Certificate Requirements - Biomedicine Graduate Program

Certificate Requirements - Biomedicine Graduate Program

The majority of credits toward all certificates must be earned through courses offered by EMU.

Biomedicine Certificate

Semester Hours: 21

Some students want to become more competitive applicants for professional health school, and only need a one-year program to enhance their application. Our Biomedicine certificate allows you to pick and choose which graduate-level natural science courses suit your academic goals the best. Our curriculum will set your application apart with our built-in cross-cultural experience, practicum shadowing, and interdisciplinary course offerings.

Biomedicine Core Courses (7 SH)
Complete all of the following courses: 

  • BMC 610 Interdisciplinary Seminar I  (2 SH) or BMC 611 Interdisciplinary Seminar II  (2 SH)

  • BMX 603 Intercultural Health Care  (3 SH)

  • BMX 611 Biomedicine, Faith and Ethics (2 SH)

Natural Science and Social & Behavioral Sciences Electives Courses (14 SH)

  • Select 14 SH from the following: 

    • BMC 552 Cell Biology (3 SH) (Fall 2024)

    • BMS 530 MCAT Preparation Course OR BMS 531 DAT Preparation Course (3 SH)

    • *BMS 556: Epidemiology (3H) (2025-26)

    • *BMS 557: Toxicology for Public Health (2H) (2025-26)

    • BMS 561 Immunology (3 SH) (Spring 2024)

    • BMS 562 Neurobiology (3 SH) (Spring 2025)

    • BMS 563 Molecular Genetics (3 SH) (Spring 2024)

    • BMS 570 Medical Microbiology (3 SH) (Spring 2025)

    • BMS 571 Abnormal Psychology (3 SH)

    • BMS 572 Cognitive Psychology (3 SH)

    • BMS 574 Neuropsychology (3 SH) (Spring 2024)

    • BMS 579 Analytical Chemistry I (2 SH) (Fall 2024)

    • BMS 580 Analytical Chemistry II (2 SH) (Fall 2023)

    • BMS 585 Infectious Diseases (3 SH)

    • BMS 595 Bioinformatics (2 SH) (Spring 2023)

    • TRHS 561 The Neurobiology of Trauma, Resilience, and Well-Being  (online) (3 SH)

    • TRHS 571 Self-Care and Resilience for Healthcare Providers  (online) (3 SH)

    • TRHS 621 Trauma-Informed Strategies for Healthcare Providers (online) (3 SH)

Gap Year Certificate

Semester Hours:  21-28

Gap Year Certificate students take courses at EMU’s Harrisonburg campus in the fall and EMU’s Washington Community Scholars Center in Washington D.C. in the spring and complete cross-cultural travel in the summer.

Fall Courses, Harrisonburg campus (9-14 SH)
Select from the following:  

  • BMC 552 Cell Biology (3 SH) (Fall 2022)

  • BMC 561 Biochemistry Foundations (3 SH)

  • BMC 612 Human Gross and Microscopic Anatomy (4 SH)

  • BMS 517 Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (4 SH)

  • BMS 561 Immunology (3 SH)

  • BMS 571 Abnormal Psychology (3 SH)

  • One course from any other master’s program at EMU

Additional natural science course options are available.

Spring Courses, Washington, D.C. campus (9-11 SH)

  • BMS 599 Internship (6-9 SH)

  • BMS 654 Internship Theory and Practice (1 SH)

  • BMS 655 Servant Leadership (2 SH)

Summer Course, off campus (3 SH)

  • BMX 603 Cross-Cultural Health Care (3 SH)

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