MUED 341 Elementary School Music (2-3 SH)

MUED 341 Elementary School Music (2-3 SH)

A study of the methods, materials, philosophy and objectives in the elementary school with an emphasis on child development through music. Students will experience music and musical activities suitable for children from Pre-K through grade 6 with an emphasis on appropriate motivational and teaching methods. Topics covered may include: the role of music in society and in the schools; music fundamentals; sequential and discipline based music curricula; teaching strategies; integration of music throughout the school curriculum; evaluation strategies; writing lesson plans; planning performances. Special emphasis is given to Orff and Kodaly approaches, the needs of diverse populations and the use of technology in the music classroom. Students will observe public school music teachers as part of the course and participate in a 20 hour practicum. Admission to Teacher Education may be a prerequisite. Additional fee. A two-credit option without a practicum is available for students who are not pursuing Music Education.
Core: CA, CL

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