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Institutional effectiveness is the term used at Eastern Mennonite University to refer to the collection of processes and policies that together assure that the university is successful in achieving its mission and vision and meeting the needs of its stakeholders (students, employees, as well as the churches and communities it serves). Institutional effectiveness might just as easily be viewed as a widely-held commitment to continuous improvement on the part of all areas of the university.

Planning at EMU takes place at a variety of levels within the organization. All planning simultaneously informs and is shaped by the university’s strategic plan. A formal strategic planning process is undertaken every three years, and concludes with an updated three-year plan for the institution. The three-year plan is adjusted as-needed between major updates. Each year departments and programs within the university develop or revise their own multi-year plans, all of which are linked to the priorities of the university’s three-year plan.

Assessment efforts at EMU are built around student learning outcomes and operational outcomes that academic programs and departments articulate. Each year, faculty and staff review data according to their own assessment cycles. The findings from assessment work inform plans for growth and improvement. Additionally, program review cycles provide an opportunity for more in-depth review of program effectiveness, viability and future direction.

Institutional Effectiveness Policy

In order to ensure the EMU’s commitment to principles of continuous improvement, based on a systematic and documented process of assessing institutional performance with respect to mission in all aspects of the institution, the university as a whole and its various programs and services engage in the following processes:

  1. The university maintains a strategic plan that articulates priorities aligned with its mission, vision and values.
  2. The university annually develops an operating budget which is approved by the board of trustees.
  3. All operational units (i.e., programs, departments, offices, etc.) maintain annual plans that are aligned with the university’s three-year priorities.
  4. All academic programs, and academic and student services identify expected outcomes, assess the extent to which these outcomes are achieved, and provide evidence of seeking improvement based on analysis of assessment results.
  5. All administrative support services identify expected outcomes and demonstrate the extent to which the outcomes are achieved.
  6. The university engages in annual review of its performance vis-a-vis the goals of the strategic plan as well as the specific goals of the various operating units.

These processes inform decision-making at all levels and provide a sound basis for budgetary decisions and resource allocations.

Guiding Principles for Institutional Effectiveness

Lest they devolve into bureaucratic exercises, EMU’s institutional effectiveness processes should be participative, flexible and responsive, relevant, and closely linked to university planning. To this end, we strive to maintain an institutional effectiveness framework that adheres to these principles:

  • Sustainability - Our institutional effectiveness processes must be sustainable at the department/program and institutional levels (i.e., they can be maintained at a high level of quality with the resources available)
  • Focus is important, and authentic improvement takes time; the framework should facilitate the implementation of a variety of improvements that will be at a variety of points in a process at a given time (i.e., we needn’t attempt to improve all aspects of our programs simultaneously)
  • A Spirit of Inquiry - The system should foster a spirit of inquiry and continuous improvement, not compliance; it should serve as the means by which we hold ourselves accountable to our own aspirations. Annual focus should be on straightforward, key questions:
    • What were your outcomes for this year? (Which ones were you focusing on?)
    • How were you measuring those outcomes?
    • What were your goals with regard to those measures?
    • How did you do at achieving your goals, and what will you do differently in the future in light of that?
  • Support - The campus should be supported in its assessment work through professional development, training and one-on-one help; in the academic areas, institutional effectiveness/assessment should be tightly linked to faculty development

PACE - Planning & Assessment Cycle at EMU

PACE is the process which facilitates the implementation of the university’s institutional effectiveness policy. The PACE process relies on a web-based system, Strategic Planning Online (SPOL) that tracks planning objectives, division- and institution-level priorities, student learning outcomes, operational outcomes, and much of the data associated with assessment of these elements.

PACE - Planning

University Strategic Plan

EMU uses a three-year time horizon for its strategic plan, making minor adjustments as needed for the plan’s second and third years based on campus input and environmental considerations.

Strategic Planning Process

The three-year plan is developed via the focused work of a representative six- to eight-member task force over a six- to nine-month participatory process. The task force gathers input from key campus constituencies via surveys, focus groups and interviews. This input is combined with an environmental scan in order to develop university priorities for the next three years.

