Psychology Major

Psychology Major

Advisors: Ryan Thompson and Susannah Moore
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Semester Hours: 45
Admission Requirement: All students seeking to graduate with a major in psychology must achieve candidacy with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher in order to be accepted into their senior year. Psychology students must maintain that GPA through the senior year. Students are also expected to submit a resume, complete a practice GRE, and participate in an interview conducted by department faculty at the start of their senior year.

A bachelor's degree in psychology prepares the student for employment in a wide variety of fields in addition to careers in the helping professions. The psychology curriculum also provides solid preparation for graduate work in counseling, clinical psychology, experimental psychology, and occupational therapy.

Career Concentrations in:

Accelerated Program - BS in Psychology to MA in Counseling: The accelerated program is a collaboration between EMU's undergraduate department of psychology and the graduate program in counseling. The program is designed to provide exceptional students the opportunity to apply to the MA in Counseling program during their junior year. If accepted into the MA in Counseling program, such students can earn a BS in psychology and an MA in Counseling through a five-year curriculum.

Required Courses (45 SH) 

  • PSYC 101 General Psychology - 3 
  • PSYC 202 Developmental Psychology -
  • PSYC 203 Developmental Case Study -
  • PSYC 221 Social Psychology - 3 
  • PSYC 231 Applied Behavior Analysis - 3 
  • PSYC 311 Psychological Design and Analysis - 3 
  • PSYC 331 Abnormal Psychology - 3 
  • PSYC 341 Cognitive Psychology - 3 
  • PSYC 361 Theories of Personality - 3 
  • PSYC 441 Teaching of Psychology - 1 
  • PSYC 472 Research in Psychology - 2 
  • PSYC 473 Research in Psychology-Applied - 2 
  • PSYC 482 Psychology Internship I - 2 
  • PSYC 483 Psychology Internship II - 2 
  • STAT 120 Descriptive Statistics - 2 
  • Choose three of the following courses:
    • PSYC 301 Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships - 3
    • *PSYC 351 Positive Psychology-Theory Applications - 3 
    • *PSYC 380-385 Topics in Psychology - 3 
    • PSYC 391 Introduction to Counseling -
    • *PSYC 431 Psychological Testing and Assessment - 3 
    • *PSYC 451 Neuropsychology - 3 
    • PSYC 499 Independent Study - 1-3 

* indicates the course is offered in alternate years

All courses required for the psychology major must be passed with a C- or better.

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