History, major

History, major

Contact: Mary Sprunger
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Semester Hours: 33

Boldly challenging yourself to understand history–where we have been as a culture and a country–can help you change the future and advocate for a better world. At EMU, studying history is about more than just learning dates and events. Rather, it is an exploration of how people lived in particular times and places–in both national and global contexts. We encourage our majors to move beyond classroom learning with eye-opening cross-cultural experiences and resume-building internships at the Washington Community Scholar's Center for real-world understanding and first-hand knowledge about how politics and culture shape history.

Required Courses (18 SH)

  • HIST 101 US History I-Race and Reason (to 1860) (2) 

  • HIST 102 US History II-Mechanization and Modernization (1860-1918) (2) 

  • HIST 103 US History III-Power and Paradox (1918-present) (2) 

  • HIST 121 Global Past I-Civilization (to 1400) (2) 

  • HIST 122 Global Past II-Modernization (post-1400) (2) 

  • HIST 123-126 Global Past III-Comparative Themes (2) 

  • HUM 200 Foundations of Humanities (2) 

  • HUM 490 Seminar in Humanities (4) 

Electives (15 SH)
Choose 15 SH of HIST, HUM, or CCHIS courses or courses from this list: 

  • *HIST 222 African American History (3) 

  • *HIST 231 Medieval Europe (3) 

  • *HIST 251 History of Africa (3) 

  • *HIST 312 19th Century America, A Novel History (3) 

  • *HIST 321 Modernizing America, 1870-1940 (3) 

  • HIST 340-345 Topics in History and Gender (3) 

  • *HIST 352 History of Women-Global Perspectives (3) 

  • *HIST 362 Renaissance and Reformation Europe (3) 

  • *HIST 365 Mennonite History and Thought (3) 

  • *HIST 391 Birth of Modernity in Europe (3) 

  • *HIST 411 The History of Recent America (4) 

  • *HIST 432 History of the Middle East (3) 

  • HIST 435 Martyrs, Merchants and Mendicants-1500 Years of the Christian Movement (3) 

  • HIST 441 History Internship (1-3) 

  • *HIST 461 Modern Europe-1800 to Present (3) 

  • HUM 330-335 Topics in Humanities (3) 

  • HUM 420-425 Tutorial (3-4)

  • *PPX 371 Peace and Security in East Asia (3) 

  • SPAN 303 Dictatorships and Social Movements (taught in Spanish) OR SPAN 425 Indigenous Peoples and Conquest (taught in Spanish) (3) 

* indicates the course is offered in alternate years

Majors are strongly encouraged to divide their courses among various regions and periods. In addition, majors contemplating graduate study in history are advised to acquire a high level of proficiency in at least one foreign language. It is also strongly suggested that majors do both a semester long cross-cultural and the WCSC program.

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