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Positioned in a university with religious and cultural roots in an Anabaptist tradition, the teacher education department program acknowledges and confronts the changing and complex nature of schooling and schools. Aware that education has promise to build democracy and increase societal equity, we also recognize that systematic tendencies often allow schools to perpetuate unjust racial and class divisions, as well as other inequities. In our work with candidates and in our collaborative scholarship, we seek to address the tensions embedded in teaching and learning with an ethos of care, a commitment to justice, and a critical and sustaining hope. These commitments are anchored in religious and moral values embraced by Anabaptists for nearly 500 years and informed by educational theorists and theories including, but not limited to, John Dewey, Lev Vygotsky, Paulo Freire, Nel Noddings, Jeffrey Duncan-Andrade, Gloria Ladson-Billings, and Jerome Bruner. As we prepare teachers for a changing world, a world that is increasingly technological, multicultural, postmodern, and secular, we do so by incorporating the distinctive themes of Anabaptist faith into the ethos and pedagogy of education (Roth, 2011). We also work with a keen awareness that “teachers who re-imagine teaching as a set of critical practices disrupt the normative patterns of society and open up spaces for new voices to be heard” (Leland & Harste, 2000, p. 6).


  • Care about Scholarship requires that teachers understand and master the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) in order to engage students in meaningful learning.
  • Care about Inquiry requires critical thinking about theory and practice, ethics and values, personal reflection and conduct.
  • Care about Professional Knowledge requires that teachers reflect on their practice to improve student learning as well as to employ instructional strategies to further develop students’ critical and creative thinking skills.
  • Care about Communication requires attention to detail in written and spoken language as well as a desire to listen and understand others with appreciation for the cultural dimensions of communication. Technology and media are used to facilitate student learning.
  • Care about Leadership requires professional development and transforming approaches to education through advocacy for children and youth.

Restorative Justice in Education

Restorative Justice in Education (RJE) serves as an underlying philosophy of the teacher education program, guiding both our curriculum and our pedagogy. RJE is viewed as a holistic approach to promoting school climates characterized by relational pedagogies, trauma-informed and resilience-fostering practices, justice and equity, repair of harm, and conflict transformation. RJE is grounded in a set of values and principles that guide the implementation of practices that impact the overall school culture. Those values include respect, dignity, mutual concern, and the belief that all people are worthy of being honored and valued (Vaandering, 2011, 2014). Stemming from these values are three core components: nurturing healthy relationships, building processes that support the repair of harm and the transformation of conflict, and supporting learning environments characterized by justice and equity (Evans & Vaandering, 2016). 


Within the RJE framework, people’s experiences of justice and equity impact their sense of belonging within a community and in turn, impact their capacity to show up well in the learning environment. This is true for students and educators, parents and caregivers, and anyone else connected to the learning environment. Within RJE, and for us, justice is viewed as “honoring the inherent worth of all as enacted through relationship” (Vaandering, 2011, p. 307) where issues of power and domination are addressed (hooks, 2000; Vaandering, 2010).  Equity, as opposed to equality where everyone is treated the same, can be defined as people getting what they need in order to experience well-being (Evans & Vaandering, 2016). Focusing on justice and equity in schools means that we actively respond to issues of oppression and marginalization, including those based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, language, and ability. Drawing on the writings of Paulo Freire (1970) and bell hooks (2000, 2003), RJE schools and classrooms work to ensure that the “vulnerable are cared for, the marginalized are included, the dignity and humanity of each person in the educational setting matters, and everyone’s needs are heard and met” (Evans & Vaandering, 2016, p. 68).


            The philosophical base for the teacher education program is further informed by the theory of constructivism. Constructivism is a ubiquitous term that represents both a theoretical position and a set of instructional principles. For example, Fosnot’s (1996) understanding of constructivism is primarily theoretical, driven by a post-structuralist understanding of psychological theory that “construes learning as an interpretive, recursive, building process by active learners interacting with the physical and social world” (p. 30). Henderson’s notion of constructivism, by contrast, represents a more pedagogical understanding, viewing constructivist instruction as “any deliberate, thoughtful, educational activity that is designed to facilitate students’ active understanding” (Henderson, as cited in Fosnot, 1996, p. 9). The constructivist approach taken by the EMU teacher education program seeks to integrate theory and practice, recognizing the importance of both practice grounded in theory and theory practically applied.

            While acknowledging various approaches to constructivist instruction, our conceptual framework is rooted in constructivist theory. Based on the foundational theories of both Piaget and Vygotsky, constructivists share the notion that learners are actively constructing their own understanding of concepts and are not mere recipients of knowledge that is passed along to them. While Piaget viewed this construction of knowledge as primarily occurring in the mind of the individual learner, Vygotsky (1978) emphasized the importance of social interaction in constructing knowledge. We value both perspectives and work to enhance the individual learning capacity of each student, while at the same time, acknowledging the sociocultural contexts of learning. This awareness of the “social, cultural, political embeddedness of teaching-learning is essential” (Gallagher, 2003, p. 132) and fosters the growth of transformative leaders, who not only engage in the realities of what exist but who also actively engage in social and cultural transformation.

            Consistent with Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory of learning, we view students and teachers as actively participating in a community of learners where knowledge is synergistically constructed through social interaction between all members of the learning community. In that the act of teaching cannot be distinguished from the act of learning, teachers using a constructivist approach see themselves as co-learners with their students and value the assets of each member of the learning community. While a variety of instructional approaches might be used within a constructivist framework, the primary emphasis is on student questioning, active learning, creative problem solving, and collaboration. In such learning communities, teachers and students alike take responsibility for assessing and solving problems collaboratively, not through mechanistic “cook book” recipes, but by asking, “What decisions should we be making,” “On what basis do we make these decisions,” and “What can we do to enhance learning?” 


In addition to technological proficiency and systems literacies, teaching and learning with 21st century literacy skills require collaborative and ethical community involvement. Our candidates will teach in educational climates that are changing. As Roth (2011) describes, "The context of our work is constantly changing, which requires communities to adapt and change in response. This means that healthy communities will always need to balance the inevitable diversity of individual difference and the constant reality of change with a deeper sense of coherence and a shared commitment to a larger whole" (p. 105). Understanding teaching as praxis involves posing and solving problems within communities and across cultural differences in a changing world. As candidates reflectively attend to deeply held and shared values, they must also be responsive to group dynamics in classrooms and in collegial groups. Such skills are not new to the demands of teaching, yet the dynamic nature of change, global community, and sustainability in the current era of education increase the value of a diverse range of teaching and learning literacies.  EMU’s candidates are teachers and learners who will employ a wide range of 21st century literacies to meet and adapt to a changing world.

Approved by COTE May 14, 2019References