

  • EDCC 501 Creating Cultures of Change (3 SH)

  • EDCC 521 Peacebuilding & Conflict Transformation (3 SH)

  • EDCC 531 Social & Ethical Issues in Education (3 SH)

[Later in program]

  • EDCC 551 Action Research in Educational Settings (3 SH) (Prerequisite: Admission to Candidacy)

Concentration Area (12 SH)

  • EDDA 571 Trauma, Restoration & Resilience in Educational Environments (3 SH)+

  • EDDA 631 Research in Risk and Resilience (3 SH)+

  • EDDA 541 Self-Care and Resilience for Educators (3 SH)+

  • EDCI 561 Neuro-Education: Brain Research, Trauma, and Learning (3 SH)+

Reflective Practice (3 SH)

  • EDPC 611 Action Research Project: Trauma & Resilience (3 SH)

Electives (9 SH)*
Nine semester hours to be selected from the following or other approved courses by adviser:

  • ED (Graduate Teacher Education) Courses

    • EDCI 511 Teaming and Collaboration (3 SH)

    • EDDA 501 Fostering Resilience through School and Community Partnerships (3 SH)

    • EDDA 511 Teaching Diverse Learners (3 SH)

    • EDRJ 551 Foundations of Restorative Justice in Education (3 SH)

    • EDRJ 581 Analyzing Conflict in Educational Settings (3 SH)

    • EDSL 581 Language and Culture (3 SH)

*decisions made in collaboration with academic adviser
+ required as part of the certificate program

Master of Arts in Education: Restorative Justice in Education (RJE)

Degree: Master of Arts in Education
Semester Hours: 36

Long a pioneer in the field of restorative justice, Eastern Mennonite University is now the first in the country to offer restorative justice programs within a graduate teacher education program. EMU programs and offerings that are related to this interdisciplinary study track include:

Making a Difference in Our Schools

We offer different focus options for K-12 educators, administrators and other school leaders, social workers, and school counselors. A variety of electives allows for focused study for each of these groups. You’ll learn to:

  • Promote positive student behavior and increase student achievement and attendance

  • Replace suspensions and expulsions with strategies that work

  • Improve relationships and school climate while increasing instructional time 

Restorative Justice in Education Curriculum and Course Plan

Program Core (12 SH)
[Early in program]

  • EDCC 501 Creating Cultures of Change (3 SH)

  • EDCC 521 Peacebuilding & Conflict Transformation (3 SH)+

  • EDCC 531 Social & Ethical Issues in Education (3 SH)

[Later in program]

  • EDCC 551 Action Research in Educational Settings (3 SH) (Prerequisite: Admission to Candidacy)

Concentration Area Courses (12 SH)

  • EDRJ 551 Foundations of Restorative Justice in Education (3 SH) +

  • EDRJ 581 Analyzing Conflict in Educational Settings (3 SH)

  • EDRJ 601 Facilitating Circle Processes (3 SH) + 

  • EDRJ 621 RJE Principles and Practices for Schools (Prerequisite: EDRJ 551) (3 SH) +

Reflective Practice (3 SH)

  • EDPC 611 Action Research Project: Restorative Justice in Education (3 SH)

Electives (9 SH)*
9 semester hours to be selected from the following or other approved courses by adviser:

  • Graduate Teacher Education Courses

    • EDCI 511 Teaming and Collaboration (3 SH)

    • EDCI 541 Supporting Positive Classroom Behaviors (SPED focus) (3 SH)

    • EDDA 501 Fostering Resilience through School and Community Partnerships (3 SH)

    • EDDA 511 Teaching Diverse Learners (3 SH)

    • EDDA 571 Trauma, Restoration, & Resilience in Educational Environments (3 SH)

    • EDDA 631 Research in Risk and Resilience (3 SH)

    • EDRJ 625 RJE Practicum (Prerequisite: RJE graduate certificate completion OR MAEd admission and completion of RJE concentration area courses) (3 SH)

*decisions made in collaboration with academic adviser
+ required as part of the certificate program

Transfer Credits

EMU graduate programs accept a limited amount of graduate transfer credit from other colleges and universities. The university registrar determines the eligibility of credits to transfer from another institution, and the director of the graduate program makes the final determination of the applicability of transfer credit to an individual’s graduate program. Transfer courses will be recorded with the same titles and grades as appear on the transcript from the previous school. Transfer grades will not apply toward the EMU grade point average.

Courses taken by EMU Students at Other Schools

A student should secure advance approval from the graduate program director/coordinator or advisor before enrolling for work in other universities, where credit is to be transferred back to EMU for graduation. The graduate program reserves the right to limit the amount of transfer credit which may be applied to degree requirements. In all cases the majority of credits must be earned through instruction offered by EMU.