Data Analytics, minor
Semester Hours: 19
Required Courses (14 SH)
CS 155 Programming in Python - 2
CS 265 Database - 2
CS 460 Big Data Analysis - 4
STAT 220 Inferential Statistics - 2
STAT 133 Data visualization - 2
STAT 230 Regression and ANOVA - 2
Electives (5 SH)
Choose from the following:
*BIOL 395 Bioinformatics - 2
BUAD 301 Quantitative Decision Making - 3
CIS 321 Advanced Spreadsheet - 1
CS 145 Introduction to Programming - 2
*ENVS 205 Environmental Applications of GIS - 3
*ENGR 245 Experimental Methods - 3
FIN 440 Financial Management - 3
*MATH 350 Linear Algebra - 3
MKTG 311 Marketing Research - 3
STAT 120 Descriptive Statistics - 2
VACA 142 Graphic Design I - 2
VACA 242 Graphic Design II - 2
* indicates the course is offered in alternate years
Note: Students completing the minor must earn at least 3 credits from the Electives list that are beyond those required for their major.