The strategic planning task force is comprised as follows:

  • President
  • Provost
  • Faculty senate representatives (x2)
  • Staff advisory council representative
  • Staff supervisory council representative
  • Student life representative
  • Student government association representative
  • VP for Institutional Effectiveness & Planning, chair/facilitator

Though the specifics of the planning process will be adapted as needed for each cycle, the basic planning process may include all or some portion of the following steps:

  1. Initial constituent input, (likely surveys and/or focus groups) including but not limited to: students (via SGA), faculty (via faculty senate), staff and administrators (via staff advisory council and staff supervisory council), parents (via parents council), alumni and donors (via targeted survey), board of trustees, and president’s second century advisory council.
  2. Task force synthesis and environmental scan - task force assembles constituent input, articulating key themes; members also review high-level information regarding patterns and trends in EMU’s operating environment (local, state and national trends, changes in Mennonite constituencies, etc.)
  3. Processing with president’s cabinet - president’s cabinet reviews key themes in focused planning session, providing task force with input to shape emerging priorities
  4. Task force develops preliminary priorities - based on constituent input and president’s cabinet guidance, task for articulates preliminary priorities
  5. Board of trustees review of preliminary priorities - Board of trustees reviews preliminary priorities and offers guidance to further refine and shape the plan
  6. General campus comment period - The preliminary priorities are posted for the campus community to review and comment; feedback forwarded to task force; group discussions hosted as applicable (e.g., staff advisory council, faculty assembly, SGA, staff supervisor’s council, etc.)
  7. Task force finalizes strategic plan - Task force assembles all feedback and finalizes the plan’s priorities

At the conclusion of the process, the task force forwards its recommended strategic plan to the president’s cabinet for approval. Finally, the plan is approved by the board of trustees.

Strategic Plan Implementation

Upon approval, each of the plan’s priorities is assigned to a cabinet member who serves as its point person. As point person for a priority, the cabinet member will coordinate efforts across the university in support of the priority. The point person is responsible for developing a measurement and evaluation plan for the priority (metrics, data collection plan, etc.) in collaboration with the institutional research office. Each year the point person is responsible for preparing a progress report to the president and board of trustees for the priority.

Annual reports on each of the strategic plan priorities are completed over the summer, distributed to campus in the early part of the fall semester, inform the president’s annual report, and are included for review by the board of trustees at its November (annual general) meeting.

As reports are being completed each summer, the president’s cabinet also formally considers whether adjustments to the plan are necessary based on internal or environmental considerations. Any adjustments to plan are shared with the campus community at the opening of the fall semester.

In the third year of the plan, the president’s cabinet convenes a new strategic planning task force to begin preparing the next three-year plan.

Academic Program and Administrative Department Planning Timeline

Each year, individual academic programs and administrative departments engage in a localized planning process that considers two academic/fiscal years simultaneously and consists of the following components:

  • Fall: refine and sharpen plans for the year underway
  • Spring: develop high level plans and associated program/curriculum, staffing and or budget requests for the next year in conjunction with the budget process facilitated by the VP for Finance
  • Spring/summer: evaluate progress on plans for the year coming to an end; use findings to refine/sharpen plans for the year beginning in fall

Program- and department-level plans are, whenever possible, directly linked to university strategic plan priorities in the planning system (SPOL). Point persons for strategic priorities are responsible to review and coordinate efforts across the university linked to their priority/ies.

During the academic year, supervisors of academic program directors and administrative unit heads check-in on a regular basis regarding the status of planning objectives of the various academic and administrative units. These updates can be recorded in SPOL to facilitate ease of end-of-year and strategic planning reporting.

Each summer, deans and VPs review progress reports from their academic programs and administrative departments and provide feedback to inform future direction. VP review of program/department progress reports also inform the PACE Executive Summaries (further described below) they prepare for the president and for the board of trustees annual general meeting each November.

Annual Budget Process

Each year in December the chief financial officer kicks off the formal process for development of the university operating budget and capital expenditure priorities for the next fiscal year. Prior to this formal launch, academic programs and administrative departments can begin preparation of budget requests and capital requests. These requests will likely have emerged through the program’s/department’s local planning processes, and can be submitted via the planning system (SPOL).

The basic sequence of the annual budget process is as follows:

  1. Fall - programs and departments develop budget and capital requests independently, based on their local planning; these requests are submitted via the SPOL planning module
  2. November - Board of trustees set tuition for next fiscal/academic year
  3. December - Chief financial officer distributes budget parameters and templates to budget managers
  4. January - President’s cabinet members receive budget requests from their respective budget managers; Cabinet members review and forward budget requests to CFO. Submissions include: operating budget requests (including new positions or FTE), capital requests, and discretionary step requests for staff.
  5. February - President’s cabinet reviews preliminary budget
  6. February-March - As needed, additional round of revised request submissions from budget managers
  7. March - Presentation of preliminary budget outlook to board of trustees
  8. April-June - Ongoing revision of budget as needed
  9. June - As needed, presentation of revised budget outlook to board of trustees
  10. September-October - CFO, VPs, budget managers involved as necessary to adjust budget based on actual fall enrollment numbers and revised future budget projections
  11. November - Final approval of budget by board of trustees

PACE - Assessment

Outcomes Assessment is the means by which the university’s programs and departments hold themselves accountable to their own aspirations. The SACSCOC principles of accreditation offer helpful guidance with regard to the scope and nature of the university’s assessment efforts.

Academic programs and services maintain student learning objectives that describe the knowledge, skills, and attitudes/responsibilities/dispositions their graduates will demonstrate upon program completion. Section 8 of the 2018 SACSCOC principles articulates the following requirements:

8.2 The institution identifies expected outcomes, assesses the extent to which it achieves these outcomes, and provides evidence of seeking improvement based on analysis of the results in the areas below:

  • Student learning outcomes for each of its educational programs
  • Student learning outcomes for collegiate-level general education competencies of its undergraduate degree programs
  • Academic and student services that support student success

Particularly important in the SACSCOC language above is the requirement that programs “[provide] evidence of seeking improvement based on analysis of … results.” The PACE process and the tools of SPOL are designed to scaffold this work and support departments in maintaining relevant data and documenting their efforts.

Administrative departments must likewise articulate the expected outcomes of administrative support services. Section 7 of the 2018 SACSCOC principles articulates the following requirements:

7.3 The institution identifies expected outcomes of its administrative support services and demonstrates the extent to which the outcomes are achieved.

It is worth noting that the SACSCOC principles do not here require that administrative departments provide evidence of seeking improvement. Administrative support services may find success in having articulated standards of service and consistently achieving them. 

See Appendix 1 for lists of EMU’s academic programs and services and its administrative departments.

Assessment Timeline and Data Collection Cycles

The outcomes assessment work of academic programs and administrative departments will generally take place late in the academic/fiscal year. By design, this work should be completed prior to taking up planning work for the upcoming and future years and can inform budget requests and planning objectives for the program or department. A basic timeline:

  • Fall Semester - Collection of data from fall courses/activities as per program/department assessment cycle requirements; survey administration per university survey calendar
  • Spring Semester - Collection of data from fall courses/activities as per program/department assessment cycle requirements; survey administration per university survey calendar
  • April - September - Window for data analysis and outcomes assessment reporting in SPOL
  • Summer - Collection of data from summer courses/activities as needed
  • August - September Develop assessment follow-up planning objectives for upcoming year to seek improvement in student learning on the basis of assessment findings

It is important to note that programs and departments need not collect and analyze data for each of its outcomes every year. The program/department may develop a multi-year (ideally 2-4 year) cycle over which it assesses each of its outcomes. Such a cycle allows for data collection over multiple years, and allows programs/departments to to provide more focused attention on a subset of their outcomes in any given year.

PACE - Executive Reporting

At the conclusion of each academic year (usually over the summer and the early fall), deans and vice presidents prepare a PACE Executive Summary for the school or division. The executive summary is based on the dean’s or vice president’s review of their program/departmental activities (i.e., planning and assessment results). The 2-5 page summary addresses the following points:

  1. Strengths identified through review of the assessment results/data
  2. Challenges identified  through review of the assessment results/data
  3. Report on changes made based on analysis of assessment results
  4. Key accomplishments in the school or division identified through review of planning results

In addition to the PACE Executive Summaries prepared by VPs and deans, the VP for Institutional Effectiveness prepares annually a University-Wide PACE Report. This report highlights:

  1. Program-level and departmental participation in PACE activities
  2. Assessment methodology utilization
  3. Program and departmental demonstration of “seeking improvement based on analysis of data”

This policy is under development. See the current draft available in a Google Doc.

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